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Chapter 6: Leading to Lockdown The Absolution had been moving at average speed toward a station situated in a remote part of space. It was a residence station, more like a city in the stars. When they finally arrived it was a hastel docking. Apparently the station was a popular trading spot since Fhrue was no longer operating as a trading post between planets. Luckily the station took all forms of credit, including Starpower. The ship was at running at one hundred percent but it was always a good idea to check out a station for parts and refueling. Tom and Kay had left for the city to explore, Sara giving them both a warning about staying out of trouble.

Person: "Listen up, you guys! The following ships just docked!" In the communication office of the station, a large man yelled to several employees, "Uh, lets see here... Higumi, Outlaw Star, Prima Vista, Absolution..." An insect looking alien flew up to the man, Alien: "Here, boss! Got an all areas telegram for the Absolution!" "Well, go deliver it then!" He said angrily, swatting the bug out of his way. "Yes, sir. Right away, sir. I'll get right on that." It zipped out of the office. "Ah, lets see here," it pulled out a second small screen from its jacket, "Ab-solu-tion..." it typed, "Ah, docked only an hour ago. Wow, heh, they're far out in space. Okay... lo-cate... cap-tain. There, search."

Tom: "Only place in the universe you can't find new Dreamcast games is Earth." Tom said, spinning a CD case on his finger. Kay: "How does Sara put up with you?" Kay laughed, "We're suppose to be checking out part stores." "Alright, come on." Alien: "Hey! Wait! Stop!" Tom and Kay turned around as the foot tall insect landed on a ledge and cleared his throat, "Man, you're one tough guy to find. I figure, starship captain, he'll be at a parts or upgrades store. No, video games, sheesh." Kay: "What are you?" she asked, looking closer at the brown alien. "Ey, I deliver telegrams, kid. You are from the Absolution, right?" Tom: "Yeah," he answered, wishing this guy would speed it up, despite the fact he was already quite hyper. "Ah, good." he handed Tom a portable screen, "All areas telegram. Now we can contact the other places and tell 'em to delete it. Bye now." It flew off, nearly buzzing into someone as it went. Kay: "A telegram? What's it say?" Tom: "Hey, it's from Retch." "No way."
Tom: "He's got alot of faith in us," Tom said sarcastically. Kay: "Technically he does if he believes we're still alive." They headed down the street toward the shipping part of the station. As they turned a corner someone loaded down with afew heavy crates bumped into Kay, nearly knocking her over. He looked back, Guy: "Watch it ya stupid robot." he growled. "I'm sorry," Kay said. The man didn't respond, only gave her a nasty look and walked away. Tom: "Why'd you apologize? He walked into you." "We have to apologize first. People are higher than robots because they created us and have more emotions." "Where'd you learn that?!" Kay just gave Tom a strange look, "Isn't that how it's suppose to work?" she asked.

Kay entered the dock alone, going back to the Absolution. She walked across the catwalk and hopped down to the ship's bay. Sara: "Kay, where's Tom?" Kay: "He said he had something to do. We got a message from Retch. Here," she slid the telegram screen into a nearby computer console. Sara downloaded the message. "We can send a reply to them later." Sara said, "Kay, did Tom say what he was going to do?" "No." She turned at the sound of clanking metal from the far end of the cargo bay. Tom: "I'm back." Sara: "Apparently. Where were you?" "I'll tell you later. Hey, can we send an answer to Retch?" "Easily from the communications deck or the bridge. Or from the space station." "Alright, then we'll head out."

