
About George Orwell

Beasts of England

The Characters




The rest of that year the animals worked very hard, but did not complain.The animals spent nearly all of their time on the windmill, so some of the feidls didn't get sown with seeds. The construction of the windmill, as well as the gathering of the materials proved to be very slow and laborious work. Boxer proved to be the hardest woker of all. When warned not to overstrain himself, he either replied "I will work harder," or "Napoleon is always right."

One day the animals were informed that Animal Farm will hence forthe engage in trade with neighboring farms to obtain certain materials that were urgently necessary. Shortly after, the pigs unexpectedly moved into the farm house.

Some of the animals vaguely remebered a resolution being passed that banned animals from sleeping in beds, which was a habit the pigs recently acquired. But when they consulted the barn wall, the fourth resolution clearly stated: "No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets. This silenced them.

One day in late November, the wind was so fierce they had to cease construction of the windmill. When they awoke the next morning, their eyes were greeted by a horrendace sight. Their windmill lay in ruins. Napoleon told the farmyard "Comrades, do you know who is responsible for this? Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? SNOWBALL!" He then promised a full bushel of apples to he who brings him alive, a half for bringing him to justice.

Written By Tyler Wolf

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