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Why Hate The Moffatts?


People keep asking me "What do you have against the Moffatts? What did they ever do to you? Let me tell you a few things.

In a music industry already crowded with thousands of crappy boy bands, was there a need for another? It's not as though this is something they love. They started off as a counrty band, but then realized "Crap, we suck at this. Let's try pop." What if African drum music is the next big thing? Will the Moffatts jump on that bandwagon too?

And another thing, does no one see what's going on here? Think about it. How depressing is it when you're so desperate to form a little garage band, but the only people desperate enough to join are your own brothers! The Moffatts have formed a vision of themselves, deep within their greasy little minds, that they are rock stars. They dress eccentrically, think they're too good for their fans, and know fully well that are lots of teenyboppers out there just searching for a bubble gum rock group to hold up as their greasy God.

I don't know if it's gel, or just their natural greasiness (almost definitely the latter), but I have one words for you: IVORY! They seem to have missed the "Grunge is out" memo from seven years ago. I look at them, and I see a bunch of awful smelling, wannabe, dirty haired, shiny faced, squeaky voiced grease balls. I would rather wash my face with a cheese grater than listen to one more song by The Moffatts.

THAT is why I hate the Moffatts.

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