Voice: "All personnel exit dock 6. Dock doors opening. All personnel exit dock 6..." The lights are the dock flashed red as the air lock prepared to unseal. Sara: "So other than video games, what did you get at the station?" Tom laughed, Tom: "Alright, I..." Suddenly something small smashed into the main window on the bridge. It was the same messenger bug from earlier, speaking frantically through sound proof glass. By best guess it was screaming 'Wait! Wait!'. Tom pushed a button, opening a link to the station, "Hang on a second. We got a hitchhiker." The lights outside stopped flashing and turned green. Tom left the bridge, meeting up with Kay on one of the lower levels and both of them heading back to the cargo bay. Sara opened the doors and the bug landed on the metal floor. Alien: "Whew. The things I do for a pay check. Another telegram just came for you guys. Light speed, wow that's fast. Only took 31 seconds to get here. Oh, here ya go." He handed it over. Kay: "Is it from Retch?" Tom: "It's from Mel."

Alien: "Bad news?" it asked curiously, flying into the air in an attempt to read the message. Tom: "We have to go," he said, turning around. "Hey, a 'thank you for risking your life' would be nice!" the alien insect called after them. The bay doors began to close and it zipped out as quickly as possible.

Once again the station doors began to open. Sara: "Mel is correct. The Gihnia Wave is that distance from us. It is dangerous to travel in, however. Many ships don't make it." Tom: "Then we'll be the first. The Absolution was just repaired, we can handel it." "And it also appears we don't have a choice." Sara said. "How long until we reach the wave?" "5 days. 2 in hyper drive." "That'll give me enough time..." Tom said absently. "Enough time to what?" Sara asked. Voice: "Absolution, you're cleared for departure." Tom: "Acknowledged." The Absolution left the space station dock, heading toward the Gihnia Wave. Sara: "Alright, enough fun and games, Tom. What are you up to?" Sara asked. Tom got up and walked toward the elevator, looking back over his shoulder, "I got an emotions chip for Kay."

Tom entered a room on level 30. Kay was sitting in the middle of some of the things that the clydes had picked up from the destroyed Seg ship just before they'd been thrown 251 lightyears. Kay: "Hey, Tom, you wont believe some of the stuff that we managed to save. We could make some useful things with this." Tom: "Kay, I need to ask you something." "Yes?" She looked up. "Have you ever heard of robots being upgraded to AIs using an emotions chip?" "Sure. I've done research on it. But the chips are usually expensive." she added. "That's for sure," Tom said, flipping a case around in his hand, "How about an upgrade, Kay?" "Really?" she asked, almost sounding like she didn't believe it. "You've already shown more emotions than any robot I've ever seen. This is just to complete what your brother started." Kay jumped over a pile of equipment and took the clear case in her hands, looking it over. "You know how to do this?" she asked. "It's really not that hard. I'll just have to shut you down and the chip will take afew days to stabilize. So how about it?" "Yes!"

Sara: "One warning," she said to Tom just after he had shut Kay down, "Please don't mess up." Tom: "That's surprising. I thought you had more faith in me than that." "I do, but I'm backing up Kay's memory just incase." she added. Tom opened a panel at the base of Kay's neck and started to insert the small chip. "Tom?" Sara said. "Yeah?" "What do you see Kay as?" "What do you mean?" he asked. "As a person. To you." she explained. Tom laughed, "She's like the little sister I never wanted." he said jokingly, "Why?" "Just wondering." Sara answered, sounding a little disappointed. "Done. That was easy." The circuits in Kay's internal hard drive flash with a brief wave of electricity and started to beep. "It's going to take awhile to stabilize. The M02 robots are pretty old school." Tom said. He left two clydes with Kay and headed for the lower level of the Absolution. "So she'll be alright when she wakes up, then?" Sara asked. "You should know better than I would. But she'll be the same, just with a slightly higher personality." Tom answered, getting into the elevator. "What made you want to do this?" "Robots aren't treaded that well by humans, or any other life forms for that matter. Kay said that they were suppose to take it and not complain. She doesn't deserve to be pushed around." On the lowest level of the Absolution was the communications deck, and second tracking system for the hyper drive. The sooner they got to the Gihnia Wave and to Retch the better. "Tom, hyper drive engines online." Sara reported. "Check." "Begin ignition sequence. Projection." "Go." "Guidance." "Go." "Engines." "Go." he repeated. "Systems." "Green." "Warp permit." The Absolution flashed blue and jumped into hyper.

