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All Things Austen

At All Things Austen you can find:
Many neat Jane Austen links
My page with the words Lizzy sings at Pemberley "Voi Che Sapete"
My Pride and Prejudice photo page
And my chat room, "The Netherfield Ball Room"
Vote on your favorite JA book!

My Jane Austen Links

My Pride and Prejudice Photo Album
My page with the words to Voi Che Sapete by Mozart
The Netherfield Ball Room For HIS-Story Janeites (a chat room!)

The Derbyshire Writer's Guild and Republic of Pemberley

The Derbyshire Writer's Guild
The Jane Austen Tea Room (The Derbyshire Writer's Guild main message board)
The message board for posting your JA stories at the Derbyshire Writer's Guild
The Republic of Pemberley
The best Emma site (From the Republic of Pemberley)
A neat site about the poems and writers JA quoted in her books(From the Republic of Pemberley)

Other neat Jane Austen and Regency links

Hartfield...THE BEST Emma2 site online!
Jessamyn's Regency Costume page
Another neat P&P site
Pride and Prejudice Paradise
An great Emma2 page-lots of sounds!
Nordic Jane Austen- neat international site
A neat Pride and Prejudice site with movie clips, info and a destop theme
Persuasion!!! (NEW LINK)
Always Austen (NEW LINK)
Mansfield Park (NEW LINK) For the new movie...which I have not seen.