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Further awards granted to "Small Reflections"
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My thanks to all who visited and deemed Small Reflections worthy of recognition.
The talented creators of these awards would love to have you drop by.

Heather L. Long

Golden Globe Award of Excellence Golden Flower Award of Elegance

Xung Phung calls Small Reflections
"fantastic... very well designed!"
Please drop in for a visit. (h)

Thanks Hope!

Hope says, "...nice layout, exceptional
graphics, attractive visual appearance,
and easy to navigate". Thanks Hope!

Merci Linda. It's beautiful!

Granted to sites which have something to
say, a good overall scheme and use of graphics.

Thanks Kathie

Awarded for original, creative pages,
based on content and html design.

Thanks Lauri

site awarded for demonstrated overall
excellence; relevant blend of graphics and text,
and a proper regard for web ethics

The Fly with Eagles Award

PC Support 5 Star Award

Chris Cruikshank re-evaluates!
Small Reflections upgraded to 5 stars 01.09.98
Supplemented by PC Special Award. (h)

Proud to receive the Critical Mass Award

Awarded for good design and presentation,
and for useful, easy to navigate content.

My gratitude for this special award

Awarded to sites which benefit society
or the individual, and are informative or fun.

'We Care' Award

Awarded for creativity, overall impression,
and value to the community.

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