It stretched one of the greatest distances of known space, short of space itself. An ion wave left standing from either a destroyed nebula, planet, passing comets, it was an undetermined fact. The few things known about the Gihnia Wave were that it would propel a starship far past the speed of light, the only subtle protection the waves themselves. It was also known that many ships had taken into the wave at only the slightest incorrect projectory, and been ripped apart. Tom: "Shield." Sara: "Fully functioning," she answered, a green wave passing over the Absolution. The rainbow colored Gihnia Wave was right in front of them, no end in sight, not even in the endlessness of space. "Alright, lets do this," Tom said from the Absolution bridge. "Projectory in line with the waves pulse. Entering the wave in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." The tip of the Absolution touched the wave and the entire ship was instantly thrown inside. The thrust slammed Tom back in his chair as the starship shook. "Egn," he rubbed the back of his head, "We in?" "Affirmative. Arrival in 15 seconds." "Short trip." Something beeped on screen and Sara said happily, "Kay's awake." "I'm going down there." Tom jumped up, heading strait for the lower level.

The pocket door slid open, the two Clydes zipping to the door when Kay tackled Tom. Kay: "Hi," she laughed. Tom: "Yeah, hi." Tom had caught her and he put her down, "Are you okay?" "Uh, I don't know," she answered, "I feel fine, but weird... but really happy." she said. Her two visor eyes seemed to shine brighter now and she had more life in her words. A screen flicked on nearby, Sara looking at Kay, Sara: "Kay, are you alright?" "Yup, I feel great, Sara. Were you worried about me?" she asked. There seemed to be a laugh behind every word. "Yes, I was." she admitted, "Oh, Tom, we've exited the Gihnia Wave." Tom: "I know. That's why the elevator shook on the way down here. How close are we to Retch and Com?" "They're in view now." she reported. Kay: "Oh, no. Not my brother..." she muttered, "I really hate that guy." Tom and Sara exchanged looks. Tom: "Lets head back to the bridge."

Tom and Kay were in the elevator on the way to level 1 when Sara's voice came over Tom's communications system. Sara: "Tom, we're receiving a transmission from the asteroid." Tom: "Asteroid?" he asked as they walked onto the bridge. On the main screen was the lay out infront of them. Retch's salvage ship was to the left of a huge asteroid, ensnared in an electrical web. Com's silver face suddenly appeared on screen, Com: "Well, I knew you would come soon enough. We have had your friend for over a month now, just where have you been?" he sounded almost civil. "Long story. So what do you want?" Tom asked, crossing his arms. "At the moment, you, and the robot you stole." "Your sister?" "Yeah, her. If both of you give up with out a fight, we'll let your friend and his ship go." "What do you want us for?" "I want you dead, and my sis back. Although I can't be sure how nice we will be to her after all she's put us through." he said, inclining his head slightly, "We're sending a hover transport over to your ship. Do not bother trying any heroics." the screen shifted to another part of the asteroid, showing Retch locked behind electrified bars. He was collapsed on the floor, fine, but none too thrilled. "Or we'll terminate this one." The picture disappeared and Sara came back on screen. Tom walked around to the front of the bridge, looking at the asteroid through the window. Sara: "What are we going to do?" Tom went back to the main console, kicked the underside and a blaster fell out. Tom: "Play hero." He said, checking the charge on the blaster. Kay: "Tom, no!" She ran over, "You can't! It's too dangerous!" Sara: "Kay's right, Tom." Tom: "We can't just sit here." Kay: "Then let me go with you!" she insisted. "No." Tom answered, walking to the elevator. "Why not?!" Kay demanded. Tom sighed, "Because I worry, okay?" With that said he got into the elevator which disappeared down the lighted shaft. Kay sighed almost contently, "You're so lucky, Sara." Sara: "So I'm told," she said with sigh then added quietly, "Good luck, love."

