Took Jasmine to see a Doctor, from Sunshine Hospital, a specialist, just to check her out. My mother, who came with me, took turns chasing Jasmine up and down the hallway. We were called in basically on time. When I took off Jasmine's clothes, except for her nappy, she screamed blue murder.. The doctor checked her over, and my mother told the Dr. that I was diagnosed with Marfan’s and CF. The specialist knew about Marfan’s (Which shocked the hell outta me as not many Drs. in Victoria do). She asked me heaps of questions, and gave me referrals to get Jasmine tested for the diseases. Jamsine has an echocardiogram on the 17th September, Sweat Test on the 18th September, her eyes looked at on the 10th October and her results on the 20th October.
My parents, Jasmine and I went to the children’s to get her sweat test done. The Scientist wasn’t on time, so we all took turns chasing bubs up and down the long hallway. Ten mins later, we were seen to and she whined abit, but no tears or anything. You could see it was irritating her. After she cleaned the skin and attached the negative and positive electrodes on her skin for 6 mins, then took that off and wrapped the actually sweat collector with a bandage to hold in place on her arm. We then walked downstairs to McDonalds, where we had a muffin with vegemite, and a milkshake. Thirtu mins later we came back upstairs to the lab, where she took it off and we went home. She said she'll send a copy also the my local Doctor, so I can get the results in a few days instead on the 20th of October. I have no patience when it comes to test results.
Autism is a puzzling disorder. It is difficult to understand the behaviour of people with autism, and the world is confusing for the person with autism.
Autism affects approximately one in five hundred Australians, with boys more likely to be affected than girls.
Autism was first identified in 1943, bit it appears to have existed throughout recorded history. It occurs in all ethnic and social groups. Our knowledge of what autism has improved greatly, but there is no cure. We still do not know what causes autism, but it is to be a brain disorder. Poor parenting as once believed is definitely not the cause of it.
Autism is a developmental disability. A person with autism will have difficulties in several areas of their development. The areas most affected are communication, social interaction and behaviour. This development disability may have a particular pattern called autism, or there may be varying amounts of disability in other areas of development which result in patterns called ASPERGER SYNDROME or PERVASIVE developmental disorder – not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). This whole area of developmental disabilities is referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder. People with these disorders are affected differently, but all require specialised assistance and support.
AUTISM VICTORIA – Believes that the best way to help a person with an autistic disorder is to understand how the following three areas of difficultly affect their view of the world.
COMMUNICATION; Autism affects the ability of a person to understand the meaning and purpose of body language and the spoken and written word. Words can be misunderstood, interpreted literally or not understand at all. Other people’s feelings and emotions can also be difficult to understand.
Social interactions an essential part of life for most people. People with autism find being sociable difficult, scary and very confusing. Some appear to withdraw and become isolated, others try very hard to be sociable but never seem to get it right. People with autism can find friendships difficult.
Impairments in communication and social interaction produce a range of behaviour that have become linked with autism spectrum disorders. These may include:
Speech ----- absent, delayed or showing unusual patterns.
Play ----- isolated, repetitive, unimaginative, destructive, and obsessional.
Tantrums ----- can be a way of expressing extreme confusion and/or frustration.
Sensory sensitivities ----- to certain sounds, colours, tastes, smells and textures
Obsessions ----- Intensive interest with favourite topics, objects, places, people or activies.
Insistence on sameness ----- routines bring some order to the autistic person’s confusion – a change to routine can be very difficult to cope with.
Body movement’s ----- such as hand flapping, toe walking and occasionally behaviour that may cause self injury (such as hand biting)
Dear Kathryn
Thanks for allowing me to access jasmine at the Royals Women’s Hospital as part of the COIN trial.
(The COIN trail is a study of premature babies, since jasmine was born at 27.6 weeks, I let her be in the study. No harm was given.)
There have been concerns about her delayed speech and also about some aspects of her behaviour, for example, she likes things to be done a certain way, her lack of eye contact and her disinterest in toys. She is currently on the waiting list for speech and language therapy at Sunshine Hospital and is periodically reviewed by Dr. M., who has suggested that Jasmine may have autism. It was please to hear that Jasmines general health has been excellent.
Although you have been diagnosed with Marfan’s Syndrome, it is felt at t his stage that Jasmine does not have this and Jasmine does not have cystic Fibrosis.
Jasmine was a busy young lady in my presence, she demonstrating her very good climbing ability and didn’t show any particular interest in any toys, other than to either walk on them, although at one stage she did pick up a few plastic pegs and hid them under a few objects on my table and dropped them to the ground. There was lots of vocalizing, but no meaningful speech and she became very pre-occupied with the moving objects on the computer screen.
