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Assignments For The SECOND Grading Period

Please check in frequently to make sure you have completed all assignments; written in your agenda & checked off assignments; and for upcoming important dates. Print this page and have parent sign at the bottom and staple to this letter will also earn +2 COUPONS.
Remember: Do A DAY homework on A DAY evening and do B DAY homework on B DAY evenings. If ever you are absent you must come in the next morning for tutoring and missed assignments. *Whenever you get a graded paper back, take time to write it on this list and keep track of your average. Remember, I have over 180 papers to grade, so some assignments will probably not be graded within a week's time.*

(HW) = homework grade
(MG) = major grade = 40%
all others plus HW grades add up to 60% of the report card grade. In High School, these percentage are opposite.

Week One and Two and Three

Week Four and Five and Six

Week Seven and Eight and Nine