METHOD                               DESCRIPTION

1. LECTURE/LECTURETTE                   An oral presentation prepared and delivered by
                                        a subject matter expert(SME)usually 20-30 minutes 

2. EXPERIENTIAL LECTURETTE              An oral presentation prepared and delivered by a 
                                        SME, but with the use of questionnaire as spring 
                                        board for discussion.

3. GROUP DISCUSSION                     A purposeful conversation in which 2 or more 
                                        participants explore, teach, and learn about a 
                                        topic of mutual interest.

4. COGNET                               Cognitive Networks-participants do some reading
                                        and answer the same questions and then gather or
                                        meet to share their group report.

5. CASE STUDY                           A written account of situations. The written
                                        account must contain sufficient detail to make
                                        it possible for groups to analyze the problems
                                        involved. The case involves a slice of life that 
                                        invites diagnosis, prescrition and possible
                                        solution or treatment.

6. DEMONSTRATION                        An activity in which one or more people show how
                                        something is done.