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Sly's Whirl

Somewhere in the clouds' swirling
hides the core of my being;
Somewhere in the world's whirling
my soul goes fleeing.
Forever in my mind's twirling
my first true love I'm seeing.

Welcome to a celebration of love and life.
These pages are dedicated to the memory of Keith H Edwards, Jr.
Loving husband and father. September 6, 1946 - April 20, 1997
and all we shared

Keith set my heart whirling when we met in March 1966
and he kept me from hurling into chaos for 31 years.

Our two children, Scott and Lisa, sent us swirling
And our dogs, D.D. and Dinky , kept us all twirling.
Come, move on into the Whirl.
Chips off the Block

Sneak a Peak at Sly's Virtual Life

Women Over 50
Sylvia's Classroom Resources
Sylvee's Place
GranGran's This N That
Mamasitta's Mansion

Table of Contents for Sly's Whirl

Email: Sly's Whirl