Personal Data
Date of Birth: 11.07.1954
Place of Birth: Rafah-Gaza Strip
Nationality: Palastenian
Marital Status: Married/ four Kids
Academic History
B.Sc. Geology & Mineralogy June 1978 Dept. of Geology Jordan
M.Sc. Mineralogy Feb. 1981 Dept. of Geology Jordan
Ph.D. Mineralogy/Geochemistry May 1986 Dept. of Mineralogy Wuerzburg Germany
Titles of Theses
Ph.D.: The metabasites of the middle crystalline Vor-spessart: Mineralogy Petrography- Geochemistry - Phase Petrology. Wuerzburg University Germany, May 1986
"Die Metabasite des mittleren kristallinen Vor-spessart: Mineralogie- Petrographie - Geochemie - Phasen Petrologie"
Professional Experience
2004-present: Professor, Department of Earth Science, Sultan Qaboos University
1996 to 2004: Professor at the University of Qatar
1992 to 1996: Department of Geology, U.A.E University; Associate Professor
1987-22 March 1992: Earth Sciences Department, Yarmouk University, Jordan.
Research Interest
Material Science, Applied Geochemistry, Applied Mineralogy, Industrial Minerals and Mineral Resources. My research interests for many years involved the evolution of the lithosphere below the Arabian plate. Specifically, I used mineralogical, geophysical and physical (Moessbauer, Magnetometer, Infra-Red) methods to determine the composition of the lithosphere in this region. My current research lie also in the Semail Ophiolite in Oman and U.A.E.
Experience with: XRF, AAS, ICP, XRD, Electron Microprobe, Mass-spectrometer and several other geochemical techniques
Honor Certificates
A- awarded by the Syrian Higher Council for Science, 1991 and 1995.
B- from the Dean of Faculty of Science, UAE University, 1996.
7 schollerships from the DAAD, Germany
Center of Enivornment friends, Qatar
Research and projects were mostly financed by Deanship of Research, Yarmouk University
Jordan (8 projects), and U. A. E. University (one project), Sultan Qaboos University 3 project including one his Magesty grant
Sommer 1991, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2007 DAAD-Scholarships (three months each)
Sommer 1993: Carnegie Institution of Washington (DTM) Scholarship, USA
Membership in Scientific and professional Societies :
a- German Mineralogical Society (DMG) (Member).
b- New York Academy of Science (Member)
c- Alfred-Wagner-Stiftung
d- American Geophysical Union (AGU)
e- International Association of structural/tectonic Geologists (IASTG)
Teaching Activities
Courses: General Geology, Mineralogy and crystallography, Optical Mineralogy, Igneous and Metamorphic petrology, Geochemistry, Economic Geology, Industrial Minerals, Ore Minerals, Phase Petrology, Adanced Mineralogy, Advanced igneous and metamorphic rocks, Isotope Geology, Research Project, Seminar, Geology of Jordan.
unpublished software:
Graduate Studies : 9 Master degree, Co-Supervision of a PhD student Qatar University-Southampton University
- Research Projects:
Diamond potentiality within the Late Jurassic Kimberlites of Eastern Oman
Listwaenite of Oman
The Arabian lithosphere
Member of committee of reseach project on the raw materials in the UAE and on the sand dunes around Al Ain City, UAE
Research project on the kidney stones in Qatar
The suboceanic carbonatites of the Semail Ophiolite
Gold Placers in the Hofuf Formation
Editorial Board and reviewing scientific articles
1- Editorial board for the Yarmouk Magazine (1990-1991)
2- Advisory board for an International Book " Coal" (1992)
3- Editorial board of Al-Manhal Magaziem, PDO-Oman
4- Reviewing article for the J. of Faculty of Science, U.A.E. University
5- Reviewing several scientific articles for Lithos, Computer and Geoscience, J. African Earth Sci., J. Asian Earth Sci., Int. J. Atmosphereic Res., Int. J. Polution., J. Abhath Al-Yarmouk Journal, Dirasat, Naturwissenschaften, Internat. J. Environmental Sci., J. Of Qatar Uni. J. UAE Uni. and promotion of several staffmembers.
1- Chairman of the organizing committee of the international symposium on the geodynamic development of the Arabian lithosphere, 24-30 August, 1991.
2- Organizing committee of the international workshop on Geological Education. U.A.E. Univeristy, 3-6 March 1996.
