Romeo- Chapter 1

The sun shone brightly over the small vehicle as it sped down the highway towards its destination. High pitched shrieks and giggles penetrated Juliet's ears as she sat quietly in the back of the van. Thank god... she thought as they passed a sign that welcomed them to chocolate headquarters. Finally, they had reached hershey park. I can't take this last, we're here. She rubbed her forhead in frustration as she listened to her friends babble on and on.

"Oh my GOD!! I can't believe they'll be there! Oh justin is so fine!---"

"Puh-lease! JC is so much better! He's got the most beautiful---"

"STOP!" Juliet could not bear to hear then go on any longer. The past two hours had been hell. "First of all, Justin is so in love with himself that you don't stand a chance. Second of all, your erotic fantasies with JC will never come true because you are jail bait! I have a splitting headache, so please keep your teeny bopper comments to yourself. I'll hear enough at the concert," Juliet snapped. Sure, she had been a fan in the beginning, but she had soon grown bored. "Giddy up" could only play on your stereo so many times before you feel like smashing your head into the wall, and the more Justin died his hair, the more it soaked into his brain. But she could only escape it for so long because she had tickets for her and two of her die-hard NYSNC fan friends to see the fab five in concert. She closed her eyes slowly and leaned her head on the tinted glass of the window. Her hair fell across her face in soft waves as she sighed deeply. Oh what a life.

"I thought that you liked Justin, Juliet. Remember you dreamed about meeting him, and impressing him with your sexy bod and hot personality." A groan escaped Juliet's lips as she thought of her stupidity.

"OK, let me remind you that that happenned a long time ago. I have grown up, and now i can't even-"

"And you actually had me convinced that he REALLy was going to be your first," one of her friends commented from behind her.

"Yeah," the other bopper added as she watched Juliet roll her eyes in agony, "Remember?" She raised her eyebrows questioningly at the agitated girl. Oh make them stop Juliet begged silently.

"Please don't remind me! I was young and stupid. Don't worry. I've moved on." Her lilac eyes darkened with sadness as she dramatically clutched her hand to her heart. "I went on to better guys...ones that dump me for my 'best friend'. Maybe i should have just stuck with Justin. After all, if ya never meet a guy, he can't dump you." She knew that if she brought up her ex boyfriend, her friends would shut up. Maybe they have some common sense left, and they will know when to stop And, for once, they did. ***

"Jule! HELLO! We are here! Get your butt out of the car and bring the luggage up!" Ahh there is nothing like the shrill voice of an angry mom waking you up Juliet thought sleepily.

"All right! jeez!" Juliet mumbled as she grabbed a few of her bags and stumbled out of the car. Squinting slightly, she raised her hand to shade the bright rays from her eyes. She glanced up at the luxurious hotel and sighed."All this for NSYNC! There goes my last two weeks of pay!"

Her friend Sara looked at her and put her arm around Juliet's shoulders. "Don't worry! It'll all be worth it...just think of all the hot guys we'll meet." Laura looked over at the two and nodded in agreement.

Juliet snorted. "oh puh-lease! What guy would want me? obviously not one guy because they all feel the need to cheat on me or go for someone else! I am just a big moose with no boobs and --"

"HELLO! Don't even start with that. you have always been very pretty. I don't want to hear anymore complaining. Look at yourself...your gorgeous!" Sara and laura dragged their pessimistic companion over to one of the full length mirrors in the lobby. Juliet stared at her reflection. She had to admit, there were some attractive things about her, but nothing special. Her eyes were... Well, that was the only thing that she could compliment on. Her eyes were a luminous shade of lilac; everywhere she went, people gazed at her in wonder as they contemplated over whether or not the color was natural. It was astonishing. With one gaze, Juliet could win a boy's heart or make a person's blood run cold.

"See. We know that your a great girl so why can't you believe it?" Laura questioned. "We must tell you that a million times a day, but it doesn't sink in. Something is blocking it."

"Maybe it is just that i learned to tune out your annoying voice that has a habit of screeching JC twenty four hours a day!" Juliet turned on her heel and went back to the car to find the rest of her bags. If there were any hot guys in the hotel, Juliet hoped that they didn't see her. All Juliet wanted to do was to change out of her gray sweatpants that were ever so elegantly stained with every food and beverage that she had come in contact with that day and her huge oversized yellow tee shirt. She knew she looked like hell frozen over twenty times. So as she was bending over searching through the back of the van , she thought that she was mistaken when she heard a loud catcall. 'oh god not now! i have heard enough of Laura and Sara's self esteem bull shit, I don't need them to get guys to whistle at me too' juliet thought bitterly as she whirled around, her long hair piled on top of her head in a messy twist. "Look! I've had enough of this crap..."

Juliet stopped short when she turned around and stared into a pair of startling blue eyes. 'no way!' she thought. Her lilac eyes widened in disbelief as she stared.

"Yeah, I know that i am hot, but can you take a picture, it'll last longer. Just kidding i didn't think that you'd be so offended by me paying you a compliment. I just whistled...what?"

Juliet smiled at the teen idol who was standing there blabbering like a fool. The one and only curly haired Adonis of the group N SYNC. Justin had noticed the crazed smile on her face and he had become startled.

"Nothing....Exactly what i am looking at, NOTHING! A big empty void. Now where did i put my bag?" Juliet turned and began searching through the van. As she continued to paw through the many suitcases, she realized there was a big nothing still standing behind her.

"Enjoying the view?" She asked flicking her wrist in the air. "Be gone, away! I have no time to waste on empty voids."

"WOW! I am complimenting you on your outstanding physique, trying to get your attention because i obviously want to get to know you better, or at least know your name, and you blow me off just like that?! Why?!" Justin raised his eyebrows in disbelief. He could not believe how rude this girl was being. And he could not believe how interetsing she seemed. She was a challenge.

"How could i ignore the almighty Justin Randall Timberlake. He's single and ready to mingle! I thought you'd be whistling at yourself, I mean since you admire everything about yourself. And you only think about yourself so i didn't think you'd talk to little old me!" Juliet feigned innocence and surprise. She didn't feel like having to put up with a blond boy who had an ego bigger than Alaska.

Justin was shocked. "you don't even know me! How could you know what i am like!" 'I am funny nice charming and sweet...i am not full of myself' he thoguht.

Juliet threw her hands into the air and gave Justin a look of pure disbelief. She took a step towards him and raised an eyebrow. "Oh Please! Everything you do exudes self confidence BEYOND the point of sheer vanity. Everything you do shows that you worship the ground you walk on!"

"Oh yeah?" Justin smiled warmly.

"Yeah." Juliet put her hands on her hips and gave the blond boy an evil look.

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