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Here are my old rants from 2000!!!

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    You know, there are a lot of things that I don't like about society.  Not to say that I'm an anarchist, because I'm not.  In fact, I really hate anti-government types.  I live in Montana.   You may have heard of our Freemen population and militia-types.  No, I'm not a believer in that. . . shall we say "shit"  I like the United States government, even though there are aspects I don't agree with.  All these anti-government people have no real point, in my own humble opinion.  Oh sure, they've got a laundry list of complaints and such, but have you ever heard of one offer a way to deal with even one of them.  Overthrow the government and have total anarchy is the usual response.  Well, I say fuck anarchy.  I like the way things are!   Hell, I got a fat tax return, so I'm happy.  It's stupid to just address a problem without a valid, concrete way to deal with it.  I'm not saying I'm against protests or speaking up, hell, this page is all about ME speaking up about shit.   But, if you have a gripe, voice it and voice a valid way to deal!!  Anarchy is not the answer.  But this rant isn't about all that, at least not yet.  It's about society.

    Have you noticed that things are getting progressively worse lately?  Hell, I notice it all the time, working in the restaurant industry.  Basic civility is gone.  We pride ourselves on our "enlightened nature" but it's really just a shiny piece of paper.  There is no thickness to it.  How enlightened are we when we backstab, lie, cheat, and treat the general populace like garbage?  We've become so self-centered, as a culture.   Now, it's only, "What's in it for me?  How can this benefit me?"   We don't give any credence to how our actions may affect others.  Yes, even I'm guilty of this.  I have done some things in the past, used people (though if a certain "dead" person is reading this, I never used you.  You had nothing for me to use you for, despite what you may think).  The difference is that I genuinely feel bad about it.  If there was a way to make amends for my past misdeeds, I would.  But, in the lack of penece, there is GET OVER IT!!!  Seriously folks, we need to get over ourselves and move on with our lives!!!  I'm sick of apologizing for shit.  If I offend unintentionally, then so be it!!  I don't go out the door every day thinking, "Hmm, how can I fuck up someone's life today?"   By getting involved in people's lives, we run the risk of offending, getting hurt, and a whole lot of other bad things happening.  No, I'm not saying we should all be recluses either.  I'm saying that everyone will step on someone else's toes now and again.  It's inevitable.  And I for one and tired of apologizing for breathing!!   No more kiddies.  On this page there are disclaimers.  If you read past them, the so be it.  It's your fault if I offend.   However, to do such is not my intention.  We really need to just walk on and live the rest of our lives.  Since you can't change the past, deal with it and live on further, maybe stronger and wiser than before, but never be sorry for an experience, even if it's negative.  It's all a part of us growing as people.  After we stop growing physically, we start to grow as people.  Your personality should never solidify.  It should grow, change, and reshape itself as you experience the world and the people living in it.  Get involved in a political issue, fight for something, make your voice heard.  Have a fucking opinion!!!  That's all I ask!   Change your life if you don't like it.  The past is gone, you can't go back and do it differently.  Learn from your mistakes and live on as a better person.   Otherwise, what's the point?  I'm not saying never feel bad either.  Of course you should feel bad.  You should also look at your life as objectively as you can and say, "Yeah, I messed up, but next time, I'll know how to handle it differently."  Grow as a person.  I know I've said that a lot, but GROW!!!   Why stagnate??  You can do that when you're 89 years old!  For now, if you're under that, LIVE your life.  Do things to benefit others as well as yourself.   Thank a person for only doing their job, it's blow their minds!!!  Say, "hey man, thanks for doing that."  If they say they had to, it's their job, then say, "yeah but thanks anyway."  They'll freak!!!  Being nice to someone for no reason will mess up their world!!!  That grumpy kid behind the fast food counter is probably so used to being abused by customers, it'll make him question the very fabric of reality to say say "Thanks, this burger was really good."   Keep people guessing.  Smile for no reason, people'll think you're on crack!!!   Keep people on their toes!  You'd be surprised at how crazy it will be if you're nice to someone for absolutely no reason.  They're expecting you're only nice because you want something, do it for nothing.  It'll blow their tiny little minds!!!   Try it, it's really fun to mess with their heads!  And in the long run, being nice to people will benefit our society.  We should adopt a more civil attitude to others.   Kiss ass where needed, but in general, treat people a fraction better than they expect and things will get better.  No more crack smoking, pregnant 12 year-olds.   I'm no prude, but damn, kids getting blowjobs and laid before middle school.   Hell, WHERE WAS MY PIECE IN 1988?  I didn't get laid until the latter part of high school.  And for God's sake people, if you have to confront someone, DO IT ON A TALK SHOW!!!  Go on Maury, or Jenny Jones and do it right!  Otherwise, take my advice and (say it with me now)


