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These Pages Are Dedicated To Arthur Hitchman Of Dorset England Who Gave 60 Years Of His Life To Researching Our Families And Has Shared His Information With Us. This Work Is A Result Of His Research.

All information contained in this website is copyrighted by Arthur F Hitchman and/or Delleen M Starner and may be used for your own personal information but is not to be copied to sell in any way.............Enjoy

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UK Male Births 1931-40UK Male Births 1941-1950 Coming Soon
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UK Male Births 1971-80Your Hitchman Line Could Be Here
UK Male Marriage 1560-1836UK Male Marriage 1837-50
Interesting HitchmansHitchmans Who Paid the Ultimate Price
Arthur's Line
Henry Hitchman 1540/50
Wills of the Hitchman Family
John>Elmer Hitchman
UK > Dakotas USA
John>Albert Hitchman
UK > Dakotas USA
Hitchmans of Oxon Job Hitchman Genealogy
John Augustus of Jamaica William Hitchman Genealogy
John Hitchman 1730
Glouc, Isle of Wight, Australia
"Old and New Westmoreland"
Volume III Quoted
Thomas & Mary ca 1770
Nelson Hitchman 1815
Canada, NY USA
John Hitchman and Elizabeth Lodge
ca 1765 London
Descendants of Samuel Hitchman 1740
Chipping Campden and Blockley
Phillip & Isable ca 1610
Rissington Hitchmans
John & Anne ca 1640
Shipston on Stour
Clara & Unknown ca 1815
Hitchmans of Souldern
The Hitchmans of
Old London
Hitchmans of Compton Wynyates
Warwickshire ca 1725
Descendants of William Hitchman's
son John Hitchman (1789-1846)
Robert Hitchman
1787 Oxford, Canada, US, Australia
John Hitchman 1850
Bledington UK, S Africa
Thomas Hitchman 1835
Temple Guiting
Harwell HitchmansSt Pancras/Canada Hitchmans
Todenham Gloucester
Oxford, Little Milton,
Cuddesdon Hitchmans
The Hitchmans
of Hatford Berks
Cherington + Stourton
Bloxham Parish RegisterParish Registers Eynsham,
Ascott under Wychwood,
Weslyan Meth. Chipping Norton
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