Updated 03/10/2025 09:18:23 Master Singers logo

Director -
Les Robinson Hadsell.

CD avail. indicates that a CD is available for that concert in that season. We produce concert CDs primarily for our singers, who want to have a recording for themselves or to give copies to friends. We are working on a web ordering page to make them available to our audience and supporters. When it is ready, each "disk image" will move you to that link.


III: (83-84) II:


    There is much "hidden" navigation on this page.
  • Season Numbers (above) take you to a summary listing on this page,
  • Season numbers:years navigate to the original web page for that concert season.
  • Composer name links to the next concert presenting composer's music. This is an upward navigation, except
  • in the section below, the Composer link goes to the first concert at which MasterSingers sang a piece by that Composer.
  • Please note messages in the status bar at the bottom of the browser when you "hover" over links and selected words, especially titles of "selected" Concerts where no major works were presented.
  • MSW home [D.S](da Signo) takes you to the Sign at the top main MasterSingers page.
Top . XXXII . XXX . XXIV . XVIII . XII . VI . MSW home


CPE Bach JS Bach Bernstein Biebl Britten Copland
de Victoria Duruflé Dvorak Fauré Handel Haydn
Mendelssohn Monteverdi WA Mozart Peeters Pergolesi
Rachmaninoff Rutter Schubert Thompson Vivaldi Williams Zelenka


Christmas Music Programs MSW home


Master Singers of Westchester Concerts have been held at:
Bedford sign
 @ Bedford, NY
Bedford Presbyterian Church
Village Green, Bedford, NY
and at
Fox Lane High School
South Bedford Rd.
Bedford, NY
SUNY Purchase
Performing Arts Center
King St., Purchase, NY
St. Luke's Church
Bedford Rd. & Katonah Ave.
Katonah, NY
Westmoreland Sanctuary
260 Chestnut Ridge Road
Mt.Kisco, NY

  Season Fall Spring
XXXII: 2012-13 CD avail.     
Christmas Selections
Monteverdi Cantate Domino
Vivaldi Gloria (RV589)
Lauda Jerusalem (RV609)
Beatus Vir (RV598)
Laudate pueri Dominum (RV602)
Credo (RV592)
XXXI: 2011-12 CD avail.
Handel Messiah Christmas Section + Hallelujah
Vivaldi Dixit Dominus RV 595 Psalm 109
CD avail.
Haydn Nelson Mass
Mozart Vesperae Domenica, KV 321
Top . XXIV . XVIII . XII . VI . MSW home

XXX: 2010-11 CD avail.
St. Cecilia Mass
(Missa Cellensis in honorem Beatissimæ Virginis Mariæ)
CD avail.
Haydn Great Organ Mass
Mozart Solemn Mass in C , KV 337
Mozart Regina Coeli, K.276
XXIX: 2009-10 CD avail.
A Very   English Christmas
Britten A Ceremony of Carols
Handel Messiah selections: And the glory of the Lord -- Glory to God -- Hallelujah
Other English Carols
CDs avail.
Haydn Missa Brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo – (Little Organ Mass)
Mozart Regina Coeli K.127   Tantum Ergo
Vivaldi Domine ad adjuvandum RV 593
Zelenka Magnificat in C
XXVIII: 2008-9 CD avail.

Winter in   Westmoreland
CD avail.     
Vivaldi Magnificat, RV 610
Haydn Missa Brevis in F major
Zelenka Magnificat in D
JSBach selections of Cantatas
  Season Fall Spring
XXVII: 2007-8 CD avail.
Rejoice!   Fröhlokket!
JSBach excerpts from Christmas Oratorio
CPE Bach "Magnificat" from Magnificat
Handel excerpts from The Messiah
Rutter selected Carols for Choirs
Mendelssohn Frohlocket ihr Volker, Behold a Star
CD avail.
CPE Bach Magnificat
Haydn Te Deum
Schubert Mass in G
XXVI: 2007     
CDs avail.
Mozart Mass in C Minor
Litaniae de venerabili altaris Sacramento in E dur
XXV: 2006     
CD avail.
Vivaldi Credo (RV 592)
Lauda Jerusalem
Laudate pueri Dominum
Top . XXXII . XVIII . XII . VI . MSW home

