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Welcome to my homepage. You may enter by clicking on any of the links below. Write to me at I promise to reply.
       updated September 27, 2007

Notes toward a Memoir

|A Girlish Boyhood|
|Early Light|
|A Womanly Manhood|
|How It Was, Is|

A Life in Imagination

|A Girl Becomes a Bride|
|A Career Girl!|
|A Night on the Town|
|A Victorian Lady|     |A Victorian Bride|     |Just Plain Feeling Sexy|

The Real World, Mostly Interior: Wherein I offer representations of myself in photographs, accompanied by brief commentaries, pithy observations, concise moral disquisitions, searching analyses, and philosophical remarks.

|The Skirt I Made|     |Another view of the skirt|     |A New Hairdo|     |Winter evening|     |Country Girl|     |A Springtime Urge|     |Winter Pictures|     |In Snowy Woods|      |In the Full of Summer|     |My Tribute to a Transgendered Pioneer|     |Feeling Sassy in Virginia|      |The Warmth of Womanliness|      |Moments of Being|      |Summer Lushness|      |Scrapbook: Archives|     |Spring Evening Adventure|     |Cold Weather Wardrobe|     |A Short Treatise on Legs|     |A Short Treatise on Shoes|     |The Soul's Blue Light|     |Being Redheaded|     |Writing toward Womanhood|     |Black Velour|      |A New Dress|     |Scrapbook II|     |My New Hobby: Knitting|      |A Bunch of Hats|      |A Lover of Hats|      |Dressy in Black|      |The Bell Pattern Shawl|      |My Power Suit|     |A Lady in Red|     |The Little Black Dress|      |Little Black Dress, Part Two|      |Mother of the Bride|      |Staying in Shape|     |Further Adventures in Knitting|      |Crazy about Vests|      |Winter Shopping|      |Detective B. J. Carter|      |Summer Breezes|      |The Stroll of a Lifetime|      |The Zen of the Feminine|      |Porchsteps|      |The Chill of Time|      |The Force that through the Green Fuse|      |Inner Music: Not Looney Tunes|      |Domestic Arts|      |The End (of a Summer)|      |Making Up Beauty|      |Winter Dreams|     |Closeup with Blue Eye Shadow, ca. 1994|      |Another Summer|     |My Red Dress|     |Black Can Be So Sexy|     |Kind of Schoolmarmish|     |Passionate Reading|     |A Professional Woman|     |Confessions of a Tree Hugger|     |Still Another Tree and Little Me|     |Feeling Foxy|     |Your Comments Invited!|     |A Dangerous Mood|     |Lady in Red, Part Two|     |Artistry in Lace|    

Me and my fiddle

Links to Other Sites

| Georgia, A Good Friend|     |CES Chapter of Tri-Ess|     |Transgender Forum|     |Flicker Pixs|     |(En)Gender|