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Welcome to the page. This page is run by a brown eyed Pikachu named Stormy,
the strongest pokémon in the world, Mewtwo, and a pokémon master, me, who shall remain nameless.
Please Sign our guestbook near the bottom
and feel free to submit any fan stuff!
MOST RECENT BIG IMPORTANT NEWS 1/26/05 Well, I have gotten through my first semester of college! I wont go into the details (4.0GPA!). So I admit that this page has not been worked on in great length for a good amount of time. In light of this, I want everyone to know that despite the disheveled appearance of this page, I still receive and answer Pokemon question regularly. Feel free to contact me. I'll try to reply within one week of getting your e-mail (I ama college kid, after all). Thanks for your loyalty!
---Owner Old News
QUOTE OF THE DAY 8/11/04 "Mewtwo's not really a Pokémon.... he's more like... a demi-god."
---Redeye Old Quotes
Choose a Destination Shrines
Come here if you want to see which anime characters I'm obsessed with
~Contains the Toonami Section(a "sister site" to this page)
^Contact Me, Stormy, or Mewtwo via my pokédex, D.J.(Dexter Junior)
This site is a member of AND(deal with it)
The RPG!
Proud Members of Real Trainers
Lenia(formerly Abycat)
Jim Launcher
If you would like to join the RPG e-mail me with a desciption of your charecter and, if you are approved, then you may start posting. RPG Rules
Owner: Well, that's all. Hey guys, wanna' say anything in closing? Stormy: Pika pika pikachu pika chu pika pi pika pi pika! (Come back real soon and stay as long as you like!) Mewtwo: If you value your lives, leave now.
All Pokémon characters and trademarks are copywrited to Nintendo(ick), all rights reserves.