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Hey, I hardly have any time to get online because of school, so please bare with me.....I will update every possible chance I get! Thanks.

This is a message for people who have Yahoo Messanger: My sister owns Jaizie's Yahoo Skins where she makes skins (backgrounds) for Yahoo Messangers or Pagers. And I made her make one for Michael Fredo!! So you can go to her page and download the Michael Fredo skin. Once you get it downloaded, message me at Crunked_kell and let me know what you think!!

It's finally out!!! Wahooooooooooo!!!!!! **Jump for joy!** Go get Michael's debut album "Introducing MICHAEL FREDO"!!

Anyways, thanks for coming to my Michael Fredo Galaxy!! I talk to Michael on the phone every once in a while and he is soooon nice!! So expect my page to have good stuff about him!! Just to let you guys know, Michael is super duper cool!!

Go VOTE for Michael's new video "This Time Around"! It's a GREAT video and well worth seeing on TRL the next 65 days!! So once you get done looking at my page, sign my guestbook and let me know what you think, then you can go VOTE for Michael! LoL, Just Kidding! But, I really would appreciate it if you would sign my guestbook for me! Thanks a bunch!

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