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Baffling The Kit

The bottom of the Club Jordan, I have a small Falam Slam patch on the Remo Coated Emperor head. The head is finger tight only, It takes a bit of strength to loosen the head. So it really is fairly loose.

This picture just shows how much the strainer is tightened up. The key to the snare is to NOT over tighten the strainer or you'll choke the tone or worse get more snare buzz. Take your time to adjust this.

Just a shot of the amount of tension I use on the strainer.


The first look at the baffle. It is just below the vent hole, leaving the snare cavity to be 13" deep.


Underneath the first piece of foam is a single ply 14" tom head. The head is cut from the rim. In theory this acts as a membrane to stop excessive air from passing through the shell when Kicked.

Layer closest to snare.

Next layer

Next layer, notice this foam isn't tight. I used this, if I remember correctly to just add weight and create more air break up.

The final layer. The foam piece is just inside the Yamaha baffle foam ring. Completely touching the head.

No baffle, this is the Club Jordan stock. I've used  Aerowax Paste Wax in the inside of the shell and bering edge. My shell was extremely dry from the factory.

This is the baffle sandwich in it's entirety. There are 4- 14" skins placed in this thing. 1 after the 1st and 2nd pink foam circles and 2 others farther up the baffle. This works for me but experiment.

This is a side view of the external strainer. When the skin is on, it's cranked on fairly tight, but again experiment with tension.

I hope this hopes anyone with these baffling questions.