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How Dare You Ask Me to Trust?! (1994)

Hope hurts

The heart that hates…..

It's like a journey through hell

To attain a promise of heaven.

Trapped between walls of hate

And the lure of healing mountains to climb,

Mountains whose siren song

Reaches around the burden of rage

Long buried,

Now burgeoning forth

To shock and sear all within

Who watch this wrath

Or flee in terror

Of yet more pain to come.

Deeper still

Goes the fear

That this is one more lie,

Still another game whose only end can be

Yet another humiliation,

Still another blow

To the remains of a tender spirit.

And still a siren song

Calls words of peace and hope,

Hope to set this soul free

From a prison of pain.

How can I dare to trust!?

How can you ask of me

To take your outstretched hand

And believe you and we will pull us free

Of this lockjawed trap that is our life?

Have you any idea how much you ask?

Have you even an inkling how much more I want to believe?

And can you imagine the fear that twists my gut

That you could be wrong

Or I might be too weak

To bear the pain?

Mosaic Minds
The Sisterhood of Healing Journeys
Thought Field Therapy Worldwide
Energy Therapy Web Page
