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Min. II (Optical Mineralogy ERSCI 3002)

Course Contents

Course Title : Optical Mineralogy
Coarse Number: ERSCI 3002

Credit Hours: 3 ( 2 Theoretical, 1 Practical) Prequesites: Crystallography & Mineralogy (Min. I)
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Sobhi Nasir

Objectives: The aim of this coarse is to study the optical properties of the rock forming minerals using the polarized light microscope. This will be of a great help during the study of igenous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. The students will gain the basic knowlege needed as well as the capability of data analysis and interpretation through lectures, reports, assignments and training on instrumentations and techniques and will be tought the scientific way of thinking and tackling problems.

Text Book:
Optical Mineralogy: Principles and Practice. Gribble, F., & Hall, A., 1992. UCL Press, 302pp.

Major References: 1- Optical Mineralogy, Kerr, P., 1977. McGraw Hill, 442 pp. 2- Mineral Optics: Principples and Techniques. Phillips, W.R., 1971. W.H. Freeman & Comp.
3- Student Guidebook for the minerals under the Microscope. Nasir, S., 1997. Colored Manual of Minerals under the Microscope.

Educational Facilities:
1- Transparency and slides
2- Computer: A software under the title "MINOPTIC" has been prepared to be used by the students.
3- Video Films: G27/VT: Minerals under the Microscope., P87/F: Polarization of light.
4- Training on thin section preparation: Include identification and reporting
5- Group teaching and lecturing by the students.

Evaluation Strategy:
1- Term Activities: 45 % of the Total and includes:
10% Quizzes, 10% Activities, 25% Laboratory , 2- Mid-Term Examination: 20 % of the Total. 3- Fina Examination: 35 % of the Total

Coarse Contents:

Part One: Mineral Optics

1- Introduction: ( 3 lectures)

- Theories of light: Wave theory, speed of light, Wave motion, Color of light. - Refraction: Snell's law, Index of refraction, Dispersion, Critical angle, Total reflection, Determination of indices of refraction by refractometer, prism and with the microscope

2- The Polarizing Microscope: ( 2 lectures)
General feature, types, optical system, parts, precaution and adjustments, orthoscopy and conoscopy.

3- Mineral Preparations for Microscopic Study: ( 1 lecture)
Types of preparation, Material used, cutting and polishing.

4- Optical Mineralogy in Ordinary light: ( 3 lectures)
Color, Shape, Form, Cleavage, Fracture, Inclusions, Index of refraction.

5- Optical Mineralogy in Plane Polarized light: ( 3 lectures)
Double refraction, Polaroid and Nicol Prism, Pleochroism, Ordinary and Extraordinary rayes, Isotropic and anisotropic minerals, Twinkling.

6- Optical Mineralogy in Crossed-polarized light: ( 3 lectures)
Interference of waves, Extinction, Interference colors, Anomuleous interference colors, Newton's scale of colors, Twinning, Zonning, Accessory plates, elongation, vibration planes.

7- Conoscopic Microscopy: ( 3 lectures)
Indicatrix, Types of interference figures, Uniaxial minerals, Biaxial minerals, Optic sign, 2-V angles, Optical orientation, dispersion of biaxial minerals.

Part Two: Applications and Mineral Descriptions (10 lectures)
8- Silicates: Tecto-silicates: Silica group, Feldspar groups, Feldspathoid Chain-silicates: Pyroxene group, Amphibole group Soro-silicates: Epidote group Ring-Silicates: Tourmaline, Beryl Neso-Silictaes: Olivine group, Garnet group, Al2SiO5-group, stuarolite Sheet-silicates: Mica-group (Muscovite, biotite, talc), chlorite group - Carbonate, Sulfates, Phosphate (apatite), Opaque minerals, spinel, rutile.

Minerals under the microscope

General pictures

Mineral pictures


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Optical Mineralogy at Brok University
Minerals under the microscope
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Minerals in thin sections
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