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*The Unofficial B-Factor Page*

Last Update: 12-24-99

*Note the schedule link does not work yet, and I am also having problems with the download page. I linked the download page to the official site one, but I am still having problems so I can't tell you what is going on! Sorry!*

Many thanks to Andy and their manager Jason for signing the guestbook!

~Up to Date News!!!!~

*write to the teen magazines requesting to see B-Factor, scroll down for the addys!

*check out Teenzine for an interview with Andy!


Do you have a B-Factor site and want to put it on my new Top 25 B-Factor Sites list?

Well, first click on this link and Vote for me in Top 25 B-Factor Sites and list your site!

*Other Awesome B-Factor Sites*

Official B-Factor Site

B-Factor's First Fan Site

The BFactor Experience

*Happy Holidays*

Please sign my guestbook!

NEW! There is a new member of B-Factor! Jackie has left the group to pursue other things! Good Luck to him! I have put up the bio info about this "mystery man"! However, I will still keep up Jackie's individual pics to remember and the group pics with him on the page. When I get more about the new member, the pics and info will be up!


B-Factor News Update...In conjunction with Boston-based Maximillion Productions, Inc., B-Factorâ„¢ is currently writing and recording music for the soundtrack to be used in the upcoming motion picture Against The Wind (working title), scheduled to begin filming in Summer 2000 and slated for theatrical release in 2001.

***The group's first single, What You Want, is slated for release in early-2000.***

Tell the teen magazines about B-Factor!

*write to the magazines requesting to see info about B-Factor today!
click here: magazines

people have visited this site since 11-25-99

*This site was created on November 25, 1999, and should not be duplicated in any way. If I took any of your information and you would like credit, please email me. Also, I am in no way related to B-Factor, so please don't send any letters for them to me. I appreciate everyone who visits this site. Thanks, *Jackie*

*Most information was from B-Factor's Official Site *