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Embrace the slashiness!

Well, here you are. These are the fics, all you have to do now is read them.
I was going to install a fancy thing where you click a letter - 'T' for example - and it would take you to the 'T' section. But I can't make that work. *shrug*
So you'll just have to scroll to find what you want.

Loaded Dice Rating System:
= Well, it's got some Tulio/Miguel.
= It's got a plot.
= This is pretty good.
= This is very good.
= Whoa, dude, this RULES!

A Note: Incidentally, the ratings system should probably be ignored. Fics who have been given 5 stars aren't nessisarily brilliant, and fics with 2 stars might not be only so-so. Some fics I've graded higher simply for being so bad that you can't help but love them, and some fics may be absolutely gorgeous and fantastic, but will have one tiny detail that pisses me off enough to bump them down a couple stars.
It's all very confusing. Read them and judge for yourselves.

= Click on this image to go to the Author's Website
= Click on this image to Email the Author
= Click on this image to go to the Author's Journal



To Cast Heaven Aside
Rated: PG
Genre: Drama/Romance
Tulio's life is in Miguel's hands as he's made into a sacrifice.
Loaded Dice Rating:



The Road That Lies Ahead
Rated: R
Genre: Romance
After getting out of El Dorado Tulio and Miguel realize their feelings for each other, while trying to ignore how Chel will react.
Loaded Dice Rating:











Finding Him
Rated: PG
Genre: Romance/Angst
(Formerly "Someday Out of the Blue.") After they get back to Spain, Tulio is surprised to find himself abandoned by the people who he loves most. Inspired by, but not really based on the song by Elton John. *Completed*
Loaded Dice Rating:

Karu Leonnese

Artistic 'Vision'
Rated: PG-13
Genre: Humour/Parody
See what happens if you give 21st century technology to the RtED cast! Or at least to a bunch of crazed fans.. This is a written version of something that actually happened. Seriously. This cracks me up everytime I read it!
I would give pretty much anything to see the original tape.
Loaded Dice Rating:

Goodbye To You
Rated: PG-13
Genre: Angst/Drama
Rated for death. ANGST CENTRAL! How do you carry on when the thing that completes you is gone?~ Deathfic, suicide thoughts and all...It's sad, but it has a happy ending...I think.
Loaded Dice Rating:


Lady Jaida

Rated: R (a very low R)
Genre: Romance/Humour
What really happened in that boat. Slashy Tulio/Miguel-ness, cos I just...can't help myself. Don't hurt me. ^~
Loaded Dice Rating:


Someday Out Of The Blue
Rated: PG
Genre: Angst/General
Songfic inspired by the movie and the ending theme. After their adventure, Miguel reflects about Tulio and Chel's new relationship and his place in it. (Light slash.) Revised with italicized lyrics.
Loaded Dice Rating:





Prince Fala
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Endless Blue
Rated: PG13
Genre: Romance/Humour
During his grueling time out to sea, Tulio makes an important discovery about Miguel and about himself.
Loaded Dice Rating:




Rated: PG13
Genre: Romance/General
AU. Tulio and Chel left Miguel behind two years, but now Tulio misses Miguel enough to go back to ElDorado
Loaded Dice Rating:




Can't Help Falling In Love With You
Genre: Romance
Rated: PG
The first in a song fic series featuring Elvis songs. Extreme fluff warning!
Loaded Dice Rating:

Love Me Tender
Genre: Romance
Rated: G
Number 2 in the Elvis series! Miguel sings to Tulio - hence the title.
Much, much sappier than the others, almost more fluff than the average person can handle. But then, none of us could possibly be described as 'average'. Enjoy.
Loaded Dice Rating:

A Fool Such As I
Genre: Romance/Humour
Rated: PG
Number 3 in the Elvis series! A deleted scene from another of Terry's fics, 'The Road to El Dorado 2: Someday Out Of The Blue', which for the sake of my typing fingers, and LH-Chan, we shall call 'RtED2: SootB'. It shall be archived at a later date when I get the HTML done.
Loaded Dice Rating:

You can find more of Terry2's fics in the Misc Fics section.


Rated: NC-17
Genre: PWP
Miguel plans a romantic night for Tulio and himself, involving very cold water.....
Loaded Dice Rating:

When In Rome
Rated: NC-17
Genre: PWP
Tulio and Miguel flee to Rome, Italy to live the rest of their lives as free men, but they are pursued by a crazed bounty hunter, who's determined to get them. Dead or alive.
Loaded Dice Rating:


All Better?
Rated: NC-17
Genre: PWP
Just a little hotsprings interlude. ;-)
Loaded Dice Rating:

Best Laid Plans, The
Rated: NC-17
Genre: PWP
Our heroes hide in a hayloft to escape an angry mob.
Loaded Dice Rating:

Buried Treasure
Rated: NC-17
Genre: PWP
Pure PWP, just an interlude along the ‘Trail they Blazed’
Loaded Dice Rating:

Morning Ablutions
Rated: NC-17
Genre: PWP
April 2002 Quickie - Showers
Loaded Dice Rating:

Rated: NC-17
Genre: PWP
A little ficlet on the definition of treasure. Written as a reply for one of Peja’s 15 minute challenges, so done fast and not beta’d. Take it for what it’s worth.
Loaded Dice Rating:

What Am I Pretending?
Rated: G
Genre: Romance/General
Extrememly cute little ficlet. Under the mistletoe. ^_^
Loaded Dice Rating:

The Trouble With Tulio
Rated: G
Genre: General/Angst
Cute, mildly angsty ficlet. Miguel thinks about Tulio.
Loaded Dice Rating:







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Cross My Heart
Rated: PG13
Genre: Romance/Drama
~Songfic! This one's different tho - it's ta a song NOT on da El Dorado soundtrack. Tulio comes back to Miguel after things did not work out, but how did they even come together in the first place? Just how long and how deep are the ties that bind them?
Loaded Dice Rating:

Hey Armadillo
Rated: PG
Genre: Angst/Romance
~Songfic number two! I can interpret anything I want! Miguel talks to Bibo in the garden.
Loaded Dice Rating:

My Heart Dances
Rated: PG
Genre: Angst/General
~Ah, back on track. ^_^ Continuin in my little songfic series, this one is rather depressing. ^_^o Takes place after "Forget Miguel" but before da feast that night, it has a lot of switching viewpoints and stuff. And angst. Yeah.
Loaded Dice Rating:

Panic In Me, The
Rated: PG
Genre: Angst/Drama
~Songfic three! After the big feast, the two have rather disturbing nightmares...who ends up comforting who?
Loaded Dice Rating:

Road to El Dorado, California, The
Rated: PG
Genre: Humour/Parody
Join our two favorite conmen as they search for the not-too-legendary city of El Dorado, California in the late 90's. Cool.
Loaded Dice Rating:

Without Question
Rated: PG
Genre: Drama/Romance
~A little slashy songfic taking place before Tulio and Miguel find El Dorado. Miguel makes a mistake.
Loaded Dice Rating: