*The Unofficial B-Factor Page* |
Last Update: 12-24-99 *Note the schedule link does not work yet, and I am also having problems with the download page. I linked the download page to the official site one, but I am still having problems so I can't tell you what is going on! Sorry!* Many thanks to Andy and their manager Jason for signing the guestbook! ~Up to Date News!!!!~ *write to the teen magazines requesting to see B-Factor, scroll down for the addys! *check out Teenzine for an interview with Andy!
Do you have a B-Factor site and want to put it on my new Top 25 B-Factor Sites list? Well, first click on this link and Vote for me in Top 25 B-Factor Sites and list your site! *Other Awesome B-Factor Sites* |
*Happy Holidays* Please sign my guestbook!
NEW! There is a new member of B-Factor! Jackie has left the group to pursue other things! Good Luck to him! I have put up the bio info about this "mystery man"! However, I will still keep up Jackie's individual pics to remember and the group pics with him on the page. When I get more about the new member, the pics and info will be up!
UPDATE INFO FROM OFFICIAL SITE! ***The group's first single, What You Want, is slated for release in early-2000.*** Tell the teen magazines about B-Factor!
people have visited this site since 11-25-99
*Most information was from B-Factor's Official Site * |