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My all time favorite pokémon movie. Released November 10th in America, Mewtwo Strikes Back was a hit at the box office. This movie brought in the most money the 1st week it was open. Anyway, I'm sure everyone out there saw it, or you don't belong on this page. Never the less, here's a write up on this awsome movie.

The movie(with added footage not shown in theaters) begins with a team of scientist traveling though the jungle. After coming across an ancient temple they discover a fossil thought to be a Mew ear. Bringing the fossil back to the lab on New Island, the scientists begin to make a living replica of Mew. Attemps to clone Mew proved invane for many years until the scientists finially were abale to create a living clone of Mew, Mewtwo. However, you could say that they were different. Mewtwo was six foot seven inches tall, much taller than Mew, who is one foot four, and he wasn't exactly 'peace loving'. He was to powerful for the scientists to control and they were killed. The project to create Mewtwo had been funded by the leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni, who had order changes to be made in order to give Mewtwo his superior strength. Mewtwo was tricked by Giovanni into working for TR but soon took off after relizing that Giovanni's promise of a partnership had been a lie. He rebuilt the lab on New Island with some very demonic touches. He then created a plan to clone the strongest pokémon that he could find. Mewtwo invited the best trainers to New Island, under the facadée of the greatest pokémon master in the world, and amongst the invited were Ash, Misty, and Brock. Mewtwo created a fierce storm to block the trainers way in order to see who was worthy of meeting him. Jesse, James, and Meowth, pretending to be Vikings, gave Ash and crew a ride across the water, or at least they tried. Half way there, the boat met up with waves that were too harsh. Everyone was thrown overboard and it was up to there pokémon to save the day. Starue and Squirtle got Team Pikachu(Ash, Misty, and Brock) up to the surface while Weezing saved Team Rocket soon after.
Met at the door by an odd lady, Team Pikachu were lead to where the other trainers were waiting. Only three others had made it though Mewtwo's storm. Now it was time for the fun to begin. Introduced by the same lady who had met Ash, Mewtwo made a great entrance{:::big smile:::}. Meanwhile, Team Rocket had found their ways into Mewtwo's palace and discovered the lab where all the clones were made. Already there were Charizard, Venusaur, and Blastoise. Accidently turning on the computer, Team Rocket heared the scientist's last plees right before Mewtwo killed him.
After proving his superiority to the trainers, Mewtwo excepted Ash's challenge to a battle. Using his super pokémon clones that TR had seen earlier, Mewtwo fought one trainer after another. His clones taking down Venusaur, Blastiose, and then Charizard. Claiming his prize, Mewtwo sent black, evil looking pokéballs out to capture all the trainers' pokémon. Refusing to give up Pikachu, Ash jumped down a shoot after the pokémon, ending up in the lab with Team Rocket. All the clones hatch as the machine is destroyed and the original pokémon are released from Mewtwo's pokéballs. Up in the arena, Mewtwo allows the trainers a chance to leave but tells them that they will die anyway once his storm destroys the world. His clone pokémon arrive in the arena and take their places around Mewtwo. Only afew minutes afterwards Ash appears with the original pokémon. In a stupid move, he attemps to punch Mewtwo, which obviously doesn't work and he's knocked back by a psycic barrier.

Mewtwo: "What exactly was he plaining on accomplishing?"
"Getting himself killed? Anyway, where was I?"

Ash makes one more attemp but this time is thrown clear out of the arena. Moments before crashing into a stone tower, a pink bubble appears, catching him. To everyone's surprise and shock, Mew shows up, poping the bubble and laughing as Ash falls afew feet. Mewtwo suddenly attacks Mew and the two exchange fire afew times. Mewtwo claims that himself and the other clones are far better than the originals. Mew argues that a pokémon's real power comes from the heart and you aren't better just by showing off alot of fancy powers. Mewtwo blocks all the pokémon's specail abilities and they then start to battle eachother as Mewtwo and Mew go at it over head. Ash, in the meantime, is making his way down the side of the stone tower. All the pokémon are beating the sh#t out of eachother and Pikachu, refusing to fight his clone, is getting pumeled. Finially most of the pokémon collapse and Mewtwo and Mew land in the middle of the arena, still fighting with eratic enegy around them. Ash then reaches the ground and knows that he has to stop the fighting. As the two psycic cats fire blasts of energy at eachother, Ash runs between them... Owner: "I'll leave off there." Click here to see four different poster from this movie