The hover transport from the asteroid was waiting for Tom and Kay at the edge of the Absolution's dock. The instant Tom stepped onto it, it moved away from the ship and headed strait back toward the asteroid where Com was sure to be waiting. He watched from the converted asteroids control room. Com: "I said no heroics." he said, tapping the computer console with a silver finger. Then someone spoke up from the shadows behind him, Voice: "You didn't expect them to just hand themselves over, did you? You know nothing about his personality, robot." Com jerked around, facing the shadows, "I may be a robot but I am in control." A white and green metal hand protruded from the shadows, gesturing at Com, "I thought your kind never took offence to being called what you are." Com just turned back to the screen, "You may want to go meet him." "On my way."

The rock had been merged with metal years ago, although now was left to lie dormant. Tom walked onto the large open dock in the side of the asteroid, looking around. There was nobody there yet, but he was sure that his solo arrival would sent a wave of robots after him. Tom: "Sara, any clue where I'm going?" Sara's voice: "Straight ahead. Then left. Holding cells are deeper into the astroid." she informed him. Kay's voice: "And please be careful!" Tom sighed. Everytime someone says that... Out of the dock and into the interior halls of the asteroid, Tom was starting to wonder where everyone was. Picking up the pace and following Sara's directions, Tom managed to navigate the complicated hallways of the base and it wasn't long until he was only a little ways off from where Retch was suppose to be.

Com pressed a button on the console, opening a link to someone within the asteroid, Com: "Atleast let me send in some of our attack droids." Voice: "No way, robot. A false sense of security is the best way to capture an enemy." answered the same voice from before, "Wait afew more minutes." "Yes, alright." Com answered.

Retch was absently kicking the metal wall with the back of his foot, rather annoyed. He glanced up at the security droid standing just beyond the electrified bars. It was absolutely inconceivable to him how anything could exist without a scrap of emotion. The droid was taller than an average person, built for what looked like space combat, and currently had no function other than stand guard and watch for unauthorized entry. While Retch was almost feeling sorry for it, the droid sprung to life, firing down the hall. A wave of electric beams hit the droid, frying its circuits and sending it to a heap on the floor. Retch: "What the hell?" Retch asked with a jump. Tom: "Not the highest security in the world." Tom commented, coming into Retch's view, "Hey, how's it going?" he asked. Retch just laughed. Tom turned his attention to the panel along side the door, "Sara, can you decode this?" Sara's voice: "No. I can't get into the system." Retch: "Sheesh, do it the easy way and blast it open." he said as though it was the obvious solution. Tom shrugged, taking a few steps back and putting the gun on its lowest setting. The laser beam sliced through the code panel, hitting the wires and blowing up. The electric bars vanished as the lights in hall began to flash red and an alarm was set off. Tom: "We've over stayed our welcome." "We were welcome in the first place?" Retch asked, taking the gun off the trashed security droid. They turned down the same hall when their way was blocked by a swarm of attack droids "I suggest we get out of here now." Retch said quickly as he and Tom took off in the other direction. They fired two shots behind them, destroying the first line of droids. Retch looked ahead and stopped short, the hall split into two paths. "Split up?" he asked. They both took separate paths, Retch on the right and Tom on the left. Seconds later, Tom turned around, and there was nothing behind him. "What the...? Where'd they-?" He back tracked only afew paces down the corridor when the lights went out and he stopped. Voice: "Been awhile, Tom." A small yellow triangle of light seemed to come around the far corner at the end of the hall, then the lights flickered and came back on. Tom: "Jake?" It was hard to believe but Tom found that he was staring back at himself. So Jake had gotten away with the upgrades he had attempted to steal from the Absolution. Jake was the exact copy of Tom, only he was of coarse green, the atom symbol on his chest was a triangle, and he seemed by no means as friendly. "Surprised? Don't be. I took your girl friends ideas and did alittle upgrading of my own." Apparently he seemed rather proud of himself. "What are you doing here?" Tom asked, still surprised by all this. "Isn't it obvious? I helped that no brained robot trap your friend and his ship so we could find you." "Why?" "Because we both completely hate you! I don't know why he does, but I'm tired of everything being so damn easy for you! Do you have any idea what I've had to go through since Operation Explorer started? Not to mention all the crap I've heard about you!" Jake was completely ticked off at this point and Tom wouldn't have been able to get a word in edge wise. Although by the sound of it, Jake had flipped a circuit worse than Com. "But we're both going to get what we want, that robot and I." Jake said more calmly, almost demonically. Suddenly a laser beam hit Jake in the back, strong enough to knock him over. Retch: "Now this is interesting. Who's this guy?" Retch asked, sounding more than a little confused. Jake growled, getting up quickly and turning on Retch. "I don't remember saying you could interfere." Retch laughed, "That's not gonna' stop me." Kay: "Or me, you jerk." Jake turned around. Kay was standing just behind Tom who sighed. Tom: "I'm never going to get you to listen to me, am I?" Jake: "I'm not sure where you acquired this motley crew of yours, Tom, and in truth, I don't much care." He held up his hand. One of the lights was bright red rather than yellow. "I'll take care of them later." He pressed the light and it flashed green. Back on the ship, Sara lost Tom's signal as his reactor powered down and every system went off line. Kay: "Tom!" Kay jumped when her friend suddenly fell to the floor. There was a clank behind her as Retch slammed Jake into the wall, Retch: "What did you do?!" Jake: "Same thing that brat did when she first met him. Complete override. I changed afew things around." "No way it could be that easy." Retch insisted, knocking him into the wall again. "Not from radio signal, not back then, no. But if you haven't noticed, with a complete understanding of how Tom works, it was simple." "You little..." Retched growled. Kay: "Not now!" Kay yelled, "We've got to get back to the ship. Sara will know what to do. Leave that loser for now!" Retch slammed Jake one last time then let him go. Jake laughed, Jake: "You'll never be able to do anything!" he yelled after them, then disappeared. Retch: "We'll be coming back for him."

