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Satin Princess

13th December: I Can't Believe It's Not Rock! info
16th March: Bad Press - Funny article about a dumb journo mistaking Dan for a girl

My 1st Award!

"It's twelve o'clock and it's a wonderful day"

Shows Articles - English & Deutsch Surveys - English & Deutsch Pics Quotes - English & Deutsch History Lyrics Webrings I'm In SC Links Buy Merchandise thru the LAS Vote 4 songs on Triple J

I hate teenyboppers. Do you?

Only once each week please,
or it won't count at all!

Stop Animal Abuse!

A pet's not just for Christmas!

emotion sickness: the silverchair banner exchange
Join the #1 silverchair exchange on the web!

Site active since: 9th October 1999

ATTENTION: This is not an official silverchair Site. It's a silverchair Fan Site. The author of the site is in no way connected with silverchair, murmur etc.
ACHTUNG: Dies ist keine offizielle silverchair-Seite. Es ist eine silverchair-Fan-Seite. Der Ersteller dieser Seite steht in keiner Verbindung zu silverchair, murmur etc.
Note: All ads for companies, products etc are just placed here to show what is available. I may get some commission from some of them, but do not have any responsibility for what they do with their customers etc...