3- Organizing committee of the workshop on modern education techniques. Faculty of Sciences, 19-20 December 1995.
4- Member on the Workshop on Energy Strategy in the Eslamic World (UAE University 1993)
5- Memeber in the Workshop on Reaching to Information (UAE University, 1994)
1-Al-Rawas, A., Nasir, S., Gismelseed, A., (2008) 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy study of phlogopite megacrysts from an evolved carbonatitic kimberlite in the northeastern Oman Mountains. Hyperfine Interaction 186, 147-151
2-Worthing, M., Nasir, S. (2008): Cambro-Ordovician potassic (alkaline) magmatism in central Oman: Petrological and geochemical constraints on petrogenesis. Lithos 106, 25-38
3-Nasir, S., Al-Saad, H., Al-Saiygh, A., Weidlich O. (2008): Petrology and mineralogy of the Hurmoz Dolomite: Constrains from the Shraouh and Halul Islands, Qatar. Asian J. Earth Sci. 33, 357-365 (Elsevier)
4-Al-Sayigh, A., Nasir, S. Steven N., Schulpe A. (2008): The first record of Arsinoitherium from Oman: Paleogeographic implication. Palaeoworld 17, 41-46. (Elsevier) (corresponding author)
5-Nasir, S., Al-Saiygh, A., Safarjalani, A., (2007): Sedimentology of the Hofuf Formation, Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. N. Jahrb for Geologie und Pal. Abh. 243, 325-342. (Schweizerbarth, Germany)
6-Nasir, S., Al Harthy, A., Al Sayigh, A., Al-Khirbash, S., Al-Jaaidi,, O, Musllam, A., Al-Mishwat, A, Al-Bu’saidi, S. (2007): Mineralogical and geochemical characterization of listwaenite from the Semail Ophiolite, Oman. Chemie der Erde (Geochemistry) 67, 213-228 (Elsevier)
7-Nasir, S. Rawas, A. (2006): Moesbauer characterization of upper mantle ferrikaersutite. Amer. Min. 91, 1163-1193 (GSA, USA)
8-Nasir,, S., Al-Saiygh , A., Al Harthy, A., Lazki, A. (2006): Geochemistry and petrology of Tertiary volcanic rocks and related ultramafic xenoliths from the central and eastern Oman Mountains. Lithos, Vol 90/3-4 pp 249-270 (Elsevier)
9-Dill, H.G. R. Botz, R., Z. Berner, Z., D. Stüben, D., Nasir S., and H. Al-Saad, H., (2005). Sedimentary facies, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the sulphate-bearing Miocene Dam Formation in Qatar. Sed. Geology, 174/1-2, 63-96 (Elsevier)
10- Al-Mishwat, A. Nasir, S. (2004): Composition of the lower crust of the Arabian Plate: a xenoliths perspective. Lithos 72, 45-72 (Elsevier)
11-Nasir, S. (2004): Identification of high quality limestone in some part of the State of Qatar for industrial uses. J. Industrial Cooperation in the Arabian Gulf 95, 20-48
12- Nasir, S. (2004): Chemistry and mineralogy of cement and cement raw materials in the Arabian Gulf region: Examples from the United Arab Emirates. J. Industrial Cooperation in the Arabian Gulf 94, 31-50.
