
About George Orwell

Beasts of England

The Characters




With the memory of cowshed still fresh in their hearts and minds, the animals worked hareder than ever to harvest the hay. And with these long days of labor and sweat, came much rewards. The ahrvest was even bigger than from what they had hoped.

One reason it was so difficult was that the machinery was meant for the human body. Another drawback was that the Commandments stated: "no animal shall walk on two feet", for this oculd have been practical... The pigs didn't excactly take place doing the work, but rather "directed and supervised the others". All other animals of all size, strength, and intelligence joined, whether it was the orsed pilling heavy loades or the chicken moving straw with theire beaks. The mightiest of the all though, was Boxer, the mighty work horse. Every setback, every problem, his answer was "I will work harder", which he soon assumed as his own motto. He even woke a half an hour earlier than the rest of the animals to "work harder". Nobody stole, grumbled, complained or quarrled. Their were a few though, that were mysteriously not working like the others. The cow, Mollie, had troiuble gettin up early, and also a way of leaving work early on the excuse that there was a stoine in her foot. The cat also had a way of not showing up at work, just at the eating time, as if nothing was wrong.

On sundays though, the hard albor was ceased. Ceremonies were held, including the raiseing of the flag (a table cloth, with a horn and hoof painted on). After this they went to the barn fo the "Meeting" a weekly debate in which Naoleon and Snowball debated their sides to resolutions. The meetings always ended in the singin of the Beasts of England.

Snowball believed that education was of formost importance. he organised many comittees for the animals most of which were a failure. The reading and writing classes were a great success though! By the autumn, every animal was literate in varying degree. Because many of the animals couldn't learn past the letter "a", the seven commandments were reduced to Four legs good, Two legs Bad".The sheep stared to constantly chant the maxim, and could say it for hours at a time! Napoleon said that the education of the oung was more important, and he secretly trained the nine dogs to which Bluebell and Jessie had given birth to.

When some animals started to wonder where the milk was going to, it was found that the pigs were drinking it. Immediatley Squealer persuaded the questionin animals saying that being leaders was a hard job, and if the pigs got sick, no one would be there for the other animals. Did they want Mr.Jones to come back he asked. And with this all were convinced.

Written By Sam Ayres

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