Heartstone Family Chiropractic
Chiropractic adjustments allow the body to release its stored tensions. Without this tension, the nerve system functions better. As a result, the body is then unrestrained from doing what it knows best how to do: HEAL. Together with a healthy lifestyle, chiropractic care allows your body to fully express its capabilities.
At Heartstone Family Chiropractic, I am committed to enhancing the quality of life for those in my community. Let the LIFE within you bring you to your highest potential.
Kevin Michael Phillips, D.C.
265 N.W.Franklin Ave.Ste.203
Bend, OR 97701
Some Benefits of chiropractic care include:
- Increased Flexibility
- Less Tension, Pain
- Greater Connection to Self and Others
- Greater Awareness of Body-Mind Connection
The Wisdom Within US
- The Human Body is not a machine, but rather an intelligent and complex system of checks and balances.
- Each system within us, be it the heart and circulatory system, or the stomach with the digestive system,depends upon all other systems for its growth, repair/healing, and nutrition.
- In order for this to happen, there must be organization. That organization is found in the master control system, the nerve system.
The Nerve System
- It is the first system to develop, for it must direct every other system's growth and formation.
- Throughout our lifetimes, it continues to regulate and ensure processes such as our blood pressure, our respiration, and our digestion.
- It is in continual contact with our immune system, so that we may fight off invaders and remain as healthy as possible.
Communication lines
- The spinal cord is the physical connection between the brain and the nerves in the body.
- It runs through our spine, the group of 24 bones in our back.
- Nerves branch off of this cord,much like the branches of a tree.
- They then pass through the moveable bones of the spine, and go to their target destination, such as muscle cells of the leg, bronchioles of the lung,blood vessels of the intestines,or the sinuses in our head.
- These target organs,in turn,send messages back to the spinal cord and the brain through nerves traveling in the reverse direction. Thus,the spinal bones serve as gatekeepers for the information being sent to and from the brain and spinal cord to the body.
The Spine
- These bones, or vertebrae, provide structural support for our muscles, and help keep our bodies balanced under gravity.
- Because these bones move,often under strain,they can get stuck in position where they lose some of their range of motion.
- Also,the spinal cord itself can be stretched as a result of tension held in the spine.
- Chiropractors term these situations "subluxations".
If our bodies are so intelligent,why are there subluxations?
- Subluxations occur when the body is not able to adapt to and process incoming forces.
- Whether that force is a fall or injury,a consistent stress such as interpersonal or job-related tension, or chemical stresses such as toxins or pollutants, the spine will hold energy under tension,often in the joints themsleves, until such time it is able to release the information.
- If a release does not come,this tension builds up,usually leading to pain and/or the loss of proper function.