13- Sadooni, F., Al-Saad, H., and Nasir, S. (2004): Halul and Sharouh islands, offshore Qatar: remnants of the great Infracambrian Hormuz salt basin. Carbonate and Evaporite 19; 149-149 (USA)
14- Al-Safarjalani, A., Nasir, S., Moutym N. (2004) Petrographical and geochemical study of basic and ultrabasic xenoliths associating the Quaternary alkali basalts of the Shamah volcanic fields (southwest Syria). Scientific Journal of King Faisal University, 5/1;1-41
15-Nasir, S , Hamad Al-Saad, Abdul Razak Al-Sayigh , Abdul Rahman Al-Harthy ِ (2003). Ferricretes of the Early Tertiary Dammam Formation in the Dukhan Area, Western Qatar: mineralogy, geochemistry and environment of deposition Qatar J. Science, 23, 55-70
16-Nasir, S., Al-Saad, H., Sadooni, F. (2003): Chronostratigraphy and geochemical characterization of volcanic rocks from the Hormuz Complex: constraints from the Halul Island, the State of Qatar. N. Jb. Geol. Palaeont. Abh. 230, 49-66 (Schweizerbart, Germany)
17- Dill, H., Nasir, S., Al-Saad, H. (2003): Lithological and structural evolution of the northern sector of the Dukhan Anticline, Qatar, during the early Tertiary: With special reference to bounding surfaces of sequence stratigraphical relevance. GeoArabia 8/2, 201-226
18-Nasir, S., Hanna, S., Al-Hajari, S., (2003): The Petrogenetic Association of Carbonatite and Alkaline Magmatism: Constrains from the Masfut- Rawda Ridge, Northern Oman Mountains. Mineralogy & Petrology 77:235-258 (Springer, Wien)
19-Al-Saad, H., Nasir, S., Sadooni, F., Al-Sharhan, A. (2002): Stratigraphy and sedimentlogy of the Hofuf Formation in the State of Qatar in relation to the tectonic evolution of the East Arabian Block. N. Jb. Geol. Pal. Abh. 7:426-448 (Schweizerbart, Stuttgart)
20-Sadiq A., Nasir S. (2002): Middle-Miocene Karst evolution in the State of Qatar, Arabian Gulf. Jounral of Cave and Karst Science, 64/2: 132-139 (USA). (corresponding author)
21-Nasir, S., and Safarjalni, A. (2000): Lithospheric petrology beneath the northern part of the Arabian plate in Syria: evidence from xenoliths in alkali basalts. J. Afr. Earth Sci. 30/1:149- 168 (Elsevier)
22-Nasir, S. (1999): The Mineralogy and Chemistry of Urinary stone from the United Arab Emirates. Qatar Univ. Sci. J. 18, 189-202.
23-Nasir, S., Kassas, I., and Sadiq, A. (1999) : Mineralogy and Genesis of Heavy Minerals in Coastal Dune Sands, South Eastern Qatar. Qatar Univ. Sci. J. 19, 184-201.
24-Nasir, S. Shereef, A. Qasem, M.A., and Fattah, .T. (1999): Phyisco-chemical investigation of
urinary stone from the Arabian Gulf: examples from Qatar. Oxford Res. Forum J. 1:39-47
25-Nasir, S., & Musalem A. (1998): Schorl Tourmaline from the Khour Fakkan massif, Semail
Ophiolite. Chemie der Erde (Geochemistry). 58 :187-195 (Elsevier)
26-Nasir S., and Kelmd, R. (1998): New carbonatite occurrences within the Semail ophiolite ,
Hata transform zone, Northern Oman Mountains. J. Afr. Earth Sci. 22: 56-75 (Elsevier)
27-Nasir, S., & Okrusch, M. (1997): Metabasites from the Central Vor-Spessart, North-West
Bavaria Part 2: Comparison of different geothermometers and geobarometers.
Chemie der Erde (Geochemistry). 57, 25-50 (Elsevier)
28-Nasir, S., (1996): Peridot : A turbo-basic code for pressure and temperature estimation for
upper mantle and lower crustal mineral assemblages. Computer & Gesciences 22,5 :589-591.
29-Nasir S. (1996) Oxygen thermobarometry of the Semail harzburgite massif, Oman and United
Arab Emirate. Eur. J. Mineral. 8:153-163 (Schweizerbart, Germany)
30-Al Sharhan, A. & Nasir, S. (1996): Sedimentological and geochemical interpretation of a transgrissive sequence: the Late Cretaceous Qahla Formation in the western Oman Mountains, United Arab Emirates. Sed. Geol. 101, 227-242. (Elsevier)
31-Nasir, S., (1995): Mafic lower crustal xenoliths from the northwestern part of the Arabian plate. Europ. J. Miner. 7:217-230. (Schweizerbart, Germany)
32-Nasir, S., (1995):Cr-poor Megacrysts from the Shamah volcanic field, northwestern part of the Arabian plate.J. Afr. Earth Sci. 21,3, 349-357 (Elsevier)
33-Nasir, S., Kofahi, N. and Kofahi M. (1995): Ferric : a modular turbo basic computer code for mineral formula calculation and ferric estimation from microprobe analysis. M'utah J. for Res. And Studies. 10:99-123
34-Nasir, S., (1994): Geochemistry and petrogenesis of Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the northwestern part of the Arabian continental alkali basalt province (Jordan). Afr.Geosci. Rev. 1 (4): 455-467. (France)
35-Nasir, S. (1994): PTOXY: A computer soft ware for P-T-fO2 calcualtion for metamorphic mineral assemblages. Computer and Geosciences. 20 No 9:1297-1320 (Elsevier)
36-Nasir, S., (1993): classification and nomenclature of metamorphic rocks. Chemie der Erde (Geochemistry) 53:71-78 (Elsevier)
37-Nasir, S. Mahmood, S, Lahlooh, A. (1993): Ferric iron in upper mantle Spinels: Moessbauer spectroscopic study. Chemie der Erde (Geochemistry) 53, 265-271 (Elsevier).