Sara: "This is impossible." she said, never sounding so concerned. Everyone was on the bridge, but with no clue what Jake had done to Tom and equally clueless as how to fix it. Retch: "What do we now?" Kay: "It's the same override program Com created to stop unwanted visitors on MO2, only combined with the blocking program we used to shut down the Absolution. It's impossible to break." ".....I understood so little of that." "Than shut up if you have no help to offer!" Kay snapped. Retch stepped back, "When did you get a personality?" Kay sighed in annoyance. Sara: "It gets worse than that." "Worse?" Retch said in disbelief, "How much worse?" Sara sighed, "Tom's memory is tied directly into the main computer. If he is destroyed, I can send all files to a new model. However, right now all of Tom's systems are isolated and whatever Jake did, isolated all computer files as well. If we can't wake him up, it's as good as being dead." Kay: "Don't say that!! Of all people, Sara, how can you say that?!" "I'm afraid it's true." she answered. Just then the screen beeped with an incoming message. Sara directed it to a side screen. Com and Jake were on screen. Retch: "What do they want?" Com: "Your friend is no better there or anywhere else. We have the code to undo what we did, but it comes with a price." "No deals bud." Retched answered angrily. Kay: "What is it?" she asked, ignoring Retch. Jake: "You, runt." he laughed. Com: "Yes we want E126K5 returned to us." Kay: "Done." Sara: "No." "Sara, this is my choice." Kay argued. Retch: "End the transmission." Sara cut the line, "Kid, you can't give yourself over to those wackos." Retch said, trying to reason. "I have been around much longer than you, Retch. I can handel myself. I'm going." she stated, getting past Retch and toward the door. It slammed closed infront of her, the light signaling its lock. "Sara!" Kay said, turning back. Sara: "I'm not letting you go." "Who do you care about more?! Me or Tom?!" she asked, it was a rather harsh question. Kay continued, "If we don't get that code, we won't be getting Tom back. He's obviously isn't going anywhere, they will never give it to Retch, and you can't move. I'll come back, now let me go!" There was a pause in the room, this was no ones choice to make but Sara's. The door behind Kay opened slowly, the lighted hallway just beyond it seeming dimmer than usual. Sara turned Retch, "You are going to keep her safe and make sure she comes back." Retch: "Alright, yes ma'am." Retch answered.