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    I'm using a different color font today because I feel like it.  I had my first jamming session with my new band.  I even got to play a little drums, which was fun, but I really suck at them.  Well, it wasn't the entire band yet, but I got to jam with the lead guitarist.  We'll call him Amergin the Lustful Mick.  All in all things went really great.  I'm looking forward to further sessions and meeting the rest of the band.  Amergin says that he wants a demo tape by the end of the summer.   It's a definite possibility, I think.  The type of music is Celtic Metal and we don't have a name yet, but I don't care.  I'm just really glad to be in a band again and this time with people who share my tastes in music.  I'll keep you posted on the demo and other such stuff.  On a more personal note, I'm really glad to have the opportunity to play music with other musicians again.  This will hopefully get me over the plateau I've been on and enable me to progress on to better techniques.  I'm going to go on a writing spree, both lyrically and musically and hopefully something good and keepable will come of it.

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    Geez, it's been almost a whole month since I last rambled here.   I've been busy though.  Rather than a rant about any particular subject, I'm just going to bitch about life and work. . . I really hate my job.  It's all I can do these days to get out of bed and dress for it.  Thankfully, just as things were getting incredible bleak, I got a big raise and will be going back down to my adopted homeland of Arizona.  Yeah, it's around 110 on average there right now, but I don't care.  I lived through numerous summers there, and I know I'll be ok now.  Anna might melt, but I'm hoping against it.

    My main man Roach tied the knot recently.  Yep, the Roachman is a married man, and I'm really happy for him.  I ran into him and Doris tonight at a CD store.  They both look incredibly happy together.  Way to go bud!  On July 1st, my only sister is getting married to.  Geez, I sense a trend here, but NOT FOR ME!!!  Not soon anyway.  I want to graduate college first and become financially stable (since it's probably the only stability I can achieve!).

    In band news, we are going to record some tracks before I leave for my trip.  I'm really excited about this!  Things are going slowly, mostly due to me since I have very limited time to practice this month.   It seems like everything has to happen in such a short time!  But anyway, we have one mostly completed song based on a riff I came up with, which is great.   Amerigin wrote the lyrics, but I like them.  My songs always tend to be gothic-based, and really not much use in a trash/Celtic metal band.  What can I say?   I still listen to a lot of goth and it's influencing my writing.  Lyrically, I'm ok, but it's the music that's not much use.  Shit, I guess I'll have to come up with a Korian solo album!!!  Ok, so I'm dreaming a bit, but it'd be fun.  I could get Anna to sing and do the keys. . . *thoughts drifting away to dreams of glory. . .*

    I'm going to a concert featuring Megadeth, Anthrax, and. . . motley crue. . . I'm not to excited about MC, but I liked them when I was 12 or 13.  It'll be cool to see them live, since I didn't get to during their heyday.  This will be my 4th time seeing Megadeth.  They always put on a great show.  It's my virgin popping first time for Anthrax.  I was a huge fan up to Sound of White Noise, so again, the nostalgia thing is happening, but it'll still be a great show.  Not much else is happening in my life really.  Until next time kiddies, this self titled, "Goth in Blue Jeans" will rant at ya later.  Oh yeah, check out my links page for the first winner of my oh so coveted award©!