38-Nasir, S., saddoni, F., Abu-Jaber, N, Abu-Rukah, Y., Duwiri, I, (1993): Pyrite nodules in Early Cretaceous sandstone from Wadi Zerka, north Jordan. M'tah J. For Sci. Res. And Study, 8:323-339
39-Abu Al-Jarayesh, I., Mahmood, S., and Nasir, S., (1993): Magnetic studies of lower crustal and upper mantle xenoliths from NE-Jordan. Yarmouk J. for Sci., 2:77-91
40-Nasir, S., Sadooni, F., Attalah, M., & Yosof, N., (1993): Bed-thickness reduction of the Upper Cretaceous limestone of Ajlun area, North Jordan: stylolite study. Mu'tah J. For Sci. Res. And Study 8:139-154.
41-Nasir, S., (1992): The lithosphere beneath the northwestern part of the Arabian plate (Jordan): evidence from xenoliths and geophysics. Tectonophysics 201:357-370 (Elsevier)
42-Nasir, S., & Abu-Aljarayesh, I., (1992): Empirical calibration of geothermometer for garnet amphibolite and granulite based on the assemblage garnet-clinopyroxene-hronblende. Chemie der Erde (Geochemistry) 52:205-210 (Elsevier)
43-Nasir, S., Abu-Aljarayesh, I., Moahmood, S., & Lehlooh, A., (1992): Oxidation state of the upper mantle beneath the northwestern part of the Arabian lithosphere (Jordan). Tectonophysics 213:359-366 (Elsevier)
44-Mahmood, S., Abu-Aljarayesh, I., Kofahi, M., Nasir, S., Popplewell, J., and Landyat, C. (1992): Characterization of Karak basalts using magnetic and Mössbauer studies. Dirasat- Univ. Of Jordan Serial 19B, 19-33.
45-Nasir, S., (1991): A suggested nomenclature for amphibolitic rocks.- Chemie der Erde (Geochemistry) 51:227-230 . (Elsevier)
46-Nasir, S., & Okrusch, M., (1991): Metabasites from the central Vorspessart, North-West Bavaria, Part I: Geochemistry. N.Jhb. Mineral. Mh., 11:500-522. (Schweizerbart, Stuttgart)
47-Nasir, S., & Mahmood, S., (1991): Oxidation of olivine in lherzolitic xenoliths from NE-Jordan. M'utah Journal for Research and Studies. 6:171-181.
48-Nasir, S., Okrusch, M., Kreuzer, H., Lenz, H., & Hoehndorf, A., (1991): Geochronology of the Spessart crystalline complex, Mid-German crystalline rise. Mineralogy and Petrology 44:39-55. (Springer)
49-Nasir, S., & Sadedin, W. (1990): The heavy minerals of the Jurnub Sandstone (Early Cretaceous) of Jordan- Reply to comments by B. Amireh. Sed. Geology, 68: 315-317 (Elsevier)
50-Nasir, S., (1990): Coexisting cummingtonite-hornblende pairs in meta-mafic rocks from the central Spessart crystalline.- Chemie der Erde (Geochemistry) 50:181-188. (Elsevier)
51-Nasir, S., & Al-fuqha, H., (1988): Spinel-lherzolite xenoliths from the Aritain volcano, NE-Jordan.- Mineralogy and Petrology 28:127-137. (Springer)
52-Saffarini, G., Nasir, S., & Abed, A., (1985): A contribution to the petrology and geochemistry of Quaternary-Neogene basalts of central Jordan.- Dirasat 7:133-143
53-Nasir, S., & Khoury, H., (1982): Geology, mineralogy, and petrology of Daba-Siwaqa marble.- Dirasat 4:107-130.