XXIV: 2004-5 CD avail.
JS Bach Magnificat
Cantata 79 (BWV 79)
Handel Utrecht Jubilate
CD avail.
Rutter Magnificat
Copland American Songs
Thompson Frostiana
XXIII: 2003-4 CD avail.
Rutter Gloria
Gloria! Joyous music of the season
CD avail.
WA Mozart Requiem (w/ Sussmayr)
XXII: 2002-3      
CDs avail.
JS Bach Mass in B minor
  Season Fall Spring
XXI: 2001-2 CD avail.
Haydn Lord Nelson Mass
Vivaldi Dixit
CD avail.
Haydn Mass in Time of War
WA Mozart Litaniae de venerabili altaris Sacramento (K125)
XX: 2000-1 CD avail.
In Dulci Jubilo
CD avail.
Vivaldi Beatus Vir
Lauda Jerusalem
Laudate pueri Dominum
XIX: 1999-2000 CD avail.

WA Mozart

Coronation Mass
Haydn Great Organ Mass
CD avail.
Handel Coronation Anthems
Pergolesi/ Durante Magnificat
JS Bach Motet No.1 -  Singet dem Herrn
Top . XXXII . XXX . XVIII . XII . VI . MSW home

XVIII: 1998-9 CD avail.
Haydn St. Cecilia Mass
Coronation March
CDs avail.
WA Mozart Mass in C Minor
Dixit & Magnificat
Regina Coeli
Benedictus sit Deus
XVII 1997-8      

An Interlude of Music and
CD avail.
JS Bach Magnificat in D
CPE Bach Magnificat
XVI: 1996-7 CD avail.
Rutter Magnificat
Biebl Ave Maria
Copland American Songs
CD avail.
JS Bach Mass in B Minor
  Season Fall Spring
XV: 1995-6 CD avail.
Bernstein Chichester Psalms
Rutter Requiem
CD avail.
WA Mozart Solemn Vespers
WA Mozart Requiem (w/Sussmayr)
XIV: 1994-5 CD avail.
Handel Messiah (Christmas)
Vivaldi Dixit
CD avail.
Haydn Mass in Time of War
WA Mozart Litaniae de venerabili altaris Sacramento in B dur(K125)
XIII: 1993-4

Christmas Music  Through
the Centuries
Haydn Nelson Mass
WA Mozart Coronation Mass
Top . XXXII . XXX . XXIV . XVIII . VI . MSW home

XII: 1992-3
Christmas Music Through
the Centuries
JS Bach Mass in B Minor
XI: 1991-2
Handel Dixit Dominus
Vivaldi Lauda Jerusalem
WA Mozart Great Mass in C Minor
CPE Bach Magnificat
Haydn Great Organ Mass
Handel Messiah (Christmas)
Vivaldi Dixit
WA Mozart Requiem
Vesperae de Dominica
  Season Fall Spring
IX: 1989-90
Vivaldi Gloria
Magnificat, Rv 611
Beatus Vir
Haydn St. Cecilia Mass
Handel Utrecht Jubilate (Psalm 100)
VIII: 1988-9
JS Bach Magnificat
Haydn Nelson Mass
Williams O Clap Your Hands
Copland American Songs
Bernstein Chichester Psalms
Williams Five Mystical Songs
VII: 1987-8
Fauré Requiem
JS Bach Cantata 79
JS Bach Mass in B Minor
Top . XXXII . XXX . XXIV . XVIII . XII . MSW home

VI: 1986-7
Britten Saint Nicolas
WA Mozart Great Mass in C Minor
V: 1985-6
JS Bach Cantata 29
Haydn Great Organ Mass
Vivaldi Gloria
Handel O sing unto the Lord
JS Bach Cantata 191
IV: 1984-5
Handel Psalm 112
Peeters Four Old Flemish
Christmas Carols
Britten A Ceremony of Carols
WA Mozart Requiem
  Season Fall Spring
III: 1983-4
Handel Dixit Dominus
Vivaldi Credo (RV 591)
Pergolesi/ Durante Magnificat
WA Mozart Coronation Mass
CPE Bach Magnificat
II: 1982-3
Schubert Magnificat in C
WA Mozart Te Deum, K141
Christmas Selections
Bernstein Chichester Psalms
JS Bach Magnificat in D
Vivaldi Dixit
Pergolesi/ Durante Magnificat
Fanfare and Carols
JS Bach Cantata 142
Haydn Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo
JS Bach Cantata 169
Dvorak Mass in D
Top . XXXII . XXX . XXIV . XVIII . XII . MSW home

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