". .. for example (more than Cavalli's Orione) the 'Chi crede a femina, ne l'acque semina' from Cavalli's Calisto sung by Dominique Visse and the 'Se di regnar sei vago gia' pago e' il tuo desio e se vendetta vuoi di tutti i torti tuoi, da te dipendera' from Mozart's Mitridate Re di Ponto sung by Lavender / Marzio to Kowalski / Farnace; just with the same words ......"
(Source: Web, cmputer & music. Thanks to Mark Letsch 'the engineer'. Hello Mark, welcome .... finally!)
" .... my preferred motto ? ... O beata solitudo, o sola beatitudo. Eius est nolle qui potes velle."
(Source: Trend&People. Thanks to Els. Our Latin is a dog-latin: may anyone send us the right translation ?) --------- (By Cinzia the translation from Latin to italian: 'O beata solitudine, unica beatitudine. Chi puo' volere puo' anche non volere." and literal translation into english "O blissful solitude, unique bliss. Who is able to will , can also will not")
Excerpt from a Doris Norton interview (1994? 1995?).
(original translation -Japanese to French- by Noriko).
This translation (French to quasi-English): by Marilou for the No-Limits-Music Fans Club.
-Doris Norton answer (about preferred singer): " .............. at the Sydney Opera House, with a 'divina' Yvonne Kenny, a sensational/eccentric/haughty Andrew 'Tolomeo' Dalton, the kilometric Stephen Bennett, Rodney Gilchrist, Rosemary Gunn, Richard Alexander, Elisabeth Campbell. During the 'Presti omai l'egizia terra' I decided who would become my preferred singer: Graham Pushee. No more Peter Hammill, Robert Plant, Phil Collins ...... but Graham Pushee".
-Interviewer: "Opera singer ????"
-Doris Norton: "Yes sir, Whhhhhhhhy not ????"
-Interviewer: "You are an electronic (see your first albums solo) and techno musician (see the song '08 Rave' -for a long time on Japanese club charts- and the techno/european/cult song 'For You M*' composed with and for your son, and the 'Techno Shock' albums) and you like other genres of music too. Why?
-Doris Norton: "Why? ....... I don't understand the question ...... the 'why' is so hard to understand when the 'because' is so obvious ........ BECAUSE EXISTENCE IS NOT A PUZZLE OF RESTRICTED AREAS; because I love the MUSIC and not only music; because I love vintage analog synthesizers (the Japanese modular Roland System 100M overall !), sequencers and drum-machines, the 'ancient' CV-Gate Evo and virtual, digital, computerized cyber-Era; Gregorian Chant, Handel, Mozart and Rossini; Led Zeppelin, Tangerine Dream, Kraftwerk, Eno, Vangelis; because I love Gotico and Barocco, Gaudì's Barcelona and Berlin; Salon deProvence, Assisi, Sighisoara and ... (!) Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi; the italian Cinque Terre, Rocca of San Leo, the land of etruscans, Nemi lake, the Marsica and ... (!) Cirneco of Etna; Iceland, Malta and New Zealand; because I love Ozu, Kurosawa, Dreyer, Riefenstahl, Pasolini, Fellini, Jodorowski and .... Jesus Franco; Aeschylus, Euripides, nature, visions, Apollo, Dionysus and ... Aristophanes; Caravaggio, Goya, De Chirico; Cecco Angiolieri, Dante Alighieri, Baudelaire, Leopardi; Pythagoras, Nietzsche, Jung and Bertrand Russell; because I love the 'against the grain' (original words: "a rebours") life, open minds and free thinkers; camp, kitsch, trash, cerebralism, intellectualism, mysticism and ... (!) xtra bitter chocolate with mint cream; the Decadents, Xtreme Trends and Renaissance; because I don't believe in absolute verities but in 'relativity' ...... and, more simply, because I love to produce 'Essence Of Life' distilling my EMOTIONS".
-Interviewer: 'Would you like to work with other artists ?"
-Doris Norton: "In music area ? Yes, with Ann Murray or Graham Pushee; or with Yovonne Kenny
and all the above mentioned cast"
-Interviewer: " Opera singers ?!?!?! ........ to do ?"
-Doris Norton: "An electronic/computerized/techno version of ............"