54-Khoury, H., & Nasir, S., (1982): A discussion on the origin of Daba-Siwaqa marble.- Dirasat 4:55-66.
55-Khoury, H., & Nasir, S., (1982): High temperature mineralization in the bituminous limestone in Maqarin area, North Jordan. N. Jhb. Mineral. Abh., 144:197-213. (Schweizerbart, Stuttgart)
Reviewed Books
1-Nasir, S. and Al-Sayigh, A. (2008): The secrets and Wonders of Gemstones: Examples from Oman. 162 p. (In Arabic). Sultan Qaboos University (Reviewed Textbook: course ERSC 1006: Gemstone)
2-Nasir, S. and Sadooni, F., (1999): Glossary of Minerals and Rocks (English-French-Arabic). Arab Organisation for Translation. Al-Rubath, Morroco. 300pp. (Reviewed Glossary)
Reviewed Chapter in Books
1- Okrusch, M., Schubert, W., & Nasir, S., (1995): The Mid-German Crystalline High: Igneous Activity (Pre- to Early Variscan Magmatism). In: Pre-Permian Geology of Central and Eastern Europe. (Dallmeyer, R.D., Franke, W., and Weber, K. Eds.) Development of the Mid-German Crystalline Rise. Springer. 190-200.
2-Nasir, S. (1991): Qualifications of gemstones: examples from Jordan and the world. In: Geology of Jordan. Al Kutba Publishers. pp 9-14.
3- Okrusch, M., Schubert, W., Nasir, S. (1990): Pre- to early Variscan magmatism in the Mid-German Crystalline Rise. In "Field Guide : Mid-German Crystalline Rise & Rheinsches Schiefergebirge". Terranes in the Circum-Atlantic Paleozoic Orogens, IUGS-UNESCO, Project 233, p 43-54
Refereed Proceedings publications
1-Nasir, S., Salah Al-Khirbash, Hugh Rollinson Abdulrahman Al-Harthy Abdulrazak Al-Sayigh, Ali Al-Lazki, E. Belousova F. Kaminskyc T. Theye, H.J. Massone, Salim Al-Busaidi. (2008): Evolved carbonatitic kimberlites from the Batain Nappes, eastern Oman continental margin. 9th Kimberlite Conference. Extended abstract Nr 91KC-A-00002 (3 pages). 9th International Kimberlite Conference, August 2008 Frankfurt, Germany (oral presentation)
2-Nasir, S., Salah Al-Khirbash, Hugh Rollinson Abdulrahman Al-Harthy Abdulrazak Al-Sayigh, Ali Al-Lazki, E. Belousova F. Kaminsky T. Theye, H.J. Massone, Salim Al-Busaidi. (2008): Late Jurassic to Tertiary kimberlite, carbonatite and lamproite dike swarms from the Bomethra area, Northeastern Oman. 9th Kimberlite Conference. Extended abstract Nr. 91KC-A-00003 (3 pages)
9th International Kimberlite Conference, August 2008 Frankfurt, Germany (poster presentation)
3-Nasir, S., & Safarjalani, A. (1996): Tectonic evolution of the Shamah volcanic field, northwesten part of the Arabian Plate (Syria and Jordan): megacrysts-xenoliths-host basalt relationship.
36th Science Week, Supreme Council of Science, Syria, Proceeding 2, 321-347. (Oral)
Conference attendance, Presentations and published Abstracts
1-Iezzi G., Moroni P., Nasir S., Moretti R. (2008): Kaersutitic and Ti-pargasitic amphiboles and oxygen fugacity 13 – 18 April 2008, Vienna, Austria, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008. EGU-2008-A. Vol. 10. (Poster, Co-author)
2- Nasir S., Al-Khirbash, S., Al-Sayigh, A., Alharthy A., Mubarek, A., Rollinson H., Lazki, A., E. Belousova, F. Kaminsky (2007): The first record of allochthonous kimberlites within the Batain Nappes, Eastern Oman. Geochemica Cosomochemica Acta. 442. August, 2007 Goldschmidt International Conference, Köln, Germany (Poster).
