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For those of you who have not seen or heard of the show,
(shame on you!) ,

the cast is from left to right:

Kevin Sorbo as Capt. Dylan Hunt, Keith Hamilton Cobb as Tyr Anasazi, Lisa Ryder as Beka Valentine, Lexa Doig as Rommie, Laura Bertram as Trance Gemini, Gordon Michael Woolvett as Seamus Harper and Brent Stait as Rev Bem.

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How dare those people at Tribune Entertainment make Trance lose her tail!! I am infuriated and would like to voice my opinion-!!!

You also have a slew of fans that are as angry as I am, if you don't believe me, check out the Andromeda Bulletin Board.

I say let her tail grow back and leave Trance alone! Trance without her tail is like Tyr without his bone blades and dread locks. Hmmmmmmmm-a bald Tyr with no bone blades-still sexy as all get out, but just not the same.

I would like to thank Lady Maigrey for the banner she has provided for us protesters, it's absolutely perfect.

I don't have a computer as yet, can't afford one, so I'm making this and all my pages with a WebTv. I have no scanner or anything else, so any images I get, I transload over here and then give credit where credit is due. This thing does do a lot, if you have the right help and the people here are the best helpers a webtv'er ever had. Thanks: MLSKI, Folger's, Ken, AngelaRuth, Walt, Blue Fox-There are just too many to mention-I know I missed some, but you know who you are.

I wasn't a Keith Hamilton Cobb fan until Andromeda. I'm not such a big fan of soap operas, so I hadn't heard of him before now. I know, I know, coming from a woman, that sounds pretty strange, since women are known to be fanatical about their soaps and their hunky sex symbols, but c'mon, there has to be more to a story than a gorgeous man. Everyone sleeping around with everyone else and plotting against each other is not my idea of good tv. Tuning in just so you might see your favorite guy every now and then gets boring real fast.
I will admit to watching DOOL, AW, and GL many years ago, but quit when I got disgusted with them, which was in the 1980's (Guess I'm telling on myself here). Actually, I'm not much older than Keith; If his last birthday wishes were right, he's 39 and I'm 41-I just don't get why women have to lie about their age-it's no big deal.

Besides, I'm a bigger Sci-Fi fan than I ever was a soap fan. I've seen all the Star Treks (yes, I'm a Trekkie) from the original all the way to Voyager-My husband always drooled all over Jeri Ryan (7 of 9)-and all the movies. I've seen B5 and DS9 and lots of other Sci-Fi stuff I can't remember right now.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of the whole show and love all the characters, but everyone has a favorite-my hubby's favorites are Rommie and Trance-mine just happens to be Tyr Anasazi, not just because he's the best looking thing to come along in a while (he is that), but because I think the character himself is fascinating-I can't wait to see what the writers do with him next season.

Although he is fantastic in the role of Tyr, Keith's first love is the stage-he's a Shakespearean trained actor and he loves Shakespeare. He's played parts in Romeo and Juliet, Othello, and others. Keith is also one of 2 actors (Kevin Sorbo was the other) who didn't have to audition for their parts-both of their parts were written for them specifically, and the Shakespearean qualities of Tyr are part of his character.

I don't usually like long hair on men, but his just looks right-I haven't seen anyone that looks good in dreadlocks until I saw Keith and I hope he doesn't have to cut it anytime soon-that would be a shame after growing it for so long.

As for the all the questions that get repeated to him about his hair-questions that a little common sense would give you the answer to-he answers them very patiently anyway: Like: Yes it's all his own, he's been growing it since 1988. It's probably heavy, but since he's been carrying it around so long, he doesn't notice. He washes it with shampoo(DUH!), although my husband said he probably takes it down, washes it, and puts it back up(DUH!), I would imagine that would take the better part of a day. More likely, he washes it just like it is and has it redone periodically when it grows.
If people would use some common sense, they'll quit asking so many DUH! questions.

Well, since season 2 started, I've seen a lot of changes in Tyr. Among those are that he's closer to the others than even he will admit. The episode "Ourobourus" when he said he would keep his promise to Harper and Harper asked him not to enjoy it, to me, Tyr had a look on his face that was as close to pained as a Nietz can look-like he really didn't want to keep his promise. I've no doubt he would have kept the promise, I don't think he would have enjoyed it. He and Harper have a strange relationship-I'll have to get into that when I understand it more-suffice to say, Tyr cares for Harper a lot more than even Harper realizes just yet. It almost looks like a big brother-little brother relationship with Tyr as big brother (of course).

As for strange relationships, just look at the relationship between Tyr and Dylan-to me, it seems Tyr looks at Dylan as an equal-and as maybe his best friend. In the episode "Lava and Rockets", when Ferrar Kalinga (sp?) was killed, Tyr said "He was my friend". I don't recall ever hearing Tyr call anyone his friend before-correct me if I'm wrong here. And when Rommie said "We'll find him (Dylan)" Tyr answered "Hopefully before the Ogami (sp?) do." That sounds like caring to me.
There will be more on this when I understand it myself.

I've just heard that star Kevin Sorbo and his wife Sam are the proud parents of a beautiful baby boy, Born 8/22/01 - 1:39 p.m. 7 lb., 8 oz. I know what it's like to have a baby that big, my daughter was 8lbs even and my son was 7lb 10˝oz when they were born. Anyway, I wish the Sorbos many joyous days ahead. The name of the newest Sorbo is Braeden Cooper Sorbo. Best wishes go out to Kevin, Sam and Braeden Cooper. Here's a vidcap from ET aired Sept 5:

He's just tooooooo cute!

I know everyone's heard about the events of 9-11-2001, and I would like to add my prayers for the victim's and their families-especially those who don't yet know whether their loved ones are alive or dead. Here is a small memorial for those who lost their lives in this tragedy:

It's something I composed that shows my feelings.

If anyone wants to use this image, feel free, only transload to your own site, WebTv users, upload to your scrapbook.

This candle will stay lit until justice is served-preferably cold, on a platter.

No words needed.

But the LORD is with me as a mighty terrible one: therefore my persecutors shall stumble, and they shall not prevail: they shall be greatly ashamed; for they shall not prosper: their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten.
Jeremiah 20:11 KJV

The one who is taught the word is to share all good things with the one who teaches him. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.
Galatians 6:6-8 NASB

Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness. Whoever loves his brother lives in the light, and there is nothing in him to make him stumble.
1 John 2:9,10 NIV

This guy is really big!! At 6'4" and 220lbs-more or less, it makes my 5'4" 180lb self feel positively petite!
I liked his other boots better (the ones with the silver on front).

The photos on this page are from the official Andromeda website and are copywrited ©2001 Tribune Entertainment Co.

This site is not affiliated with, or a part of, Gene Roddenberry Productions, Tribune Entertainment or Andromedatv. Everything on it is my own opinion.

The Official Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda Website

The Official Keith Hamilton Cobb Website

List of unofficial Andromeda fansites

Title banner courtesy of Flaming Text

The gifs and background courtesy of Draac's Gifs

Animated name came from rblwood's signatures

I made the Andromeda Rocks gif using a combination of Image Magick, NetMechanic, and Gifworks

Vidcap of baby courtesy of Andalusia at SorboConnection.

The midi you hear playing is called "Everything I Do", it just happens to be a favorite of mine

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