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   The focus of this rant is. . . big surprise here. . . . ME!  I've been getting more introspective lately.  I don't really know why, but maybe I should think about it. . . (bad attempt at a joke there).   Things have been really good on my life lately.  Even though I try, I really can't think of anything bad to say or complain about.  Oh sure, there's a sense of apathy I have, but it really only manifests itself at work.  I really can't bring myself to care too much about anything that goes on there that doesn't directly affect me.   One could say that work is the only thing keeping me goth!  The thing that scares me the most is the positive attitude thing.  I mean, I'm currently sitting here to a song by No Doubt.  The worst part is that I kind of like it.  The song that is.  I mean, I know that my anger and overall hatred are still there, but they seem to be calming a bit.  I smile more, laugh more, and now appreciate a good sunrise.  I'm even wearing more color lately!  God, I think I'm gonna get lynched from the Gothic Society.  I think it's age.  Not that I'm old or anything, but I'm in the real world now, not in high school.  I've got a job, a "normal" life that revolves around it.  I've got friends, family, and am finally going to graduate college before I collect Social Security.  I'm optimistic about life after college and moving out of Montana to lead a decent life, pay taxes, have kids, etc.  My circle of friends currently has no gothic people in it.  They are basically normal joes that live and survive around here.  It's scary.  I'm the dark sinister one, but really am being known more as the group clown.  My sense of humor, though morbid is still around and manifesting itself more and more. . . Go figure.

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    I've been checking out a lot of other gothic sites lately, basically to gain some ideas for my own page.  No, I haven't been stealing anything, just looking around.  I would like to generate some more hits for this page.  I mean, it's not that bad is it?  Sure, I know it's a little bit plain and basic, but then again, I'm a plain and basic kind of guy.   Anyway, I'm thinking of taking some new photos to show off my new haircut.   Yes kiddies, it's short again.  Why?  Because my only sister got married and I wanted to look presentable in front of all the family types.  Mostly my grandmother.  You see, family is really important to me, so if all it takes is me having short hair to please my 86 year old grandmother (the only one I have) then so be it.  It'll grow back.  And since I'm balding, it'll be shaved completely off someday anyway!  However, here I'm going to talk more about photos.

    If anyone has any ideas about what sorts of pics I should take, then write me and let me know.  I'm even not again nudes.  I mean, why the hell not??  I'm not totally ashamed of my body, though I think some improvements should be made.  I've got a little gut going now, from too much beer, work, and lack of exercise, but all in all, I'm not that bad.  This subject has even been brought up by some of my e-mail friends.  Again, I quote my life motto, "So be it."  I'm a whore and I'll do just about anything.   The only line I will not cross is any gay pics.  I'm just not into that and will not apologize for it.  Any ideas or requests, just let me know.  I can even send you a copy of some various pics too, should someone desire them.  E-mail me and I'll let you know.  Yes, I'm an attention whore.  I admit this freely!

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     Well kiddies, once again I'm bandless.  I'm not really sure how this happened this time, since no one officially told me I was out and/or that the band was dissolved.  So, what happened?   Ask Cory or Jim (different one from Incarnation) since I don't know.  I talked to Jim and he told me that Cory had moved to Florida about 2 or 3 weeks ago, which would explain his not returning any of my phone calls.  However, another friend told me that he and his g/f just saw him not too long ago at the hang out "Yes you can still smoke here" diner.  I'm not questioning Jim or saying he's lying, but maybe he doesn't know what happened either.  Regardless, it's over and done with as far as I'm concerned.  So much for having a demo by the end of summer.  I did get to record one song, though I wrote nothing on it.  Dru (the sister of the dude who records us) wrote some killer lyrics and Cory wrote some music around it.  I played the bass line (surprise there) but I have yet to obtain a copy of it for all of you, my enduring fans.  Soon maybe?  Maybe never since I don't even have Adam's phone number.  Yeah, I'm kinda bummed by this, since I honestly felt that we could have gotten somewhere, but I question whether or not Cory felt the same way.  Maybe he found better personnel.  I mean, I'm not the best bass player alive (Steve Harris is still my bass god), but all in all, I'm a decent metal bass player.  So, once again I'm a solo artist.  When I last talked to Jim, I said that we should still get together and jam, but I have yet to hear from him, and since I don't have his phone number (sensing a trend here?  I need to get people's numbers) well, you see the problem.