3- Moroni, P., Iezzi, G., Nasir, S. (2007): Relation between crystal-chemistry and petrology of Ti-pargasite and kaersutite. Short Course on Amphiboles. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei , Mineralogical Society of America and Geochemical Society..Rome 29-31, October. (Poster, co-author)
4- Al-Rawas, A., Nasir, S., Gismelseed, A., (2007): 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy study of phlogopite megacrysts from an evolved carbonatitic kimberlite in the northeastern Oman Mountains. October ICAME 2007. International Conference on the applications of the Mössbauer effect. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India (poster, co-author)
5-Nasir, S., Alharthy, A., Al-Sayigh, A., Al-Lazki, A and Al-Khirbash, S (2006):The First Records of Allochthonous Kimberlites and Carbonatites in Eastern Oman. 6th International Conference on the Geology of the Middle East. March 20-23, Al-Ain, UAE (Oral)
6-Nasir, S (2006). Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Systematics of Hatta Carbonatites, Northern Oman Mountains. 6th International Conference on the Geology of the Middle East. March 20-23, Al-Ain, UAE. (Oral)
8- Nasir, S., Al-Sayigh, A., Alharthy, A.,(2005) Getotectonic and sedimentological evolution of the Hofuf Formation, the Eastern province of Saudi Arabia. 24th IAS meeting of sedimentology Muscat, 10-13 January 2005. Abstract book p 153. . 24th IAS meeting of Sedimentology, Muscat, Oman (poster presentation)
9-Nasir, S., Al-Harthy, A., Al-Sayigh, A., (2004) Economic aspects of carbonatite of Oman.
2nd Symposium on the investment opportunities in the GCC “Investment opportuinites in mining sector” , Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 6-7 Decemeber 2004, Abstract book p.38. (Oral).
10- Nasir, S., Al-Sayigh, A., (2004) Chromite: End uses-grades and specification. 2nd Symposium on the investment opportunities in the GCC “Investment opportuinites in mining sector” , Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 6-7 Decemeber 2004. Abstract book p.41. (Oral)
11- Sadiq A.M and Nasir, S. (2003) Middle Pleistocene karst evolution in the State of Qatar, Arabian Gulf p. World correlation of carst ecosystem Newesletter 46. 3rd year meeting of IGPC meeting 448 UGS (UNESCO) Spain. ((Oral presentation, co-author)
12-Sadiq A.M and Nasir, S. (2002): Environmental impacts and risks of construction upon the
karstic area of the New Doha District, State of Qatar. International Conference on Environment QUEST . Abstract book p.64. (Oral presentation)
13- IUGS-UNESCO Deposit modeling program workshop (1999) Base and precious metal deposits in the Arabian Shield, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (attendance/training).
14-Nasir, S., Kassas, I., Sadiq, A. (1998): Mineralogy and Geomorphology of Umsaied Dunes.
International Conference on the Arabian Gulf. Qatar University. December 1998. Conf. Vol. 34. (Oral presentation)
15-Nasir, S., and Safarjalani, A. (1995): The lithosphere beneath Syria. 35th Science Week
Latkia, Syria . Conference V. 1: 45 (Oral presentation)
16- Nasir, S., (1995): Kaersutite, spinel and pyroxene megacrysts from the Shama volcanic
field, NE-Jordan. Eur. J. Mineral. 4,1 :200-202. 73th annual meeting of the European Mineralogical Society. (Oral presentation)
17-Nasir, S., (1992): Nomenclature of granulitic rocks. Europ. J. Mineral. 4, 1:203-204. 70th annual meeting of the European Mineralogical Society. (Poster)
18-Nasir,S., & Abu-Hilal, A., (1992): A novel occurrence of high-temperature minerals
under highly basic and low temperature conditions. Eur. J. Mineral. 4,1:204. 70th annual meeting of the European Mineralogical Society. (Poster)
19-Nasir, S. & Coleman, R. (1992): First international symposium on the geodynamic
development of the Arabian lithosphere, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan 24-26
August, 1991. Episod. 15,2:146.
20-Nasir, S., (1991): A crustal and upper mantle model for the Arabian lithosphere. Inter. Symp.
on the geodynamic development of the Arabian lithosphere. Jordan. Abst. Vol.:76-77. (Oral)
21-Nasir, S., (1991): The lower crust of the Arabian lithosphere: Geochemical characterization.