She is a very tall girl, measuring 94.3cm, in the top 1% for girls her age and has a weight of 12.5 kg, which is in the top quarter. A rough prediction of her height would estimate that she is going to be similar height to yourself (approximately 6 Ft.). She does have quite loose joints and does have a normal heart examination. There are therefore features of Marfan’s syndrome and I am sure the Dr. M will monitor this in the future.
Yours sincerely
Dr GF.
Recieved another letter from another Dr. Who saw Jasmine on the 10th January.
Assessment :
Assessment - The assessment findings are outlined in detail in the Developmental Clinic Assessment report. Jasmine was found to have significantly delayed/disordered receptive and expressive communication skills and play skills. Her eye contact was noted to be very limited. There were some fine motor delays delays related to upper limb stability and control. She had reduced attention for many of the activities, which made it difficult to complete some of the formal tasks.
Summary : In summary Jasmine is young girl with notable delays in her fine motor skills. There have been some significant family issues with the diagnosis of Marfans syndrome and cystic Fibrosis in Jasmine’s mother.
We agree with Dr. M that Jasmine displays some features to suggest an autistic spectrum disorder. With improved maturity it is possible that some of these symptoms will improve but it is important to monitor her and consider a more formal assessment for this in the future should the need arise.
Here are some more pages of jasmine, one is her speech therapy session.
2. Jasmine Speech Therapy
Jasmines rountine at school:
Jasmine and I are up at 6.10am every morning, and the school bus picks her up near my house anytime after 7.15am. The bus drops her off in the afternoons, from 4 pm onwards.
TUESDAYS: Exercise(warm up)/Work/EXCURSION DAY.
WEDNESDAYS: Exerise (warm up) /Work:Social Emotional / Art / Yoga and relaxation.
FRIDAYS: Exercise (warm up) Shopping / cooking Lunch / Social Games /TV.
SENSORY: is an opportunity for children to learn to relax and help those children with sensory disorders. (under or over feel senses). They do listening, and mimal games(memory). Playdough and sharing Emotions. (feelings). They also do hygenine activities too, like hair brushing, dressing, cleaning teeth.
FINE MOTOR: Fine motor activies are activies where we work on the childrens dextwerity. EG: Writing, threading, cut and paste. We ensure they use their dominant hand and grip the pencils appropriately.
On her excursion days she has been here with her classmates/teachers.
Police Station
fish and chips
Indoor Entertainment center
Look at birds eat chips and take a walk.
Melbourne Show
Science Works
Local Shopping Center
Time Zone
Walk along the beach.
Farm - animals
We look at the botanical gardens
We saw the “robots” movie at the cinemas
Melbourne Zoo
Airport to look at planes.
And science works.
Jasmine left her Ausitic School and was sent to mainstream school, twice a week, and then in term three she started going full time as she was getting bored with her old school as needed more stimulation in learning. Jasmine loves her new school and has been through many challenges. At her old school she's used to rountine, she not keen on changes, esspeically if there is a substitute teacher on at the last minute. At her old school she used to have time out periods. If another student was annoying her she used to use the "quiet room" and work alone in there, which she liked. Also some days if the child got tired, he/she may be able to lay down for 20 minutes or go outside for time out. At her newschool they dont do it there. So its hard getting out of an old rountine into a totally new one.
Jasmines also the type to bottle things up. She will tell me if shes had a bad day at school - 2 weeks later.
Jasmine gts an aid at her school Mrs KK. 16 hours a week. Jasmines loves Art and craft, English and she’s also very good at maths. She loves to read. Jasmine is also a whiz on the Internet and also on the computer. Jasmine also has a very good memory she’s like a walking calendar. Even though at the new Mainstream school she isn’t on excursions weekly, the whole school goes out once a term for some fun. Her mainstream school has 104 students. From prep to Grade 6.
Jasmine still needs help with some social skills and also some speech therapy.
Jasmine's aide situation at her new school has slightly changed. She still has 16 hrs a week, Mrs KK has Jasmine for a few hours from Monday - Thursday and another Aid, S, has Jasmine all day Friday. Jasmine has her moments in class which has shocked her teacher a few times. For example, not wanting to sit near "Jane Doe", but "Mary" instead to work with. Jasmine will react by crossing her arms, and stamping her foot,then the tears will flow. This doesn't happen all the time.
Jasmine loves sports and likes to help out whenever she can. Jasmine has made many friends at her new school and has her own social circle.
The original "65 roses" by Lee J. Collier"
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