Objective for this Senior Seminar: This is an interdisciplinary class with an emphasis on student research. You will learn about some different aspects of death and dying in different cultures in the US and around the world. The class will include psychology, anthropology, sociology, history, ethics, philosophy, and medicine. You will also have the opportunity to integrate theoretical perspectives with your own personal experience. This is a seminar, and while I am the seminar leader, it should be a learning experience where we all gain from each other’s knowledge. It is important for you to be ready to enter into discussion about issues with each other, especially when they are controversial. Never simply say "we are all entitled to our own opinions" and leave it at that: a fundamental assumption of this seminar is that we can question each other and should show readiness to question our own beliefs.Spring 2000: ASC 183 Issues of Mortality in Cultural Context
Dr. Christian Perring E-mail: cperring@bigfoot.com Office Room: 330 A Racanelli Center Class Room: Office Hours: T 4.30-5.30 PM Class Hours: T 530-810PM Office Phone: 631-244-3349 Class Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/ms/perring/asc183.html Course LinksBooks:
The Last Dance, Fifth Edition![]()
Dying, Death, and Bereavement
For guidelines about my policies concerning written work, late work, make-ups, grading policy, and some terminology, see my guidelines page.
% of grade | Work |
10% | Attendance: You are allowed to miss one class without excuse. For each extra class you miss without documented excuse, you lose 2%. This grade can go into the negative! |
4% | Class participation. You should be an active member of class, doing the reading ahead of time, contributing to class discussions, and letting me know if you do not understand so I can explain ideas further. |
6% | Journals. 6, approximately one every two weeks. These should be about 300-500 words, discussing your concerns about the class, ideas and questions that occur to you in class that you don’t have the opportunity to raise, personal reflections on the issues we discuss, or any other feedback relevant to the class. They can be handwritten, typed, or e-mailed to me. |
10% | Presentation.
10-15 minute presentation on a topic relevant to the class, related to
your paper topic. It is a good idea to use visual aids, such as videos,
Powerpoint, or posters. See the form that
I use to evaluate your presentation. Your presentation can, and probably
should, be related to your paper topic.
If you are comfortable doing your presentation with another person in the class, you can do a presentation together, getting the same grade. Joint presentations should be 20-30 minutes: their write-ups should be 2000-3000 words. |
10 % | Presentation Write-Up.
After giving your presentation, you also need to write it up and submit
it to me on disk or by e-mail. You need to submit it within a week
of giving it. It should be about 1000-1500 words. Your write-up
should include
25% | 5 Take Home Tests: Short answer and multiple choice |
10% | Paper- Draft. (2000-2500 words, ~8-10 pages). Must include bibliography and detailed references. Your paper can use information from your presentation, but it is essential that it go beyond a summary of information. Your paper must discuss some aspect of the meaning of death in our society, so it must be reflective and thoughtful. |
25% | Paper - Final version. (3000-4000 words, ~12-16 pages). Must include bibliography and detailed references. |
Week | Topic | Presentation | Work to be done | Reading |
Feb 1 | Introduction | Outline of course. | Personal Information Sheet to be completed, give preferences for focuses of course. | |
Feb 8 | Grief and Preparing for Death | Listen
to selections from The Disappearance on the This
American Life website. "Where Words Fail," November 5, 1999,
Episode 144. Real Audio![]() |
LD Ch 7 & 11; DDB 2 | |
Feb 15 | The Funeral Industry | Representative of Branch Funeral Home will talk to the class. | Test 1 given out | LD Ch 8; DDB 5, 27, 32 |
Feb 29 | Organ Transplants and the Definition of Death | Organ Transplants and the Definition of Death: Visiting Speaker | Journal Due, Test 1 Due | LD Ch 5, pp 172-4, Ch 6, pp 211-220, Ch 9, pp 317-320; DDB 8 |
Mar 7 | How We Think About Death | Michael Kozlowsky: Death in the Media | Test 2 due; Training on using Internet Resources | LD chs 1 & 3; DDB 2 |
Mar 14 | Youth and Death: Psychotherapy | Kristine
Gartner: Teenagers and Death
Marriellen Mattei: Young Children and Death Kristy Sciortino: Grief Counselors |
Journal due | LD Ch 10; DDB 9, 10, 31, 33 |
Mar 21 | Science and the Afterlife; Death in Other Cultures | Patricia
Arenas: Evidence for Life After Death
Michael Capobianco: Egyptian Pyramids Dave Muse: Death and Mourning in Other Cultures |
Test 3 due | LD Ch 2 & 14; DDB 15, 29 |
Mar 28 | The Right to Refuse Life-Saving Treatment; Ending One's Own Life | Patrick
Consalvas: Assisted Suicide in NY: Legal Issues
Rebecca Goldstein: Dr Jack Kevorkian: Hero or Villain? Maureen Heller: Self-Help in Avoiding Suicide Karen Walters: Suicide Prevention: How to Help Others |
Must finalize paper topic; Journal due | LD Ch 5, Ch 6, pp 191-211; DDB 4, 11, 14, 25 |
Apr 4 | Suicide | Jean
McGrath: Is Suicide Ever Rational?
Tania Nagel: Hospitalizing the Suicidal: Legal and Ethical Issues Janeen Poska: Suicide Education in Schools and College Melissa Reynolds: Mass Suicide |
Test 4 due; Journal due | LD Ch 9 pp 307-317, Ch 12; DDB 13, 17, 18, 26 |
Apr 11 | Other Cultures; Cemeteries | John
Kent: Death
and Mourning in Japanese Culture
Sabrina Stow: Cemeteries on Long Island Joanne Troyansky: Death and Mourning in Jewish Culture |
Paper Draft Due | DDB 3, 30 |
Apr 18 | Violence and the Death Penalty | Randy Russelewicz: The History of the Death Penalty | Journal
Drafts returned with suggestions for revision |
LD Ch 13 |
May 2 | End of Life Care | Noreen Ryan: Nursing Homes and Hospices | Test 5 due | LD Ch 4; DDB 16, 18, 20 |
May 9 | Journal
Final paper due |
Schedules and Information from Previous Classes of ASC 183