Inter. Symp. on the geodynamic development of the Arabian lithosphere. Jordan, Abst. Vol.:72-73. (Oral)
22-Nasir, S., (1991): Geochemical and tectonical systematics on Cenozoic basalts from the northwestern part of the Arabian plate: implications for the evolution of the Arabian lithopshere. Inter. Symp. on the geodynamic development of the Arabian lithosphere. Abst. Vol.:74-75. (Oral)
23- Abu-Aljarayesh, I., Mahmood, S., & Nasir, S., (1991): The lower crust and upper
mantle of the Arabian lithopshere: oxygen fugacity and magnetic characterization. Inter. Symp. on the geodynamic development of the Arabian lithosphere. Abst. Vol. p11 (Oral)
24-Fakhoury, I., & Nasir, S., (1991): Mineralogy and geochemistry of mafic and ultramafic
xenoliths in the Quaternary basalts, NE-Jordan. Jordan. Inter. Symp. on the geodynamic development of the Arabian lithosphere Abst. Vol. p55 (Oral)
25-Ghaleb, M., & Nasir, S., (1991): The Quaternary volcanic terrains of the central part
of the Jordan rift valley and the Yarmouk river. Inter. Symp. on the geodynamic development of the Arabian lithosphere. Jordan Abst. Vol. p57 (Oral)
26-Nasir S. (1991): New geothermometers for amphibolites, granulites and eclogites.Eur.
J. Mineral. Bhf., 1, 3:110-111. 69th annual meeting of the German Mineralogical Society. (Oral presentation)
27-Nasir, S., (1991): The lithosphere beneath the Arabian Plate: evidence form xenoliths and geophysics. 31th Science Week
Latkia, Syria . Conference V. 1 (Oral presentation)
28 Okrusch, M., Schubert, W., Nasir, S. (1990): Pre- to early Variscan magmatism in the Mid-German Crystalline Rise. International Conference on Paleozoic orogens in central Europe. Goettingen-Giessesn. F.R. Germany. (Oral, co-author)
29-Nasir, S., (1990): An evaluation of different geothermobarometers in metabasites of the
Vorspessart. 68th annual meeting of the German Mineralogical Society.Eur. J. Mineral., Bhf. 1, 2:187-188.
30-Nasir, S., (1990): K-Ar age determinations and volcanological evolution of the northwestern part of the Arabian plate. 68th annual meeting of the German Mineralogical Society.Eur. J. Mineral., Bhf., 1, 2: 188-191
31-Nasir, S., (1990): The upper mantle and lower crust the Arabian plate: xenolith evidence.
68th annual meeting of the German Mineralogical Society. Eur. J. Mineral., Bhf., 1, 2:189-191.
32-Nasir, S., (1989): Nomenclature of the Amphibolite. 67th annual meeting of the German Mineralogical Society. Eur. J. Mineral. Bhf., 1, 1:135-137
33-Nasir, S., (1989): Orthogneisses and granitoids of NW Arabian Shield: Indicators of the
geotectonic environment? 67th annual meeting of the German Mineralogical Society.Eur. J. Mineral., Bhf., 1, 1:136-139
34-Nasir, S., (1989): Unusual contamination of water by metamorphic minerals in bitumious marls of Jordan. 67th annual meeting of the German Mineralogical Society.Eur. J. Mineral., Bhf., 1, 1:140-145
35-Nasir, S., (1989): Petrologic interpretation of geophysical data from Jordan. Symposium
on the Afro-Arabian rift system. (March, 1989) Karlsruhe, Germany. Abstract
36-Nasir, S., (1989): Rift-related Cenozoic volcanism in Jordan. Symposium on the Afro-
Arabian rift system. karlsruhe, Germany. Abstract volume:69-70.