     I'm other news, I wrote a new JHAHLF song.  If you don't know what that stands for, you're not meant to.   In a nutshell, it's a long term side project that my bestest bud Brandon and I have been working on since high school.  It's my alter-ego that writes songs.  I'd post it here, but it's not really with the whole tone of the page (as if there's a real tone here anyway).  Someday maybe I will dedicate a webpage to this band, but since it's not fully formed yet, I won't!  I did find a good drummer for it though.  The great Reverend Rimjob, head of the Potatoe Cult as agreed to pound skins for us (and also play drums, which is good).  I feel indeed blessed by his addition, as he will undoubtedly be a tremendous asset to this burgeoning idea. 

     If you have ever listened to Heavy Metal, then check out the new Iron Maiden album.  It's incredible. . . they're here to save metal from the depths.  Bruce Dickinson and Adrian Smith are back and they sound like they used to, only better with better music and much better song writing skills.  Steve Harris's playing leaves me with my jaw open (as per his usual).  I would gladly cut off someone's left nut to see this lineup live.  Any volunteers?  In other Maiden news, the former singer Blaze Bailey has a new album out too.  It's really good classic metal.  Twin guitars, but not in the Maiden sense, and great lyrics.  I really think he was underrated in Maiden, but I'm really glad Bruce is back since he is the only voice for them as far as I'm concerned.  But shit, Blaze is great, check it out if you like Maiden.

     I know, a goth listening to metal. . . but hell, what can I say, I've always been metal and I always will, more so than goth.  As long as I'm pisssed off, metal will be there for me. 

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    I started college again, that's why I've been a little lax in my rants and updates.   This is my senior year, so as you can imagine, the pressure is on a bit.  I've also have a new job!!!  No more restaurant work for lil' ol' me oh my!  I'm currently employed by the University of Montana as a computer lab monitor.  Sure, I'm only working about 15 hours a week, but it fits right in the non-class time I have and it's in the same building as 90% of my classes.  Since one of the labs is only open on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and also since virtually no one knows that it is a lab, I basically get paid to do my homework, which is more than cool.  There is also a new song under my lyrics & poetry section.  It started out as an old gothic bass line I've been tossing around in my head for a long time now.  I'm pleased to say that it's done now (minus the keyboard and lead guitar parts).  Now all I need is some musicians to finish it completely off and record the thing.

    I've been getting a lot of questions regarding my dedication to the gothic community.  So, here I'm going to answer them once and for all.  Am I still goth?  Yes and no. . . .of course with an explanation.  You see, I'm 24 years old, and settling into a nice professional atmosphere.  I am in the stage where I'm putting out feelers for a career job, this being my senior year and all, and have had to start to maintain a more professional outer appearance.  I'm keeping my hair short (though I've got a nice, neatly trimmed beard now) and have started to dress more, shall we say, nicer looking.   There is even some color included in my wardrobe now.  So, you can call me a sell-out if you want to, but you see, I'm looking for more in my life than being a broke goth.  If I have to change in order to get that 50,000 dollar job, than so be it.   I'm thinking marriage, kids, mortgage, and all that fun happy grown-up shit.   That's the price you gotta pay for that.  Sure, I could manage my old restaurant and still dress the gothic part, but I hated that.  Talk about burn-out kiddies!!!  I was talking to the flies I before I killed them with a damp rag (since we had no flyswatter).  I needed a change and so I made one for myself, which is what I keeping telling people in reality (meaning not online).  If you hate your life, then change it.  Do something that will make you feel better.  Hate your job??   Then find a new one!  It's really not that hard, but I'm straying from the point now.

    As I've grown older, I've noticed that more and more "gothic" people are settling down into nice little professional niches.  Sometimes you can enter one that will allow you to keep your outer appearance, and sometimes you can't.  Deal with it.   As I've said before, it's hard to maintain your gothic life outside of high school. and even more so after college (assuming you go).  I'm looking forward to entering the computer corporate world.  Am I a sellout?  In that regard, yes.  Call me it if it makes you feel better.  As I've repeatedly said, I don't care what you think.