Retch: "You sure you want to do this?" Retch asked, looking at Kay as the transport returned to the asteroid. Kay: "The plan is get the code, get out anyway possible. It's simple." "Yeah, what could go wrong?" he asked in a sarcastic tone. They jumped off the transport the instant it reached its destination and ran into the dock. "Sara, where's the control room?" Kay asked. Sara's voice: "In the center. I'll direct you." Kay and Retch ran out of the dock, following a complicated route. This had to be done fast before Jake and Com figured out that Kay had no intentions of staying.

Com: "If she was giving herself up, she would come alone." Com said, watching the closest monitor. On a wall far behind him sat a glowing tube, the power for the base. It lit the room with a blue aura, canceled only in afew places by the fluorescent lights. Jake: "We can't let that other one interfere with this. I got what I wanted, and you're about to get yours. I'm out of here." "I thought you were the one with the superior programing?" the robot questioned, "If we do not get rid of her other friend, they will escape and bring your rival back up to speed. No one will win." Jake sighed, "I hate you robots and your statistical logic. Alright, you win. I'll stay for the finally scene to be over in our little play."

Kay looked up a long flight of metal stairs that were elevated over a set of turbines. The ceiling was solid rock and the average temperature was over 100, not accommodating for humans. Kay: "That's it." she said after their run through the twisting maze that was the inner asteroid. Retch: "Get in, get out, right?" Retch asked, charging his gun. "Sara's ready to receive the code once Com or Jake tells us." "So this whole plan of theirs was to get you back?" "Guess so." They ran up the stairs, the door at the top opening for them. Com was waiting inside, leaning on the computer console. Com: "This took quite along time, sis." he commented, "But you knew you were suppose to come alone." he looked up at Retch, "You shouldn't have come." A blast of light hit Retch in the side and he slammed into the other wall, just missing Kay. Jake: "You people make everything so complicated." Jake walked out of the blue and black shadows. Retch was badly hurt, his left said smoking from the shot Jake had fired. Kay backed up toward Retch, Kay: "He didn't do anything. I came, just like what you wanted. Give me the blasted code." Com laughed, Com: "The code is your name, kid!" he looked at Retch, "But he is not getting out of here to tell anyone if that is what you planned." Com pushed one of the console's buttons, "Get the fleet ready to leave. We're setting this place on self-destruct."

INPUT: E126K5 PROCESSING. BLOCK DISABLED. SYSTEMS FUNCTIONING. TOM-2 ONLINE. There was a wave of energy through the computer as the system memory unlocked and Tom's reactor came back online. Tom: "En, what the hell happened?" he asked. Sara: "Jake found a way to put you offline using the M02 robot's override and blocking systems along with the copies of your systems." "How'd you fix it?" "Kay and Retch went to the asteroid to get the code from Kay's brother in exchange for Kay." "What?! And you let her go?!" Tom jumped. "Com did not know that Kay had a link open to me and believes that Retch was to come back and leave her there. The problem is that Retch is hurt and Kay cant escape. The asteroid is on self-destruct with Retch still inside and Com, along with Jake, getting away. But there is a flaw in the self-destruct ability of the asteroid they failed to notice. I am just picking it up now." "It won't work?" "No, it will work faster than they will have time to escape."