37-Nasir, S., (1988): Cholrite-Hornblende-Felse des mittleren Spessart-kristalline. 66th annual meeting of the German Mineralogical Society.Fortschr. Mineral., Bhf., 1, 66:108-110 (Oral presentation)
38-Nasir, S., (1988): P-T-Bestimmungen und Mineralchemie der Metabasite des mittleren Vorspessarts. 66th annual meeting of the German Mineralogical Society Fortschr. Mineral. Bhf., 1, 66:111-112 (poster presentation)
39-Nasir, S., (1988): Ultramafic and mafic xenoliths from NE- and central Jordan. 66th annual meeting of the German Mineralogical Society. Fortschr. Mineral., Bhf., 1,66:112-113 (poster presentation)
40-Okrusch, M., & Nasir, S., (1984):Metabasite aus dem mittleren kristallinen Vorspessart,
NW-Bayern. 61th annual meeting of the German Mineralogical Society. Fortschr. Mineral. Bhf., 1, 62:110-111. (Oral presentation)
41- Nasir, S. Khoury, H. (1981): High temperature mineralization in Central Jordan. First Arab Energy Conference, Amman-Jordan. (Oral presentation)
Technical Reports
1- Hamdan M., and Nasir S. (1994):Evaluation and development of Mineral Resources: Phase I
United Arab Emirates 44 p. Arab mining Co. Amman-Jordan
2- Safarjalani, A., and Nasir, S. (1996): Petrographic, Geochemical and petrological cahracterization of the xenoliths associating the basalts of southwest Syria. Atomic Energy Commission. AECS-G/RSS 171, 39p
3- Safarjalani, A. Nasir, S., (2003) Gold placer deposits along Wadi As-Shahba, Saudi Arabia, King Faisal University, 150pp.
Articles in Arabic (Magazine and Newspaper, Newsletter)
1-Nasir, S., (1990): Qualifications of gemstones: example from Jordan and the world. Yarmouk
Mag. 29:58-60.
2- Nasir, S.(1991): Modern theories on the earth composition. Yarmouk Mag. 31:38-39
3- Nasir, S., (1991): The geological evolution of the Dead Sea. Yarmouk Mag. 32:47-49.
4-Nasir, S. (1992): Diamond: The invincible mineral. Yarmouk Mag. 35:52-5
5- Nasir, S., (1996): Enivronmental effect of fibrous minerals. Mag.of Center of Environmental
Friends 1-2
6- Nasir, S. (1996): The Worried Earth, Al-Fetian Youth Arabian Mag. 4-8
7- Nasir, S., and Safrjalani A., (1998): Geochemistry of basalts from Syria. A'alam Al-Zarra, 58:96-102
8- Nasir, S. (1999): Dinasours: Facts and evoultion. Al-Fetian Youth Arabian Mag. 5-8
9- Nasir, S. (2000): Gemstones: History and Facts. Al-Fetian Youth Arabian Mag. 10-15
10- Nasir, S. (2005): Oman from Cupper to diamond Al-Watan news paper
11- Nasir (2005): The Geological wonder of Oman Al-watan news Paper
12- Nasir S. (2006): The Mineral wealth of Oman. Al-Watan
13- Nasir, S. (2008): Our valuable minerals . The Researcher, SQU.
14- Nasir, S. (2008): The Arsino of Dohofar. The researcher, SQU
15- Nasir, S. (2008) : Peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy. AL-Masar, SQU.
Submitted Articles
1-Nasir, S. Theye T.and Hans-Joachim Massonne (2008): Silicate-, iron-oxide- and sulfide-rich melt inclusions in kaersutite megacrysts from the Harrat Shamah Volcanic Field, northwestern part of the Arabian Plate: Implication for immiscible melt separation and oxidation from silicate magmas (Mineralogy and Petrology)
2-Nasir, S., Rollinson, H. (2008). The nature of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the Arabian Shield: mantle xenoliths from southern Syria. Precambrian Research
3- Nasir, S. Theye T.and Hans-Joachim Massonne (2008) REE-rich aeschynite-group minerals in Tertiary apatite-dolomite carbonatite, eastern Oman Mountains (American Mineralogist).
4- Nasir, S., Salah Al-Khirbash, Hugh Rollinson Abdulrahman Al-Harthy Abdulrazak Al-Sayigh, Ali Al-Lazki, E. Belousova F., T. Theye, H.J. Massone (2008). Petrogenesis of ultramafic lamprophyres and carbonatites from the Batain Nappes, eastern Oman continental margin (Lithos)
5- Nasir, S., Salah Al-Khirbash, Hugh Rollinson Abdulrahman Al-Harthy Abdulrazak Al-Sayigh, Ali Al-Lazki, T. Theye, H.J. Massone (2008): Late Jurassic lamprophyric dike swarms with kimberlitic affinities from the Bomethra area, Northeastern Oman. (Lithos).
6- Al-Safarjalani, A., Nasir, S., Fockenberg, T., Massonne, H.J., (2008) Chemical composition of an intermediate part of the lower crust beneath southwestern Syria. (Chemie der Erde)