    As for music. . . well, I'll never give that up.  I still want to form my gothic/metal band, but I'm giving up the hope that I can do so in Montana.  Most of the goths up here are asshole Mansonites either still in or just out of high school.  Of those, almost none are a musician of any merit, content to be mediocre and smoke and drink themselves stupid.  Ok, now to answer the unspoken question, "But Korian, does that mean you're anti-drug now too?"  *imagine the whiny voice asking*  No, I'm not.  What I am against is anything people do to hide themselves from reality.  If you use anything as a crutch in life, then you're a fool who can't deal with life.  Weed is ok for recreation and to mellow out once and a while, but you shouldn't use it every single day.  Especially as a musician, drugs fuck up your creativity in the long run.  Anything worse than weed is especially horrid for your musical career.  I maintain a nice clear mind through college and during my creative processes in writing.  To help maintain my abstinence from various substances, I've chosen to surround myself with non users, thereby limiting my access to them, and also helping me resist temptations.  It's really easy to slip back into that frame of mind.  But, back to music.  I'm still working on songs, and trying to better myself in my playing ability.  I've recently gotten past my latest plateau and have discovered some new, better sounds for my bass.  My creativity is on a new high (like those I used to have pre-Montana days).  I'm psyched about life and will be getting a new computer in about 3 days.  It's not the best (a 600mhz Compaq Celeron) but it's what I can get in my incredibly limited budget.  Anyway, until next time kiddies. . . .

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    Hello again my friends.  School's been killing me slowly, but I think I'll survive this current semester.  As for the future, well, I am a fighter. . .  Roach and I have this ongoing project right now.  It's an exercise in creative writing.  We chose a random word out of the dictionary and have to write a story based on that word and using it as a title.  I got the word "Tunny" which is slag for tuna.  Right now tit's 4 pages and filled with witty dialog and vivid characters.  If anyone wants me to, I may post it on this website, but I don't know yet.

    Musically, nothing much is new.  I broke my first bass string today.  I usually change them when they get dingy, dull, and crappy sounding, but I didn't this time.  I broke my E-string while soloing on an impromptu thing.  Crazy huh?  Anyway, I'm still kind of writing, but most of my musically projects are on hold right now.  I've had no contact with Jim (drummer from Cory's band) nor any offers to join other bands.  There is just no music scene up in Montana (as surprisingly as that may be).  However, I will be going to Phoenix this Christmas, so hopefully something good will happen.  I get to hang out with Brandon and Dave, both of whom are great musicians in their own rights.  Hell, I'd love to be in a band with those guys, but circumstances as they are, well, I'M IN MONTANA!!!  Yes, I'm kinda bitter about that sometimes, but oh well.  I'm just kinda in a bad mood tonight.  I had a ton of homework and am overtired and mean.

    Hellraiser 5 is out.  Yes, Pinhead died in 4, but that was in the future and this one took place in modern time.  It wasn't too bad though.  I also recently rented the "Bogus Witch Project" which is a series of parody skits making fun of Blair Witch.  It was funny, but kind of stupid in a low budget comedy sort of way.  I want to see Blair 2 and I don't care if everyone hated 1, I loved it so fuck off.

    Well kiddies, my sleeping pills are kicking in and I'm having a hard time concentrating now.  I just wanted to let everyone know I'm still alive, and NO, I AM NOT CHARLES U. FARLEY!!!!  While admittedly there is a resemblance, I am not him so quit asking.  Charles and I are not the same person.  I can't stress this enough.  New pics of me are coming soon.  When?  As soon as I take them.  I've gotten some suggestions of some new ones to take, so if you made a suggestion, stay tuned and see if I took yours under consideration.  Sign my guestbook if you haven't already.  I need more people so I can feel loved.  Also, I'm re-vamping my links page very soon.  I know I told some of you that it would be done by now, but it ain't so there.  It'll be done when I have time and will have links to better gothic sites than this one.  Check it out soon and stay tuned for bigger and better things from Korian's Realm.  Soundwaves of my music are coming soon. . . 

