<title>Missi Pyle Where Are You?</title>
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<h1 align="center"><marquee>Missi Pyle Where Are You?</marquee></</h1><p><br><br><br>

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In then beggining there was nothing.  And then there was Missi Pyle.  She was born in... well suffice it to say she was born, of this we are certain.  Missi lead a rather comparitively undocumented childhood and eventually surfaced in Germantown (Tennessee) High School where she appeared in school's GVS-TV cable access station and Poplar Pike Playhouse theatre.  She graduated in 1991.  Her career begin in the theatre, where she stayed unnoticed for many years (a complete list of these plays is in the making).  Her first role in the cinema (probably) came in 1997 playing one of the most conegenial waitress in "As Good As It Gets".  Proving that she is such a godess, she'd never settle for another nuerotic character of Jacky Boys.  Of course this means a bit part for Missi. Such is film.  1999 was her year.  Kind of.  She was able to score roles in three films: Galaxy Quest (Laliari, Jane Doe), Trick (Actress with flowers), and Snow Days (Ily).  She also graced television twice in 1999 with appearences on The Drew Carrey Show ("Drew's Renuion" Stacey 5.4) and Friends ("The One With Ross's Teeth" ???? 6.8).  But perhap her most notable accomplishment in 1999 was coming in # 942 in a marathon in San Dieguito. See Missi Run!  She is currently believed to be living in LA, and working on the salvaton of all humankind! We love you Missi!!!! 
