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Agent - A person that unknowingly causes poltergeist activity.

Apparition- A Spirit that takes a recognizable form (i.e. a person)

Aura - A measurable energy field that surrounds living creatures.

Clairvoyance - Psychic ability to see into past, present or future events.

Cold Reading - An accurate reading from a psychic without any prior knowledge.

Crisis apparition - When spirits of loved ones appear just before or soon after the anniversary of their death.

Cross Correspondence- Messages received from the spirit world.

Demon - An amoral and evil spirit, often disguised as something other, hiding its true nature, it only hopes to kill and destroy.

EMF - short for Electro Magnetic Field. A field of force, produced by electric charges and currents, which has both an electric and a magnetic component and contains electromagnetic energy.The properties of electromagnetic fields were outlined by Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell in 1865. Almost everything has its own EMF.

EMF detector - (or EMF meter) - Detects changes and levels in the Electro Magnetic Field. During most paranormal activity, there will be an increase and fluctuation in the EMF.

Elemental spirit - a spirit associated with either; earth, fire, water or air. Elementals traditionally are very powerful and somewhat amoral.

EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) - occurs when a magnetic medium (such as a tape recorder etc.) registers a voice that is not audible otherwise.

Exorcism - A holy rite used to cast out any bad or demonic entity from a living person or location.

Ghost – Spirit: from the Greek pneuma (or breath), usally a disembodied soul inhabiting the physical plane.

Guardian Angel - A messenger from the God assigned to protect and keep a person out of trouble.

Haunt - A paranormal event, or events characterized by spiritual activity.

Incubus - A spirit that seduces or attacks women. On most occasions, it is usually initially welcomed by its victim, only later revealing itself as violent and demonic.

Levitation - is when against all laws of gravity, a person or object is raised without mechanical means.

Mass Hallucination - When more than one person experiences an event that never took place.

Mist - Is a cloudy substance caught on film, it normally looks like a fog.

Orb - A manifestation of energy caught on film. Quite often confused with dustmotes and lens contaminates, Orbs are usually present during paranormal activity.

Paranormal- Beyond the normal realm.

Paranormal Activity - Any event not explanable through normal scientific means (i.e. ghosts, ESP)

Poltergeist - (From the german "Noisy Ghost") Evidenced by moving objects, slamming doors and noises. Usually connected with a person rather than a place. Poltergeist activity usually occurs suddenly and can last from minutes to years although most cases seem to end in a relatively short time, usually within three months.

Possesion - When a person is taken over by a spirit or demon.

Residual Haunting - An event repeating itself much like watching a videotape. The haunt usually has no awareness of outside events and is not affected by present day activity.

Revenant- One who returns. A spirit who returns to the place he resided in life.

Succubus - The female counterpart of an Incubus. A spirit that seduces or attacks men. On most occasions, it is usually initially welcomed by its victim, only later revealing itself as violent and demonic.

Stigmata - Unexplained wounds on someone's body that usually correspond with those of Christ.

Telekenesis- The ability to effect or move objects with the power of the mind alone.

Telepathy - Mental communication between two or more people.

Vapor - (vaporous apparition) Often seen as a mist, visible to the human eye.


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