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    Two rants in the same month, I'm going to spoil all of you, my loyal fans.  This one is on the upcoming elections.  Yes kiddies, it's time for everyone of the ages of 18 on to vote their little consciences about who is going to run our country.  So, without further ado, here is my thoughts on it.

    Honestly, I can't really give a flying fornication about it.  All the talk of "clean" campaigns after the last presidential election is out the window and gone.  It's sad.  Everyone from the locals to the nationals are mudslinging at an all time low.  It's stupid, sad, and highly immature.  It's leaving a bad taste in my mouth, though I AM going to vote, I don't care who wins.  No one is talking about any significant issues these days and it's all fastly becoming a ton of empty promises.  Did you know that tax cuts are an act of Congress, not the president.  Let me repeat that:


So, what does that mean?  It means that the presidential nominees that are promising lower taxes are talking out their asses.  They can't do it.  It's an empty promise.  Congress makes laws.  Taxes are laws, do the math kiddies.  So, regardless of who wins, they are both losers.  Gore is a lot like Clinton in that he says everything to everyone, making impossible promises that no president could ever keep.  Bush is the typical Republican, talking their age old talks and bland generalities that makes them so loved.  Who am I voting for?  I'd vote for Nadar if I felt he had a chance in hell of making it.  Maybe I'll just toss a coin.  On the local front, the mudslinging is akin to this:

    "My opponent worships Satan.  If you vote for them, you'll go to hell.  Vote for me since I worship God and will let you into Heaven."

    Its really that sad, yes.  According to everyone, the other person will screw the state over and bring us into a dark age.  There are also many initiatives that will appeal local taxes.  Great.  Now the state will have no money since they aren't proposing any newer ones to replace the lost incomes.  Sure, paying less taxes would be great, but is that the answer to the fact that there are no jobs of paying significance?  Or that it takes a minimum of a family working 3 jobs to raise a child here in Montana?  90% of all university graduates leave the state for other places that actually pay their employees enough to live on that one job.  Yes, I'm planning on leaving too.  It's sad and a shame really.  So, this upcoming election, no one gives a rat's ass who you vote for.  Candidate A or B are the same.  Alternative parties have no chance (maybe in about 10 to 20 years they will though, now it's just a novelty) so why bother.  Locals (here at any rate) spend more time talking about how much the other one sucks rather than discuss anything like an actual issue.  The point?  There is none, just like in politics.

    By the way, Blair Witch 2 is really cool and scary.  Some may like it even if they didn't like the first one.  

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    Today was an alright day for the most part.  I discovered something rather interesting.  I've been included (at my own submission I might add) on  I was called, "Another SORRY EXCUSE for a PILE OF PROTOPLASM."  I know that already a lot of you are going, "Yeah, we know."  Well kiddies, now it's official!!  Aren't I proud?!?

    My Thanksgiving was ok, nothing really worth mentioning though.  I spent it my friend Chris and some family friends.  Turkey was good though and I gorged on deserts.  In other news, I'm getting rather heavily back into the metal scene lately.  I wrote a new JHAHLF song recently.  It's killer.  I'm currently debating on 2 bass lines for it.  Chris has been added to the roster as keyboards.  We're almost a full band now, which is kinda scary.  I mean, I found Brandon (co-founder with me), the illustrious Reverend Rimjob, and now Chris, all of whom are of like insanity and musical backgrounds.  Work is still weird, but better than my restaurant job.  Not much else to say really.  Bush is president, I voted for Gore because he won the coin toss.  I don't care.  I just want it to be over in all honesty.  Another person has won my award!!  Check her out on my links page for her cool banner or click here:  See, people really win, all you need to do is just apply to:  Click on my Awards Page for more details.

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    Hello and welcome to the end of the millennium.  I hope everyone has a great New Year's Eve.  This is officially my last rant for the last 1,000 years.  Ok, actually, this isn't a real rant.  I just wanted to say hello to some people and let others know that I'm still alive, though it's been over a month since my last excursion here.

    Here are my wishes to you for a Happy New Year:

    To everyone I saw in Phoenix during my last trip this Christmas (Brandon, Dave, Jeff & Julie M).  It was great, and I love all of you.  Next time I'll hopefully get to spend more time down there next time so we can wreck havoc.  Dave, CHECK OUT BLAZE!!!

