to Patent your Invention
90 minute video takes you through the entire invention process
from your idea to prototypes, patents, trademarks, bar codes,
manufacturing, labels, packaging, and marketing.
video was made by Frank Ahl, who has 5 patents and two products
on the market. The video includes a lot of his experiences
with ideas, patents and what it took for him to get his first
invention to the market. In the video Frank shares his
mistakes and his successes in an attempt to help you avoid
the pitfalls that come with the invention and patent process.
matter what stage you are in with your invention Frank guarantees
the video will save you time and money in getting your idea
to market. It took Frank 3 years and $250,000 to get
his first invention on the market. He feels if he would
have known the information shown on this tape he could have
saved two thirds of the time and money it took him to get
his product to market.
a copy of this tape How
to Patent your Invention Video send $19.95 (which includes
shipping) to Ahl, Inc. P.O. Box 41, Elliston, Montana 59728
or call toll free 1-877-2-INVENT which is 1-877-246-8368 to
order with a credit card.
may contact me by email :