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Jan. 28, 2000 Updated Ian's info,Dave's info, and pics page

Team Nightmare will be hosting a big strategy game in feb. for information and entry forms email me at or click here

Team Nightmare is organized out of Columbus,Ms. We are a three man team trying to get two more people to join to make us a five man team.We have two sponsors. and are looking for more.

Please Click on our page sponsor above to earn us money for equiptment and tourney fees. Thanks

Click here to see our team info.
Click here to see the tournaments we have been in and will be in and the results.
Our War Room
I advise you not to click here but you can if you would like to.
Our Photo Page
Our sponsors are
Paintball Games of Dallas
Sports Alternative
to vist our sponsors just click on the links above.
if you have any questions e-mail me

Nickname: Team Nightmare
ICQ #: 53682358

Nickname: (Bulletproof)
ICQ #: 32295424

Nickname: Cactus JAck

Nickname: Team Nightmare(My other icq number)
ICQ #: 14262223

Nickname: Overlord
ICQ #: 31550167