Mewtwo: I am really sick of these foolish people. So weak.
President: Get the Navy and the Army to New Island IMMEDIATLY!!!!!
(All the Milatary Forces show up with Machine guns and cannons at New Island.)
President: Ya got da tanks there, too?
Lt.-: Yup.
President: Whatever. All I want is for the world to be safe!!!
Lt.-: Yes sir, Mr. President! (Leaves the Oval office to join his buddies at New Island.)
(Back at New island)
General: We blow every ting we got on my mark, men! Do ya copy?
All the Lts.: Yes sir!
(All of the men and tanks point ammo at Mewtwo.)
British Lt.: (Speaking into a bullhorn.) We have you surrounded! Give up, or we will be forced to shoot you down! Surrender!
Mewtwo: (Now floating above new island) BRING IT ON, WEAK HUMANS!!!!!!
General: FFFIIIIIRRRRRREEEEE!!!!!!!!! (screams into loudspeaker.)
(All the men shoot their ammo from their machine guns, tanks and airplanes directly at Mewtwo. There is a huge cloud of smoke.)
General: We got im.
(Sighs of relief arise from the island. All the militants start talking at once. The smoke starts to clear. Suddenly, all the army starts looking at a ball of light. Everyone starts screaming in terror as Mewtwo appears, it's psychic ball protecting it.)
General: Oh MY GOD! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!
Mewtwo: Foolish, weak humans! ALL who oppose me will suffer my wrath! I am the most powerful Pokemon, and I will not hesitate to bring forth my POWER!!!
(A huge light surrounds the island. All on the island and the surrounding sky are obliterated (destroyed) in Mewtwo's blast. The President's memory was wiped clean and things went on as if Mewtwo never existed.)
Mewtwo: Taking over the world should be a breeze now.
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