Sara had gotten the transport back to the Absolution, time against everyone now. Things were going from bad to worse it seemed. The signal sent throughout the entire base to initiate the self-destruct had disabled Kay's communication system. There was no way to tell her that they had less time than expected to escape the astroid before it blew, or to ask where Com had taken her. The first thing Tom had to do, however, was to find Retch. The lights in the halls were flashing bright red, an alarm blaring over the sound system. The self-destruct was constructed to set off individual bombs through out the base at close intervals to each other, taking out major parts first. Tom: "Sara, how long will it take to get to the control room?" Sara: "Atleast three minutes. The docks with the robots fleet is on the other side. The Kataki is in the opposite direction as well." "And the asteroid blows when?" "Five minutes." Sara answered unhappily. "Final round, I guess." Tom said, charging his blaster.

One minute later, Tom was less than half way to the control room. He had gotten past afew security droids still after him from the previous break out, but things weren't looking good. If he could get to Retch in time, they would still need to find Kay and get out. Tom spun suddenly, a noise coming from down the hall to his left. There was a scrapping of metal and Retch fell out from around the corner with a clank. Tom ran over, helping him up. Tom: "Are you okay?" Retch: "I am never traveling with you three again. In fact.... you'll be lucky if you see me after today." he groaned. "We need to get out of here. Where'd they take Kay?" Tom asked. "The kid? Aw, man, I dunno'. Doesn't Sara have a track on her?" "The self-destruct signal is jamming it." "Great." There was a quiet whirling noise under the sound of alarms, two clydes flying around the corner. Retch laughed, "Sara thinks of everything, huh?" "Yeah, she does." Tom agreed. The two clydes helped Retch, who was in no shape to make the trek back to the dock. "Hey, where are you going?" Retch asked, looking back to find Tom turning in the other direction. "To find Kay." "You'll never make it out in time!" he argued. "They won't either if I don't find them." Tom replied, a rather conclusive tone in his voice. Before Retch could argue further, Tom had disappeared down another hallway.

A group of battle droids marched down the flashing red corridor, flanked by Com and Jake. Kay: "Lemme go!" Kay yelled. She was being dragged just behind her brother. Jake: "He does that and you'll get blown up, kid." Jake said, turning slightly to face her, "Yo, robot," he glanced at Com, "How much time we got?" Com: "8 minutes, 43 seconds," he responded, "It is plenty of time to get away from the asteroid." "If you're sure." Jake shrugged, "But I wouldn't mind picking up the pace abit." he punched the back of one of the battle droids. Kay: "You're gonna' regret this, Com! Just you wait! Your ships can't stand up to Tom's!" Com: "That is unlikely." he stopped walking, turning back to Kay, "Wait. Something is different." he seemed to be looking Kay over with suspicion. Jake: "Yo, nebula to robot! She got upgraded." Jake stated, sounding shocked that Com had not noticed. "That is even more of an advantage to us, then." Com answered. Kay stepped back, she was still in her brother's grip, and he was stronger than she was. "Yeah, well, about that hurrying up thing I mentioned," Jake said, his arms crossed and getting annoyed. "Right," Com answered. Jake suddenly held up his hand, stopping the robot, "Wait a minute," he said. "You just said we should hurry," Com argued. "Shut up." Com was intelligent, but not as cutting edge as Jake, who could hear someone running towards them. "Right there!" Jake said, spinning. The battle droids turned as well, just as Tom came into view at the end of the hallway. "Aw, damn it." Jake groaned, a slip of disappointment in his voice. Kay: "Ha! You're okay!" she said happily, trying to break away from Com. Com: "This doesn't make sense! How do you always-?!" it seemed that more of his added on emotions came out when he was mad. Kay: "I was linked to the ship! They got the code as soon as you told me!" she answered proudly. Jake: "This was pretty dumb of you, Tom. This place is going to blow in almost five minutes." Tom: "It's going to explode in less than one. We all need to get out of here, now." he interrupted. Com: "Less than one?! That isn't true!" "Check later. Get to the dock!" Tom answered, not in the mood for small talk at this point. Jake: "We will, but you wont. Go get 'em!" Jake ordered the battle droids. They sprang in between Tom and the others. Just before any lasers began firing a blast of fire engulfed the droids! The base shook as bombs began erupting through out the entire asteroid. The hallway in which everyone had been was in shambles. It was only the lack of oxygen inside that prevented the vacuum effect of space. Only a scrap of the floor was left, the rest of the walls which the flames had engulfed were completely gone, leaving a gaping hole. Tom shook his head, getting up quickly. Jake had been blown to that side of the gap and was sparking among the droids. Kay was on the opposite side. She was alright, if not, only minorly damaged from a slash in her right shoulder. Com was lying against the wall, not moving, but with no damaged. Before either Kay or Tom could ask if the other was alright, the shaking of the asteroid intensified, pieces flying off into space. Sara: "Tom, you and Kay need to get off that thing before the finial explosive goes off." The Absolution moved into the nearby space. Very close by was the robot fleet of silver ships, sitting apprehensively. From the Absolution's bay, two jet packs flew over, each on autopilot. One landed on either side of the asteroid's gape. "You only have 15 seconds! Hurry!" Sara added. The larger of the silver ships moved away from the fleet, coming along side the base. Kay: "Suppose it's time to do a good dead." she called to Tom, and lifted her brother off the floor just enough to move him. Tom had to agree, pushing a droid over and grabbing Jake. Kay started up the jetpack, getting out of the asteroid and over to the silver ship. The side opened, Kay and Com disappearing inside. Tom's jetpack started as well and the second he and Jake reached the Absolution's dock, there was a massive explosion that knocked Tom into the wall and sent the much smaller silver ship realing. Two ships, the Absolution and the salvage ship, freed and piloted by Mel, dashed away from the explosion. To Tom and Sara's extreme relief, the silver fleet escaped at the last instant. The largest one, the one which Kay was on, just missed getting caught in the blast of flames that seemed to roll like thunder out of the center of the asteroid.

