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E-m@il me.

Now with 50% more fat and cholesterol!

Sorry, no more updates, but I am not going to shut down the site like most people do. It wil just be here until no one visits for 1 month. If you are interested in buying it or something, e-mail ma. Right now I am working on a new site
Hello and welcome to The Homer Files. Here you will find everything you ever need to know about Homer. If you don't know who he is, SHAME ON YOU! There are Over 100 pictures and sounds and every link is working. Please, if you have any questions or comments e-mail me. I don't just promise that I'll respond, but I actually will.

Don't you just hate it when you come to a good page, forget to bookmark it, and then can never go back? Well it won't happend here! The URL is easy : COME.TO/HOMERFILES

Coming up:
(4-12-98)Hopefully will fix all broken links.
(4-8-98)Major update coming up! All the headers and menu images are going to change, so The Homer Files will probably be shut down for a day or two
(3-21-98) Hopefully will find some good midis.
Best viewed with Internet Explorer 4.01, 1024 by 768 screen resolution, and 256 colors or more.

Firewire! Cool huh?
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I got it for free at

Firewire! Cool huh?

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