About Me

Obviously my name is Sara. I like to bad mouth all my friends and try to get away with it. but this is MY diary so no one can say anything to me. Only because it's MY diary. I hope you all die. Thanks, Sara

Well, heres my stats:

AGE/SEX: 17/f

Birthday: 02/11/84

Hair Color: Light brown with blonde streaks

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'5

Marital Statis: right...

Favorite Movie

Wizard of Oz and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Favorite TV Shows:

I Love Lucy, Gilagans Island and Powerpuff Girls.(:oP)

Ok, I'm just gonna list some of my likes and dislikes:


* Music

* Basketball

* shopping

* Helping people with their problems.

* Going to parties

* Having fun at parties


* Rude, ignorant people

* My biggest dislike of all time is: LIARS. I can't stand them. Why should I waste my time listening to lies?

Email: smluce11@icqmail.com