
About George Orwell

Beasts of England

The Characters




Years passed from the tragic day of Boxers death. Every month, day, week, and year was filled with rumors and lies. The pigs got so fat from food that they could hardley walk. Meanwhile the animals worked like slaves. Slaves on a farm for which they were promised freedom. The windmill which all animals had strived so hard to build was not used for luxury, but for money and profit. Many animals had come and many had left. The legend of the fateful day in which the animals had defeated Mr. Jones, who was now dead, was barely a memory in the newcomers heads. But with these hardships they never lost hope. They had pride and honor in the mere fact that they were part of Animal Farm. For never was it thought to ever complain.

One day in the summer, the sheep were taken to the area with green grass and being taught something by Squealer. A few days later, the pigs started to parade out of the farm house. But something was different! They were walking on two legs! Immediately all of the animals remembered the chant that the sheep new so well: Two legs BAD, Four legs good... But they were walking on two legs!!! The sheep started chanting their well known maxim, but this time it had changed: Four legs good, Two legs better. The animals grew to acknowledge this accomadation.

A few weeks later, a number of carts came up the path with HUMANS in them!! They were in fact the neighboring farmers!! They found out that the pigs and farmers were joining in a dinner tonight! The animals crept up to the window to see what was taking place. The farmers wer spreading liquor and cheers around. Then Pilkington rose and acknowledged that the Animal Farm and the neighboring farms would from now on live in harmony. Napoleon, not that he was dressed in clothes, then sood and acknowledge the same. The only correction now was that Napoleon announced that Animal Farm was to be called MANOR FARM. They let go a few drinks and cheers and went on to play cards. They had not played long when a din was heard by the animals. Pilkington and Napoleon hd simotaneously played an ace of spades. Twelve voices yelled and hollered, but it was impossible to tell which was which, pig or human, master of worker. There was no telling, all creatures in the room were now the same...


Written By Sam Ayres

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