Dr. Christian Perring
Philosophy and Religious Studies Dowling College Winter 2000 CRN: 24209 |
Class Time: MTWR 10.30am-12.50pm
Classroom: 309 RC |
E-mail: cperring@bigfoot.com
Web page: https://www.angelfire.com/ms/perring/asc128.html Office: 330A Racanelli Center Office Hours MTW 12.50-1.30 pm Phone: 244-3349 |
![]() Flesh of My Flesh, edited by Gregory Pence |
![]() Improving Nature, by Michael Reiss and Roger Straughan |
![]() Living with Our Genes, by Dean Hamer and Peter Copeland |
Date |
Class Material |
3 | Introduction and outline of course. | IN Ch 1 | ||
4 | Basic Scientific Info, The Human Genome Project | IN Ch 2 | ||
5 | Basic Ethical Theory | IN Ch 3 | ||
6 | ![]() |
LOG Ch 1 | ||
10 | Genetic Predisposition to Illness and Addiction | Journal 1 | LOG Ch 4 |
11 | Parental Control of Their Children's Character | IN Ch 8 |
12 | Human Cloning | Test 1 | FMF: Chs1, 5, 11 |
13 | Intelligence, Retardation, and Eugenics | LOG Ch 6 |
17 | The Genetic Engineering of Plants and Animals for Human Benefit | Journal 2, First paper draft due | IN Chs 6 & 7 |
18 | Religious Views about Genetic Engineering; More on Parents' Control of Their Children's Character | IN Ch 4;FMF Ch 3 |
19 | More on Human Cloning | FMF Chs 2, 6, 13 |
20 | More on Eugenics and Retardation | Journal 3 |
24 | Confidentiality of Genetic Information | Take Home Test Given |
25 | Criminality and Genetics | LOG 3 |
26 | Take Home Test Due |
27 | Mental Illness | Journal 4; Final paper draft due |
% of grade | Work |
10% | Attendance: You are allowed to miss one class without excuse. For each extra class you miss without documented excuse, you lose 3%. This grade can go into the negative! |
5% | Class participation. You should be an active member of class, doing the reading ahead of time, contributing to class discussions, and letting me know if you do not understand so I can explain ideas further. |
5% | Journals. These should be about 300-500 words, discussing your concerns about the class, ideas and questions that occur to you in class that you don’t have the opportunity to raise, personal reflections on the issues we discuss, or any other feedback relevant to the class. They can be handwritten, typed, or e-mailed to me. They must be handed in on the day due, or will not be accepted. |
10% | Presentation.
10-15 minute presentation on a topic relevant to the class, related to
your paper topic. It is a good idea to use visual aids, such as videos,
Powerpoint, or posters. See the form that
I use to evaluate your presentation. Your presentation can, and probably
should, be related to your paper topic.
If you are comfortable doing your presentation with another person in the class, you can do a presentation together, getting the same grade. Joint presentations should be 20-30 minutes: their write-ups should be 2000-3000 words. |
10 % | Presentation Write-Up.
After giving your presentation, you also need to write it up and submit
it to me on disk or by e-mail. You need to submit it within 2 class
days of giving it. It should be about 1000-1500 words. Your
write-up should include
8% | Test 1. Short answer and multiple choice. |
17% | Test 2. Short answer and multiple choice. |
10% | Paper- Draft. (1800-2000 words, ~7-8 pages) is due Monday January 17. Must include bibliography and detailed references. |
25% | Paper - Final version. (2500-3000 words, ~10-14 pages) is due Thursday January 27. Must include bibliography and detailed references. |