~*Frank and Scott*~

These are two of my best friends I love them to death. I met Frank when I set him up with my other best friend Andrew. Andrew and Frank lasted about 3-4 months I think and then that ended over something that I dont even know. Frank and Scott are engaged and they have been together for I think 6 months now...... I am not to sure but I will definitely ask them about it and then refresh this page. I only met Scott twice but he is such a sweetheart, I am so happy that him and Frank are together. They are absolutely perfect for each other. Oh my god and they are both gorgeous!!!! I hate the fact that all the gay guys I meet are really gorgeous. It sucks big time. Well I am going to ask them for anymore input they have and I will have a section in which they both tell me how they feel about the other. Ok well I think thats enough for now ttyl love you all((((muah))))

This is another pic of Scott( he is so adorable aint he)

ok well here is Scotts version of the love story:

"well we actually met in a bar in Bridgeport called the Lark. It was Kereoke night and me and a couple of my friends were there. I went to say hi to my friend John and he introdused me to Frank. Well right there i thought he was so goodlooking and didn't know how to talk to him. So my ex bf and John got us talking to eachother. Then after the bar closed Frank brought me home and we talked until the sun came up. I knew right then and there that we would be together for a long time and I'm glad I met him. I love him sooooooooooooo much. We have been together for 8 months now and still going strong."

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