This website is dedicated to Mississippi homeschoolers. It is designed to entertain, inform, and, most of all, to encourage young writers to greater heights of creativity.
Writing is an ideal way to express your feelings and expand your creativity. With a few strokes of the keyboard, you can uphold truth, denounce injustice, or simply make someone laugh. Here is the opportunity to do it!
At this site, you can submit poetry, short stories, essays, personality sketches, humor, anything you think others would be interested in -- just as long as it is your own work. There is NO AGE limit. If you can read and write, you're welcome here.
Write your thoughts about SUMMER and submit it! Winners will be chosen SEPTEMBER 30, 1998 and prizes will be awarded.
- Anything about SUMMER
- Any form you like (poem, short story, reflections, whatever you want to say)
- No more than 300 words
- The word "SUMMER" must be used in your TITLE, but does not need to be the only word.
- Email address must be included on SUBMIT FORM for winner notification.
Recipe for Miracles
- 1 part of knowing who you are
- 1 part of knowing who you aren't
- 1 part of knowing what you want
- 1 part of knowing who you wish to be
- 1 part of knowing what you already have before you
- 1 part of choosing wisely from what you have before you
- 1 part of loving & thanking God for ALL you have ("bad" included)
Combine ingredients together gently and carefully, using faith and vision. Mix together with strong belief of the outcome until finely blended. Use thoughts, words and actions for best results.
Bake until Blessed. Give thanks again.
Yield: Unlimited servings
Author Unknown
Last site update: August 8, 1998
CONTEST Is on! Send us your stories. Sponsors welcome! So, if you know anyone you think might be interested in becoming a sponsor (willing to donate anything to the CAUSE!), tell them about us. More later.
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