Come. Join with us in the continuing work of the Holy Apostles in this present age. Mission parishes are multi-ethnic. English is the primary language. Visitors, students and immigrants from India worship and work in mission parishes, as well as those that have become American citizens by naturalization or birth. Mission parishes also include members of other Orthodox Churches (Syrian, Ethiopian, Eritrean, Coptic, Armenian) as well as American converts.
We speak in the common language of God's love through the apostolic and historic church of Jesus Christ.
How the Mission Society of St. Gregorios of India came to North America
Mission Society Parishes and Clergy
H. E. Dr. Thomas Mar Makarios
Mission Center (Montebello, NY)
St. Gregorios Orthodox Parish (Spokane, WA)
Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission (Madison, WI)
Other Malankara Orthodox Churches in America
Other Oriental Orthodox Churches in America