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half-barrel is an aggressive rock ensemble located in central OH. Formed in November of 1999 the band consists of Kelly Eager (guitars,) Dan Kiely (vocals,) and Randy Roseberry (percussion.) half-barrel fuses explosive riffs with melodic and compelling vocals solidified by driving bass riffs and drum beats. They have played over thirty shows in the past with local acts and national acts including Diffuser from the Mission Impossible 2 soundtrack. They have also sold over four hundered copies of their four song demo, recieved local radio play on 99.7 WBZX the Blitz, and have been featured in underground newspapers such as "Out of the Blue." half-barrel is currently in the process of independently recording their first full lenght cd due out sometime in the near future. half-barrel loves to play music and accepts all kinds of acts, whether it be a major concert in a popular venue, a small party for friends, or an intimate acoustic act; half-barrel will be there.