Retch walked onto the Absolution bridge, taking one more awed glance around. Retch: "Hey, Tom, I'm heading back over to my ship. I..." He stopped. Kay was on screen, talking to Tom and Sara. "Oops." he said quietly, making himself scarce in the corner. Kay: "I think it's best. For now." Sara: "We understand, Kay. Right, Tom?" she asked. Tom: "Yeah, sure. If that's what she wants to do." his tone of voice was totally fake, but no one was noticing. Kay: "Since Com's circuits were so messed up in the explosion, I know I can reprogram him. I can make him like he used to be, and then you'll see. We can all get along then. For now.... I'm going with my family..." she diverted her glance from the screen. "Hey, it's your choice." Tom said, being supportive, "We're bound to run into each other again." "Uh, Tom, I... I wanted to thank you for, well, everything. You and Sara are more like family to me than anyone I've ever known, but they need me right now." Sara: "Long good-byes are harder on the heart, Kay." Sara said, sounding awfully depressed. "I have alot to learn about all these emotions. So, I'll see ya." Tom: "Later." Sara: "Good-bye, Kay. We'll miss you." Kay: "Bye..."

The Kataki had been destroyed in the asteroid's self-destruct. Jake was without a ride, or a hospitable person to lend a hand. Retch had said good-bye quickly, promising to meet up with Tom and Sara again, and then disappeared. Tom had left repairing Jake up to afew clydes created for repairing the ship, and they dropped him off at the Ethinx Station. They had completely ignored his protests, getting out of the station as soon as possible. Everything was back to...... normal, again. Kay was gone, Retch and Mel were as well, and Jake wasn't going to be bother them for awhile. Tom was up on the bridge, talking to Sara like usual. Tom: "So, ready to head out again?" Sara: "Yes. Tom?" "Yeah?" "Are you going to miss Kay?" "What? Of coarse I am. The ship's going to be too quiet without her." Sara left it at that. She had learned a long time ago not to attempt getting an answer out of Tom until he was willing to say something. With that, the Absolution veered toward new coordinates, located somewhere within the depths of space.

The End

(posted on page 9/15/01)