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The 'Seymour' Comic Strip Home Page

Hey there! In case you've stumbled across this old site, 'Seymour' is the comic strip I was working on in the late nineties/early noughties. It's appeared on the 'Artcomics' website, as well as in the Melbourne-based 'Tango' anthology, but this is the official 'Seymour' web page! Needless to say, the strips are all copyrighted, but I certainly won't complain if anyone wants to print 'em out and stick 'em on their fridge.... - Robert

What's on this site? Well, you can find individual strips, as well as the 'Hitchhiker' saga, and the 'Sacrifice For Seymour' storyline (my personal favourite), 'Fatherhood for Seymour' and 'Seymour's Addiction'. (There's also a Photo Gallery - because this was back before Flickr was available!) Be sure to check 'em out and tell me what you think!

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