Photos of my Grandchildren
This Page is Dedicated to My Oldest Daughter, Lauretta --I have always loved you so much,
Eric--Tammi's son
Eric's applehead doll at school
Scroll down to 'Uncle Joe'
on the right hand side
Tammi's son Dawson
Tammi's daughter Megan
Tammi's son Cody
LaQuandria--Toni's daughter.
Mom calls her "Kinzie"
Grandma calls her "Froggie"
Everyone calls her Beautiful
Alize'-- Toni's second daughter
Since they moved to Portland Grandma
hasn't been around to nickname this one
Lauretta's two youngest...Jessie (with Mom) and Brandon
Kari's children..on left Cassandra Del (Missy Poo) on right Alisha Jean
LaDean's children left to right Chris, Brianna and Emilee
Braydon & Anthony
Joe's Daughter Jessica
December 2001
Darrell's Son
Born 3 December 2001
For more pictures of Jordan
Click Here
(It's worth the trip.)
© 1997