
About George Orwell

Beasts of England

The Characters




After the disaster with the windmill, it was slowly being rebuilt. Boxer held his heart and mind strong with his split hoof, and tried not to let it show that he was in pain. At the beginning, the retiring age for animals had been set, and in the case of Boxer, he could retire at the age of twelve. Boxer is getting older, weaker, and pain filled, all do to his hard work and loyalty to Comrade Napoleon. The winter was hard and cold. Rations were lower than before, despite somehow the pigs continuing getting plumper.

One day, many of the anmals smelled a wonderful scent coming from the farm house. Some said it was the smell of barley.They thought that they might finally get a warm amsh. But no mash was coming their way. The following week it was announced that all the liquor would be reserved, like all other luxuries, for the pigs.

Many animals came up with a strange suspicion that therer was once a commandment that stated that no animal shall drink alchohol. There minds were set to ease by the persuasive Squealer. Later in the year, Boxer became stricken with a worn out and lame lung. All the pigs promised the uneasy animals that Boxer would be taken to the local animal hospital. Many animals were still more uneasy about human interaction. The day the vet came, the wagon for some reason had a "horse slaughterer" on the side. Clover yelled and screamed to notify the ignorant animals what was to happen to their loyal animals. The truck took off the road, with animals following. Persuasive squealer was already there, convinsing the animals. The following day Squealer miraculously told of how he was at Boxer's side at the hospital when he passed on. Napoleon later went on to give a seach that told of how loyal he was and that all animals should use his patriotic maxims. Little did they know, the strong voice leading them was the same that ordered the very death of their beloved companion...

Written by Sam Ayres

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