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"I think we can take a bunch of drunk Rockets." You say to Charmander.
"Char, char!" He agrees. You walk through the trees and step out onto the road infront of the drunk members of Team Rocket.
"Hey... look..." one of the men said, "There's a Charmander in the road..."
"And a mankey with it..." another said, slurring his words.
"Well... I'll... I'll take care of this... Go... Koffing..." he lobbed the Pokéball into the air.
"Koffing!" it said. "Koffing... tackle that pretty mankey..." The Koffing flies at you, full tilt!
"Charmander, Flamethrower!" you order. Charmander jumps betwwen you and Koffing, releasing a large flame. The Koffing dodges to the side and spews a thick smog. Charmander uses Flamethrower agian and and explotion urupts! Both you and the Rockets are thrown from the blast, hitting the dirt road! When the smog clears Koffing is out cold, along with the stoned bad guys.
"I guess that counts as a win... Yeah! Charmander, we won!"
"Char..." Charmander looks tired so you pick him up.
"You were great. Now let's get out of here before these losers wake up."
Remembering the nameless girls suggestion, you go towards the North Mountains, carrying Charmander, who falls asleep.
You find a cave to spend the night it, using matches to light a small fire. You sigh and lean back agianst the rock wall.
"Have fun beating them?" a voice asked. You look up. Leaning on the wall near the caves opening is the girl from before.
"It's you. Who are you?" you ask agian. She shuggs.
"A trainer like you." she waves her hand down towards her feet, a form twitching, "This is Stormy." the Pikachu looks out at you from behind the girl's leg.
"Oh, cool! A Pikachu!" you say, you've always liked Pikachu. The girls gives you a serious look then says,
"You're in for a heck of an adventure. What you choose to do will effect your life and that of your Pokémon." She steps out of the cave.
"Hey! Wait up!" you run to the mouth of the cave, but she's gone, no trace anywhere.
Nexted morning...
"Char, char, char!" The first thing you see when you wake up is Charmander in your face.
"Morning." you yawn.
Later that day...
You walk down a trail after leaving the cave, humming a slow tune to yourself. Shortly you come to a river, water splashing up around some rocks. Charmander backs off wisely.
"Just water, buddy." You say, even though you know he has a right to be cautious. You think that this would be a good place to eat lunch and had just sat down when the wind wips violently up. The water in the river thrashes like mad. "What the?!" Clouds cover the sky you hold on to a rock so not to be blown over. Charmander clutches your leg, trying to dodge the sprays of water. Something smashed agianst the rocks oposite side, it was glass. The wind began to stop, the water resting back in the river, and sun coming back out. "That was odd." You look around the boulder and find a shattered bottle. In the broken glass is a silver/gold necklace shapped like two wierd symbols.
"Charmander." Charmander picked up a piece of paper that had apparently been inside the bottle with the necklace.

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