    Sylvia:  Good luck with your new life in Colorado.  I miss you and wish you only the best for the new year.  Keep in touch!

    Julie K:  All the way to California huh?  I'll miss you and take care kiddo.  I'm sorry I didn't get to see you off like I wanted to, but my thoughts go with you.  Best of luck.

    Everyone who kicked me out of a band since 1990:  Fuck you.  8-)

    With that my loyal fans, I will type at you next year (2001) and hope that everything is great for you.  I'll be back and bitching about anything and everything soon.  I hope to have a lot to complain about now that Bush is president.  teehe.  I have a webcam now and will be letting all of you see me as soon as I get around to setting it up and such.  That way you can plot the shallow, suffering mundanity that is my life with visual aides.  Will there be nudity?  Only I know for sure and I'm sure as hell not telling!

        Ladies get naked and show me your boobs.  Death to pop music, rapcore, MTV, boybands, and everything else I hate with a passion!!!  Somnus rules, check them out kiddies.  I don't get better than them.

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    Really late Happy New Year kiddies!!!  It's getting to be that time again folks, on the 29th I start school, deep into my senior year.  I should be graduating this December, but if there is a problem with anything, it will be in May, 2002.  Finally, I know.

    Just a quick apology for not being online much and for all the short, abrupt letters I've written to people when I have been.  It's been really strange not working this last month.  No school, no work, nothing but indulging in my newest drug of choice.  Yeah, I'm back in the throws of addiction my friends. . . and I have it bad.  It's not a new drug either, but rather a variation of one I got hooked on not too long ago.  You see, it's called, "BALDER'S GATE 2" and it's making me lose sleep, making me irate, and gain weight.  It's hell my friends, pure hell.

    There have been some changes lately.  As you may or may not have noticed, I am no longer going by Korian, but rather using my real name.  It didn't make much sense to use my black metal name since I got kicked out of my black metal band. . .  No bitterness involved, seriously.  Just facts.  Also, I'm officially done with my flirtations into the gothic community.  I'm just purely sick and tired of all the pretension involved with them, and the scene is pretty much, (pardon the pun here) dead.  Besides, I'm long never been a fan of Manson, so there you have it.

    On a lighter note however, I'm having a blast musically.  I've finally passed another plateau in my bass playing.  It's been a long time coming.  Now on to bigger and better music ideas.  There may even be a new JHAHLF song in the mix. . . we'll see.  For those of you who don't know what that is, it's my ever continuing side project founded by me in high school with my friend Brandon.  Since then I've found a few others of like insanity to make it a somewhat real band.  Unfortunately, it exists in 2 states as of now, but Rev Rimjob, Chris, and I may all end up in Phoenix sometime after college searching for jobs.  I can't say for sure, as the most long term I can think of now is school tomorrow.  Again, the most FAQ I have is:  Will there be a JHAHLF webpage for we can all find out what the fuck it means??  Again, the answer:  Maybe, I don't know yet.

    No new band news yet, but then, I haven't been trying either.  Montana just isn't the place to form a real, lasting metal band.  It's all rapcore, grunge, or country.  No musical uniqueness anywhere up here, sad really.  Anna is taking a piano class this semester, which could lead to something for us musically.  I'll keep you posted, my loyal fans!!!  Stick with me, I'll seriously try to update more.  Thanks for the support and sign the freakin guestbook, please!!!

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    I decided to start an e-zine.  Yep kiddies, my very own online magazine!!  I'm going to review CD's, have interviews, and a whole lot more.  It's not just me either.  Roach, Reverend Rimjob, and a few more guests will also be there for all to read.  It should be cool.  My very first interview (ever) will be with Rhiannon of Somnus.  I sincerely hope you all  check it out.  I'll post it here first when it's up and running.  If you want to see a tentative "COMING SOON" page of it, here's the link:

  Please let me know what you think.


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Zippy Van Gough.
Copyright 1999© [Overlord Records]. All rights reserved.
Revised: October 31, 2001.