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Soon to be friend gallery

Last night I had a dream! It was a wonderfull dream full of beautiful pictures of wonderful people. They were all happy and there was not disease or death. There was no hunger or depression. There were rainbows and flowers and giggling... Goat men!! And then I realized i wasn't dreaming, i was just sitting at home. Oh well.

Me and Bridgie-poo

This is a picture of me and Bridgette the night we dyed our hair the same color which was sometime back in October 2000. Bridgette is my best friend. She totally rocks even though she can never make up her mind about what guy she's in love with each week. Well...Do you make a phone call with 5 colors?

Me and Mike

This is a picture of me and my boyfriend Mike in March 2001. He is the most awesome guy in the whole world and he deserves an award just for being alive! He kicks ass all y'all! I pity the foo who messes with mike!

Me and Mike

okay okay, whatever!