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Hwy Endings
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Misc Pictures
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Old Highways
(C) 2001-2002 Robert Lee | | Southern Highways :: Welcome |
December 25, 2002 - Merry Christmas! Fixed errors and uploaded pages for MS 21 and MS 22 endings.
December 12, 2002 - Added US Ends (US 45 Alt, US 80 Bus.), Georgia and South Carolina sections; updated Old Highways (US 11 Enterprise, US 11/80 Kewannee, MS 9 Pittsboro, MS 19 Whynot, CR 378 and 379 Clarke County, Meehan Savoy Rd. Lauderdale Co.), Interstate Ends (I-520 and I-575), AL Ends (AL 9, 22 Truck, 126, 139, 186), MS Ends (MS 9, 178, 245, 366, 370, among others), and MS Big Green Signs (more new bgs at I-20/59 split).
November 8, 2002 - Updated Interstate Ends (I-359 and I-459), AL Ends, AL Misc. (km marker on AL 157), AL Big Green Signs, AL Shields (including Blue AL 24 shields), MS Ends, MS Misc (MS 9 Alt and Old Hwy 50), MS Big Green Signs (new bgs at I-20/59 split and MS 15/25 north of Louisville), and MS Shields.
October 18, 2002 - Added Arizona section, including highway endings for I-8, I-17, AZ 67, AZ 85, AZ 238, AZ 303, and AZ 347.
October 13, 2002 - Added page for the old Navajo Bridge (US 89A) near Marble Canyon, AZ.
August 17, 2002 - Changed the layout and updated many of the pages.
May 1, 2002 - Added MO Ends (actually there's only 1 there). Updated MS Ends and AL Ends.
April 29, 2002 - Added Interstate and Arkansas Terminus pages. Here are links to new images: Horse and Buggy Warning (Corner of MS 6 and MS 9 in Pontotoc, MS. There's another on MS 341.) The real Sparta, Mississippi Street Level Traffic Light on Old 78 (MS 4) in Holly Springs, MS: Mounted on Sidewalk awning (WB side) . . . Street Level (EB side) I-40 West and I-40 North Really Low Clearance on I-55 East Frontage Road: Looking north . . .Looking south Little Gateway Arch (AR/MO line on US 61) I-155 Missouri shield . . . I-155 Terminus
March 24, 2002 - Added over a dozen highway endings from Mississippi, plus 1 from Alabama, plus some old highway pictures. Finally figure out how to properly run a scanner. Next weekend, I hope to rescan the first batch of pictures.
January 4, 2002 - Now open. Added pictures from recent trips to Winfield AL and Aberdeen MS; as well as Cuba AL, including pictures of the new blue US 78 and AL 4 shields. Because I don't have any skill at photography, some of the pictures on these trips turned out bad. For instance, I learned (the hard way) that headlights work just as well as the camera's flash. More pictures to come later.
If you want to use pictures from this site on your own site, please credit me with the photo and e-mail me with your web site's address. (Change the # to an @). I'd like to see where my photos end up. You can also contribute photos to this website by e-mailing them to me. Submitted photos will be credited to the photographer. |