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The Liberty Baptist Church has been the recipient of serendipitous blessings over the past seventeen years. Without question, God’s power, presence and protection have been evident in the various aspects of our ministry. For that we are eternally grateful, and yet we realize that we must not become complacent and restrained by our apparent success. We refuse to succumb to the syndrome that allows past performance good or bad, to be the  excuse for present day impotence. Quite the contrary, we promise always to display toward God an attitude of thankfulness for what has been accomplished in the past, and with constant vigilance beseech for new dreams, new visions and new directions for the future. Neither the pain of the past nor the paradox of the present will impede us from planning for the future. We are committed to keep dreaming. We believe that Christ is the Head and final authority for the Liberty Baptist Church. His words, the Bible, are the binding and final authority in all matters of faith and practice.  May the Love of Christ stand within your life forever.





                                  DRIVING DIRECTIONS









     SUNDAY MORNING ................ ..08:00 A.M.

     SUNDAY SCHOOL ......................09:30 A.M.

     SUNDAY SERVICE ......................10:45 A.M.

     WEDNESDAY BIBLE CLASS .....06:00 P.M.





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Web Master: George Kenneth Levy, III