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Stumbling Over Reason

A feeble attempt at a decent site.

What the heck are you doing here?! You have somehow came across my webpage. But whether you were dragged here by rabid speckled antelopes or actually came here on your own free will; welcome.

If you haven't noticed, I have a thing for Orgy. I absolutely love everything about that band. The music, the style, the hair... Amir's new look is white hot. You can see a kickin' pic of it on my beautiful people page. I'm partial to Amir, because he has increadible talent, not to mention he's eye candy, and that white vest with the black stripes;... can't get enough of that!

Also, you're sure to see images like this that are from Jones soda bottles. Jones soda is an awesome drink that has nifty pictures on the labels that are changed monthly. I gave credit for all the pictures, in hopes that Jones soda doesn't sue me. This one is stacked jones, from bottle #177. It was taken by Norman Silverburg in New York NY. NE ways, I'm gonna shut up now. Make your presence known on this page! Add your page to the aImighty link list. Or answer the polls. Or SIGN THE GUESTBOOK! It would make you oh so very cool. I guess I'll be trying to UPDATE this page within the next whatever time period. I mean, c'mon, I haven't done it in 9 months, and I think it might be a good idea. Maybe. If I feel like it. Yeah.

Oh, c'mon, you can't leave without taking my poll!

Oct. poll
So, do you even read ppls personal journals?¿


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Other Stuff

The quotable Orgy

Congratz! You're the person to have stumbled across my page. As your super duper prize, you get absolutely nothing. Enjoy!
